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25 Cards in this Set

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What island did the Romans gain as a result of the first Punic war

Sicily Sardinia Corissa

Why did the Romans desire of these islands

Trade, location and granaries

What present day country did Rome gainmost of as a result of the second Punic war


Who was one of the murders of Julius Caesar


Who was the ex-governor of gaul who is very popular with poor Romans

Julius Caesar

Who is a carthagian military genius


Who was the member of the first Triumvirate who was defeated in Greece


Who was the queen of the Nile and loved by Julius Caesar


Who was the Roman general who won the battle of Zama


what is the Latin word for the middle of the month


what do we call the ruler of an out lying district of the Roman empire


what is the name for bridge which connected warships


what do we call an outline district of the Roman empire


which side one the first? which side on the second? Which side won the third?

Rome, Rome, Rome

when did Rome build a strong navy

first Punic war

came to an end when Julius Caesar died

Roman Republic

when did Rome gain most to Spain? When did this all the fields a carthrage

Second Punic war, third Punic war

Who adopted the calendar into one very similar to the one we use today

Julius Caesar

what are four reasons Julius Caesar was very popular to the most Romans

he was a military genius. He passed land lawn. He developed the Julian calendar. Knew legion members my name

what is the significance of " Veni, Vedi, Vici"

Julius Caesar wrote about it easy battle in a letter back to Rome

what is the significance of beware the Ides of March

Julius Caesar would die that day and a fortuneteller told him

what did Hannibal overestimate

how many tribes hope to Rome

put these in chronological order: Hannibal attacks Italy/Julius Caesar name dictator for life /Romans gain most of Sicily

romans gain most of Sicily/Hannibal attack/Julius Caesar name dictator for life

put these in chronological order: Hannibal crosses the alps/Hannibal crosses the Pyerenees/Hannibal crosses the rhone river

Hannibal crosses the Pyerenees/Hannibal crosses the rhone River/hannibal crosses the alps

put these in chronological order: first Punic war, second Punic war, third Punic war

first second third