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84 Cards in this Set

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What case of e is used to describe the empire of Rome when it was territory control
Lower case e
What case of e is used to describe the empire of Rome when it was the time of the emperors?
Upper case E
What material did Italy have large supplies of that brought people to it
Iron. Metal was a luxury item
What are the two major historical documents for Roman History
The Trojan Legend:The Aaneid of Virgil (70-19 BC)

Aaneas, Anchises, and Ascanius
What were the names of the two sons that founded Rome
Romulus and Remus
What was the legend of Romulus and Remus childhood?
That there mom was impregnated by Aries and they were raised by wolves
A time where Rome was an independent state. Where all citizens have some stake in the state. THey do not like kings.
Res Publica 509-31 BC
What are consuls?
They were elected annually. They were aristocrats. After two years they will sit on the senate
What is the senate?
A body of ex consuls. It is an advisory body. They have a lot of influence but they cannot make law. The citizens are the ones that make law.
Who is supposed to make the laws in Rome?
The citizens.
What is the Centuriate Assembly?
Weighted to the wealthy class. It had 193 votes. More than half of the votes were owned by nobles.
Was Rome a conservative state?
Who is at the top of the levels of equality?
The Patricians.
Who are at the bottom levels of equality?
The pub leans.
Who are the pub leans?
They are the poorer people. There are far more of them than the Patricians but they do not try to take over
What is Mos Maiorum?
The ways, the customs, of the fathers. Very conservative. They looked to the older citizens for advice. To say you have a great new idea would be a bat thing?
What is the Patron Client?
The patron is someone who assists the client. Most likely through money. So then the client will give deference of honor to the client. Meaning he would vote for the patron.
What are the two assembly's added to appease the pub leans?
The Tribal Assembly and the Tribunes
What are the Tribunes?
Assembly elected by the pub leans. They are lesser officials.
What is the Tribal Assembly?
Occupants are chosen by vote. Much more democratic that the tribunes. Everyone vote is the same
What are the name of the two assemblies that can legislate?
The tribunes and the Tribal Assembly. This will cause political problems later on
What is Bellum Justum?
It is a moral war. A fair war. For the Romans it meant a defensive war. They had priests bless the war. It was used to justify being in war.
What is the Roman Confederation?
When Rome defeats someone they make a treaty with them. They will share citizenship with them. Sometimes full or partial. If they did not like them they would just make them allies. They do this so they would have soldiers to fight in the war.
Should Rome have gone to the First Punic War?
No. They really did not know that they could have won. But they did.
What happens during the second Punic war?
Hannibal gets troops from Spain and goes into Italy to get the jump on Rome. He knows that the cannot win but wants to show that there was an alternative to Rome.
What happened at the Battle of Canae?
Romans lost 60.000 troops. The romans thought the gods had left them. It was Hannibal that fought them?
Did they defeat Hannibal in Rome?
No he was called back to Carthage and that is where they defeated him. They won the second Punic war.
Did Rome want Greece?
What years were the middle republic?
2640- 133
What and when was the Late Roman Republic? (Roman Revolution)
133 - 33 Very tumultuous time. Lots of change. When they transitioned from a lower case e to upper case E Empire
What is a Tribune?
If a general could kill five thousand people in a just war. This would be the height of their career. They got a parade and celebrations. This made Rome vicious.
How does the senate have so much power if they cannot create law?
They can do this just by giving their advice. Their influence.
What is a Lattafundia?
A large flat place. A plantation.
Who takes the office of Tribune. Tries to reform Rome. Give land back to the farmers. He was later killed because he pushed to hard for other reforms
Tiberius Gais Brackus
Was a career soldier. Not social elite but married well. Married Julia. Helps out soldiers. Soldiers very loyal to him.
Gais Marius.
Who the senate used to win wars so that they would forget about Gais Marius. He was of the senatorial class.
Moved into Asia to say that he would protect them from Rome. He cause a major war.
Who won the civil war between Marius and Sullus?
Sulluse won quickly. Marius was a drunk. Sullua assigns himself the office of dictator.
What is proscription?
Blacklisting. When you put out a signs of a list of people that is ok for your to kill and you will get an award for it. This was illegal
Was a tax collector. Very rich. Given the position to fight the war against Sparticus. He defeats him but gets not appreciation. He wants to be consul
Is a noble. Calls himself the great. Hsa a great army. Run Mythrodontes to the ground.
Has a really good blood line. Make arrangements between Pompey and Crassus.
Julius Caesar.
Queen of Egypt.
Second in command to Caesar.
Marc Anthony
Who was names the successor to Julius Caesar?
Gaius Octavious
What was the Battle of Phillip?
The battle against Julius Caesars assassins.
Octavious propoganda
Enlists poets to make Gaius look good and Marc Anthony bad. Say that Anthony is with Cleopatra and not a Roman.
Why did Octavious declare a war against Cleopatra and not Marc Anthony?
Because against Anthony it would have been an civil war. But against Cleopatra it was a just war. Octavious won and took over the whole Roman Empire.
How many years was Octavious leader of Rome?
45 years. This was very long for Rome.
What power is Octavious given?
He is given the power to Veto. But he does not want the office of the Tribune. He is given CEO power. So he could still stay in charge of the army. So he is a citizen because he does not have an office but he has all the power. He changes his name to Augutus
What did Octavious change his name to?
Emperor Cult
Set up by Augusts so they would not worship him but worship Julius Caesar
Praetorian Guard
Elite troops. 9000 of them. Purpose was to keep peace and be a body guard to the emperor.
Julio Claudin Dynasty
Out of arranged marriages he got a successor. He married his own daughter off 5 times.
Who was named Caesar after Augustus?
Tiberius. He was Augusts last choice but only choice. He was 55 years old.
Who was Caesar after Tiberius?
Gaius Cligula. He was a nut job
He studied history so he knew how to be a good emperor.
Was 16 yrs old when he became emperor. He killed his mom. Did not really care that much about Rome. He liked to play. Not work.
Impacted Rome. The collisseum is called the Flavian Amphitheatre. This is the real name.
What was the reign of the good emperors sometimes called.
The Antienine dynasty. It was a new was to select emperors.
Was a significant emperor. But not militeristic. had a wall.
Marcus Arelius
had a lot of problems but not really his fault. He was very responsible. Started to share power with his sone Commodis. Not a wide choice so he was killed.
What is a mystery cult
When only initiates are invited. They reveal to you some mystery that is important and not to be revealed to anyone. And if you obey their rules then it gives you hope for the afterlife
God that is similar to Jesus in story. He is observed on Sunday. Was for males only
Edict of Citizenship
states that any free male within Roman Empire was a citizen. Also known as the edict of Caracella.
How did Caracella die?
From Murder. Most emperors never die of natural causes.
What replaces the dynastic emperors?
The Barracks Emperors THey were bad and killed off
What are Barrack Emperors?
Generals that are declared emperors by their army. Because of this there could be 20 emperors at one time. It was a time of great instability
By 280 how much of the Roman empire was lost?
These two men were known as great persecuters against Christianity. They mainly killed the leaders since they still needed the everyone else for the taxes.
Dessius and Malarian
Edict of Toleration
Argues that we are not going to persecute the Christians. Issued by Galleanis.
Rule of four
Two senior rulers of Tetriarchy
Lesser emperors in the Tetriarchy. They were chosen by their ability.
Only person to step down from power after the Tetriarchy was set up
Who made an edict of tolerance when he became sick of cancer later in his life. Before he persecuted the Christians.
Son of Constantius Chlorus
What did Constantine's mother become?
She was serbian and she became a saint because of her love for Constantine.
How was Constantine Converted
He was going to Battle and he looked up in the sky and saw two Greek letters that meant Christ.
Who granted everyone the right to observe an religion they liked. Not just Christianity
The power to rule Romans and the religion
Schism of Christianity because they could not decide on what book were true or not
Council of Nicea
Brought together by Constantine. Took place in 355. This is where the bible was put together. And also decide what Christians should believe
believed that Jesus was supernatural. Not both God and man. That he was not as old as God. This was popular in North Africa