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61 Cards in this Set

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Where was the city of rome founded? Why was it strategically located there?

Lower valley of the Tiber river

located for control of the italian peninsula

and access to the mediterranean sea

Who were the etruscans? What were theey experts at?

People from Tuscany

METALLURGY: town building and city planning

Greeks were masters at

philosophy and arts

Phoenicians brought theri

alphabet and commerical and maritime skills

Romans absorbed these things from the etruscans

urban planning,chariot racing, the toga, bronze and gold crafting an THE ARCH

The city had

tilted roofs

stone foundations

they drained the forum area and made it into a city centre

How did entruscans contrinute to rome

writing, public buildings, new systems for politics, social organization, military

Beginning of the roman republic

Latins(romans) overthrow the entruscans(the current rulers)

the senate is created

tension between patricians (rich ) and plebians (lower class)

the twelve tablea

rights and representation are granted to the plebians

res publica

government of the ppl


rich , large landowners


farmers, small landowners

rome took control of italian peninsula,wanted to take control of meditranean

distrusted the phonecians

and rivalry with carthage(strongholdof the phoenicians

howd it end?

destruction of carthage,

rome assumed naval and commerical leadership of the mediteranenan

called it : mare nostrum (our sea)

Roman army

Citizens perform 2 year military service

military actually becomes a job/profession since they normally were in the army for so many years, it allowed the non romans to gain roman citizenship

LArge plantations

Latifundia( whoch are farmed by slaves)

Ceasers conqeurs gaul then comes back to itally

crosses the rubicon without permission from the senate -- act of war

What did ceaser do as a leader

reform laws



reduced debts

sends many unemployed to work in colonies

citizenship to non italians

who was romes 1st official emporer?

octavian also known as augustus

(julius's grand son)

competed with mark antony -- civil wars

what did cleopatra want? who was she allianced with?

she wanted to unite the eastern and westerns portions of rome empire & to govern a vast roman state.

she was allianced with mark antony bought octavian won and she didnt get what she wanted

pax romana

roman peace


s a two-handled pot with a neck that is considerably narrower than the body. It was used for the storage of liquids and solids such as grain.


tconstructed to convery water

(modern day pipes)

who wrote 142 books that are the most reliable source of info about anciet rome?

titus livius

commanded to write a history of rome by augustus


public speaking



who wrote a **** ton of letters and speeches

marcus tullius cicero

didactic prose

having the purpose of insturcting or informing

(geographies, encyclopedia,biographs,instuctions)

On the nature of things

Written by Lucretius

promoted a stoics acceptance of death

described the world in purely physcial terms

denied existence of gods or supernatural things

On tranquility of the mind

written by seneca,

stoic essays

achieve peace of mind by avoiding burdensome responsibilites.

stoic reflections known as meditations

marcus aurelius

Virgil wrote "AEINEID"

epic poem telling the story of the mythical funder of rome named Aeneas. Talks about his journey from troy to tome and his love affair with a carthaginian princess )dido) and the establishment of the roman state

what does the aenied promote?

stoic thought because he leaves his love dido for the sake of the roman state( personal fulfillment


pastoral poems; that glorify the natural landscape and its rustic inhabitants. Virgil

carpe diem

written by horace

"decant ur wine"


love,friendship,sex : poems to lesbia


the metamorpheses :stories about supernatural transformation

the art of love-mysogynistic

satire poets

juvenal and horace

concrete was used for large scale construction

other building materials:

brick, rubbles, stone, marble,tile,bronze,plaster


ten books on architecture

roman architect

amphitheatres seated lots of spectators

colloseum, circus maximus

chariot races,mock sea battles, gladitorial contests

many of the population were impovrsihed and were compensated by...

breads and circuses

The pantheon


who wrote tranquility of the mind?what was it about and who also wrote about this particular subject?

seneca,on stoicism and marcus aurelieus

the art of love was written by

ovid, mysoginistic

this poet gained the friendship of virgil for his satirical poetry


waht is satire?

uses humour tp denounce human imperfection (mocking)

famous architect

vitruviusl; ten books on architecture

2 mentioned Roman amphitheatres are:

circus maximus

and the colloseum (rome)

used for entertainment




cube with the dome


Maison Carree


in nimmes france

Baths centered on a _______


tended to physical needs

relaxation place

similar to spas

the arch of titus

commemorates the final days of the jewish wars

mosaics were preserved because?

the volcano that destroyed the two cities' lava

where were mosaics and frescoes most found, why?

pompeii and herculaneum because the richer romans lived there,

trompe loiel

fool the eye `

frescoes gave a ______ impression

emperical perspective (3d)

still life with eggs and thrushes



light and dark


mosaic woman portrait

signiificant because of illusionism

pompeii italy


god of life