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39 Cards in this Set

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Ms.Robideaux Social Studies 10
Chapter 13
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What is the term for a period of reduced economic activity during which the level of unemployment rises, production slows, and general prosperity lags?
What is the name that was given to shanty towns with shacks made of tar paper, cardboard, or scrap material?
What is the term given to name the average of stock prices of leading industries?
Dow Jones Industrial Average
What is the term given to the total annual values of goods and services a country produces?
Gross National Product
What is the term given to people who purchase expensive items and pay for them with interest over many months?
Installment Buying
What is the term for paying a fraction of the stock price and then borrowing the rest?
Buying on margin
What is the term for taking chances in the stock market?
What is the term given for more than an excess supply of products with not enough demand for purchase?
What is the term given for the increase in the prices for goods and services?
What is the term given to the person that advocates the collective ownership of factories and property?
What is the term given to mean what money can actually buy?
Real Wages
One negative effect of the Depression was that people had poor diets.
Membership in the Communist party decreased during the Depression.
African Americans were given jobs over whites because they were cheaper to employ. T/F
The availability of credit and the lure of advertising encouraged people to buy products they couldn't afford.
Many people had no savings in the 1920s. T/F
Drought in the west caused dust storms and many families migrated to California.
How did President Hoover attempt to solve the nation's economic problems?
by encouraging private and local relief efforts
What was a major reason for Roosevelt's overwhelming victory in 1932?
He promised federal relief programs and controls on business
In the 1920's which economic factor led to the Great Depression?
overproduction of farm products and manufactured goods
An important factor contributing to the start of the Great Depression in the United States was...
uneven distribution of wealth
Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression?
widening income gap between the rich and the poor
Which situation was a basic cause of the Great Depression?
overproduction of consumer goods
What three factors that led to the Great Depression?
In complete sentences, list 1)overspeculation 2)uneven distribution of wealth 3)overproduction
President Hoover tried to end the Depression by doing what?
encouraging voluntary controls and actions
Which group faced particularly hard times during most of the 1920s?
Which statement best describes the American economy during the 1920s?
the economy weakened and wages decreased
Which of the following was a sign of a troubled economy during the 1920s?
wealth was unevenly distributed
How did most investors react to a sudden fall in stock prices in late October 1929?
raced to sell their stocks
Why was rapid economic recovery impossible after the crash of 1929?
the American economic structure was unstable
Which was one effect of wage cuts and unemployment in the early 1930s?
Hoovervilles sprang up throughout the nation's cities
One sign that the economy might be weakening in the 1920s was what?
rural bank failures
When the Dow Jones Industrial Average began to drop sharply in the late October 1929, what occurred?
most investors raced to sell their shares
One cause of the Great Depression was what?
an uneven distribution of wealth
The collapse of the U.S. economy hurt European economies when the United States did what?
stopped investing in Germany
What does the term collateral mean?
security for loans
Wage cuts and unemployment in the early 1930s resulted in what?
the construction of Hoovervilles
Ms.Robideaux Social Studies 10
Chapter 13
Cut cards apart and STUDY