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36 Cards in this Set

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Why did President Truman set up the Federal Employee Loyalty Program?
to investigate federal workers
What happened when federal workers were accused of communist sympathies?
they were assumed to be guilty
What does it mean when several U.S. citizens are convicted as spies, it confirms the existence of what?
an internal communist threat
How did Joseph McCarthy rise to power, he portrayed himself as a leader of what?
the anticommunist movement
What was the result of the tactics that McCarthy used in his accusations of communists in government?
careers and lives were ruined as a result
What was a major contribution to the suspicion and fear that occurred in the U.S. government during the 1940s and 1950s?
the anticommunist crusades lead by McCarthy
What was the response of the Soviet Union when France, Britain, and the U.S. merged their zones and formed West Germany?
it blockaded all ground and water routes to West Berline
As a result of _________________, Korea remained divided almost exactly the same as before the war.
the Korean War
What did the U.S. do after WWII, to protect U.S. financial investments in Latin America?
they become involved in the affairs of Latin American nations
What did Truman's Federal Employee Program and Joseph McCarthy's hearings do?
they worked to prvent communism from infiltrating American society
Robideaux 10
Chapter 17
cut apart and study
What did Americans and the Soviet Union agree on during the Cold War?
the need for a strong national defense
What did the Soviets envision workers would do in a proletarian state?
share resources equally
Who ruled the harsh totalitarian system of the Soviet state?
Joseph Stalin
What did the Soviet Union think it should do to protect itself from its western neighbors?
they wanted its western neighbors to be communist societies
How did Truman obtain public support for the Truman Doctrine?
by frightening the country
What did the United States do to strengthen the economies of Western Europe under the Marshall Plan?
donated billions of dollars
What was the major U.S. foreign policy objective in the postwar?
to stop the spread of communism without starting another world war
Who set up the governments of North and South Korea?
the Soviet Union and the United States
Why is the Middle East important strategically?
because of oil reserves
Who dominated the economies of Latin American by the mid 1920s?
the United States
The United States severed diplomatic ties with Cuba in response to what?
seizure of American property
What was one result of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union?
that the two nations formed competing military alliances
Why was the Marshall Plan proposed after WWII?
to help European nations recover economically
President Harry Truman supported a containment policy after WWII in an attempt to do what?
reduce the influence of the Soviet Union in European countries
What was one reason the United States became involved in the Vietnam War?
to prevent the spread of communism in Indochina
What was Senator Joseph McCarthy famous for in the 1950s?
for leading a "witch hunt" for communist spies in the U.S. government
What was one contributing factor for the growth of McCarthyism in the early 1950s?
public fear concerning the spread of communism
What was similar about the Red Scare of the 1920s and McCarthyism of the 1950s?
it jeopardized the rights of individuals who were suspected of un-American activity
What was the cause for the investigations of the House Un-American Activities Committee in the late 1940s
the belief that there were Communist agents in the federal government
Social Studies 10
Chapter 17
The Cold War and American Society
study the flashcards for the test
What does the term proletariat mean?
it is another name for the working class
What term is used to refer to the invisible wall that divided the capitalist west from the communist east?
Iron Curtain
How did President Dwight D. Eisenhower justify the U.S. involvement in Vietnam?
the domino theory
What is the term used to refer to the indirect conflict that existed between the U.S. and the Soviet Union from 1945 to 1980?
The Cold War
What is the name of the doctrine which supported U.S. policy to support "free people" resisting communism?