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30 Cards in this Set

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not, without

-Agnostic: believes existence of God is not provable

-amoral: neither moral nor inmoral; having no relation to morality

-anomaly: an irregularity

-anonymous: of unknown authorship or origin

-apathy: lack of interest or emotion

-Atheist: one who does not believe in God

-Atrophy: the wasting away of body tissue

-Atypical: not typical


off, away from, apart, down

1. abdicate: to renounce or relinquish a throne

2. abduct: to take away by force

3. abhor: to hate, detest

4. abject: cast down; degraded

5. abnormal: deviating from a standard

6. Abolish: to do away with, make void

7. abstinence: forbearance away from any indulgence of appetite

8. abstract: conceived apart from concrete realities.

9. Abstruse: hard to understand, secret, hidden


capable of, worthy of

1. Changeable: able to be changed

2. combustible: capable of being burned, easily inflamed.

3. inevitable: impossible to be avoided; certain to happen.

4. presentable: suitable fro being presented


sharp, bitter, sour

1. acerbic: sour or astringent in taste; harsh in temper

2. acid: something that is sharp, sour, or ill-natured.

3. acrimonious: caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature

4. acumen: mental sharpness; quickness of wit

acute: sharp at the end; ending in a point

5. exacerbate: to increase bitterness or violence aggravate.


to do, to drive, to force, to lead

1. agile: quick and well-coordinated in movements; active, lively.

2. agitate: to move or force into violent, irregular action

3. litigate: to make the subject of a lawsuit

4. predagogue: a teacher

5. prodigal: wasteful or recklessly extravagant.

6. synagogue: a gathering of congregation of jews for the purpose of religious worship.



acoustic: pertaining to hearing; sound made through mechanical, not electronic means


to, toward, near

accede: to yield to demand; to enter office

adapt: adjust or modify fittingly

addict: to give oneself over, as to a habit or pursuit

address: to direct a speech or written statement to

adhere: to stick fast; cleave; cling

adjacent: near, close or in contact with

adjoin: to be close or in contact with

admire: to regard with wonder, pleasure, and approval.

advocate: to plead in favor of

attract; to draw near by physical force or by an appeal to emotions or sense.


Other, another

1.alias: an assumed name; another name

2. alibi:the defense by an accused person that he was verifiably elsewhere at the time of the crime with which he was charged.

3. alien: one born in another country

4. alegory: figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another

5. alter ego: the second self; a substitute or deputy

6. alternative: a possible choice

7. altruist: a person unselfishly concerned for the welfare of others.

AM: love

amateur: person who engages in an activity for pleasure rather than financial or professional gain

amatory: of or pertaining to lovers or lovemaking

amiable: having or showing agreeable personal qualities

amicable: characterized by exhibiting good will

amity: friendship, peaceful harmony

amorous: inclined to love esp. sexual love

enamored: inflamed with love; charmed captivated

inamorata: a female lover


both, on both sides, around

ambidextrous: able to use both hands equally well

ambient: moving freely;circulating

ambiguous: open to variation interpretations

amphibian: any cold-blooded vertebrate, the larva of which is aquatic and the adult of which is terrestrial: twofold nature


to go, to walk

ambulance: a vehicle equipped for carrying sick people. (walking hospital)

ambulatory: of pertaining to, or capable of walking

perambulator: one who makes a tour of inspection on foot.

preamble: an introductory statement (originally to walk in front)


of the life, mind, soul, breath

1. animal: of living being

2. animosity: a feeling of ill will or enmity(feeling of hostility)

equanimity: mental or emotional stability, especially under tension

4. magnanimous: generous in forgiving an insult or injury

unanimous: one one mind; in complete accordance



1. annals: a record of events, esp. a yearly record

2. anniversary: the yearly recurrence of the date of a past event.

3. annual: of for or pertaining to a year; yearly

4. annuity: a specified income payable at stated intervals

5. perennial: lasting for an indefinite amount of time.



1. antebellum: before the war (especially the AMERICAN CIVIL WAR)

2. antecedent: existing, being, or going before

3. antedate: precede in time

4. antediluvian: belonging to the period before the biblical flood, very old or old fashioned

5. anterior: placed before


Man, human

1. androgen: any substance that promotes masculine characteristics

2. androgynous: being both male and female

3. andorid: robot: mechanical man

4. anthropocentric: regarding humanity as the central fact of the universe.

5. anthropology: the science that deals with the origins of human kind.

6. misanthrope: one who hates humans or humanity

7. philanderer: one who carries on flirtations.


Against, opposite

1. antibody: a protein naturally existing in blood serum that reacts to overcome the toxic effects of an antigen.

2. antipathy: aversion

3. antipodal: on the opposite side of the globe

4. antiseptic: free from germs; particularly clean or neat.



1. apocalpyse: revelation; descorvery disclosure

2. apocryphal: of doubtful authorship or authenticity

3. apogee: the highest or most distant point

4. apology: an expression of one's regret or sorrow for having wronged another

5. apostasy: a total desertion of one's religion principles, party cause...

6. apostly: one of the 12 disciples sent forth by Jesus to preach the Gospel.



1. aquamarine: a bluish-green color

2. aquarium: a tank for keeping fish and other underwater creatures.

3. aquatic: having to do with water

4. aqueduct: a channel for transporting water

5. subaqueous: underwater


chief, principal ruler

anarchy: a state or society without government or law

archenemy: chief enemy

architect: the devisor, maker or planner of anything

monarchy: supreme power is lodged in a sovereign

oligarchy: a state or society ruled by a select group.


To Burn

ardent: burning fierce passionate

ardor: flame; passion

arson: the crime of setting property on fire.



1. autocraft: an absolute ruler

2. automatic: self-moving or self acting

3. autonomy: independence or freedom.


about, to make, to surround to affect (often used to transform words into transitive verb)

1. belie: to minrepresent to contradict

2. belittle: to make small to make appear small

3. bemoan: to moan for; to lament

bewilder: to confuse completely(make one wander mentally)



1. belle: a beautiful woman

2. embellish: to make beautiful



1. antebellum: before the war (especially american civil war)

2. belligerent: warlike, given to waging war

3 rebel: a person who resists authority, control, or tradition



benediction: act of uttering a blessing

benefit: anything advantageous to a person or a thing

benevolent: desiring to do good to others

benign: having a kindly disposition



biennial: happening every two years.

bilateral: pertaining to or affecting two or both sides.

bilingual: able to speak one's native language and another with equal facility

binocular: involving two eyes

bipartisan: representing two parties

combination: the joining of two or more things into a whole.


good, generous

bona fide: in good faith; without fraud

bonus: something given over and above what is due

bountiful: generous


short, small

abbreviate: to shorten

abridge: to shorten

brevet: an honorary promotion with no additional pay

breviloquent: laconic; concise with ones speech

brevity: shortness

brief: short.


purse, money

bursar: treasurer

bursary: treasury

disburse: to pay

reimburse: to pay back.


to fall, to happen by chance

1. accident: happening by chance unexpected

cascade: a waterfall descending over a steep surface

3. coincidence: a striking occurence of two or more events at one time apparently by chance.

4. decadent: decaying deteriorating

5. recidivist: one who repeatedly relapses as into crime.