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29 Cards in this Set

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Who said, "To be great is to be misunderstood?"~~ What did he mean?

Ralph Walter Emerson~~ To be great you have to be able to defy social standards

Which work is mentioned as an Old Indian fort and a figure on horseback? ~~Who wrote it?

"The Devil and Tom Walker"~~Washington Irving

Which work had a character ask about "balm in Gilead"?~~What is a balm and why does he need it?

"The Raven"~~relief from suffering because he is full of sorrow for his dead lover

Which work observed that all the living in the world are outnumbered by those who have died?~~ Who wrote it?

"Thanitopsis" ~~William Cullen Bryant

List three historical reasons why American literature began to shift towards Romanticism.

1. Louisiana Purchase

2. Indian Removal Act of 1830

3. Manifest Destiny

Explain two differences between Early Romantics and the Transcendentalists.

1. Transcendentalists believed in a very simple life.

2. Transcendentalists believed in inlerent goodness

Explain two differences between the Fireside Poets and the Brooding Romantics.

1. Fireside Poets committed to social reform~~Brooding Romantics look at unconformity

2. Fireside Poets believed in moral themes~~Brooding Romantics explored the evil in people

Which branch of Romanticism was most likely to champion the "common" person?

Fireside Poets

Why does Transcendentalism fit under the umbrella of Romanticism?

It is connected to the trait of having a close relationship with nature. Also looking to nature as a source of knowledge and stresses self-reliance.

Why does gothic literature fit under the umbrella of Romanticism?

Gothic literature is connected to the trait of imagination and emotions over reason.

What is the difference between nationalism and sectionalism?

nationalism: belief that nation wide issues should be faced before ones own state

sectionalism: belief that ones own state issues should be faced before nation wide issues

Explain the last stanza of "Thanatopsis".

Live life with no regrets, so when your life is over, you've done what you want

How would you describe Tom Walker's wife?

She was greedy and never satisfied.

In terms of theme, how might you compare and contrast "Thanatopsis" and "The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls"?

Thanatopsis: more optimistic outlook on death, you're buried with kings and queens

Both: explain how death happens to everyone and how its natural

TTRTTF: more negative, when you die, you are forgotten

In terms of theme, how might you compare and contrast "The Raven" and "Annabel Lee"?

The Raven: recounts the negative affects depression has on a person (guilt and saddness)

Both: grieve the loss of a loved one

Annabel Lee: explains grief as something many go through, but turns it into art

What is the theme of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment"?

Don't try to undo your past, live in the present.

Why did Thoreau go to live in the woods?

He wanted to live with nature and live the most simple life as possible.

Themes of Early Romantics:

-were inspired by the beauty of nature

-emphasized emotions and the imagination over reason

-celebrated the individual spirit

Themes of Fireside Poets:

-emphasized moral themes in their work

-stressed individualism and an appreciation of nature

-were committed to social reform

Type of people Fireside Poets championed to:




-the poor

Themes of Transcendentalists:

-emphasized living a simple life

-stressed a close relationship to nature

-celebrated emotions and the imagination

-stressed individualism and self-reliance

-believed in intuition can lead to knowledge

-believed in the inherent goodness of people

-encouraged spiritual well-being over financial well-being

Themes of Brooding Romantics:

-did not believe in the innate goodness of people

-explored the human capacity for evil

-probed the inner life of characters

-explored characters' motivations

-agreed with Romantic emphasis on emotion, nature, and the individual

-included elements of fantasy and the supernatural in their works

Why is Edgar Allen Poe considered a Brooding Romantic?

His plots involved extreme situations.

Why is Nathaniel Hawthorne considered a Brooding Romantic

He had emphasis on emotion and the individual.

Why is Herman Melville considered a Brooding Romantic?

He explored such issues as madness and the conflict of good and evil.

Why are Gothic stories qualified as Romantic?

They had an emphasis on emotion, nature, the individual, and the unusual.

Works considered Early Romantics (Fireside Poets) :

-The Devil and Tom Walker


-Hymn to the Night

-The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls

Works considered Transcendentalists:



Works considered Brooding Romantics (Gothics):

-The Raven

-Annabel Lee

-Dr. Heidegger's Experiment

-Tell-Tale Heart