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84 Cards in this Set

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
A multisystem autimmune remitting and relapsing disease that primarily affects the skin, kidneys, serosal membranes joints and heart
Rheumatoid Arthritis
A systemic, chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease affecting many tissues but principally attacking the joints to produce a nonsuppurative synovitis
Sjogren Syndrome
An inflammatory disease that affects primarily the salivary and lacrimal glands causing dryness of the mouth and eyes
Systemic Sclerosis
commonly called scleroderma and characterized by progressive fibrosis involving the skin, GI tract and other tissues
the extent to which tumor cells resemble their normal forebears morphologically and functionally
"to form backward" and implies dedifferentiation or loss of the structural and functional differentiation of normal cells
A loss in the uniformity of individual cells and in their architectural orientation
the development of secondary implants discontinuous with the primary tumor in remote tissue
Paraneoplastic Syndrome
System complex that occues in patients with cancer that cannot be readily explained by local or distant spread of the tumor or by the elaboration of hormones indigenous to the tissue of orgin

ex. Cushing, hypercalcemia,
progressive loss of body fat and lean body mass, accompanies by profound weakness, anorexia and anemia caused by release of cytokins by a tumor
Marfan Syndrome
An autosomal dominant disorder of connective tissue caused by a mutation in the gene encoding fibrillin
An autosomal recessive disorder caused by a lack of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroylase and consequent inability to metabolize phenylalanine
Tac-Sachs Disease
Lysosomal storage disease caused by an inablitly to metabloize GM2 gangliosides due to lack of lysosomal hexosaminidase
Niemann-Pick Disease
Lysosomal storage diseases cause by a deficiency of sphingomyelinase
Trisomy 21
down syndrome the most common of the chromosomal disorders
Klinefelter Syndrome
Male hypogonadism that develops when there are at least two x chromosome and one or more y

Turner Syndrome
Primary hypogonadism in females,

Primarily intrinsically abnormal development process
An extrinsic disturbance of development`
Multiple congenital anomalies that result from secondary effects of a single localized aberration in organogenesis
potter sequence
olgiohydramnios denotating decreased amniotic fluide caused a calssic phenotype in the newborn infant including flattened face and positional abnormalities osf the hands and feet
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Hyaline membrane diease, a disease of prematuirty primarily caused by insufficient pulmonary surfactant
Sudden death of an infant under the age of 1, after an investigation, complete autopsy, and review of the clinical history
Immune Hydrops
antibody induced hemolytic disease in the newborn that is caused by blood group incompatibilitly between mother and fetus
Cystic Fibrosis
a widespread disorder of epithelial transport affecting fluid secretion in expcrine galnds and the epithelial lining of the respiratory, GI and reproductive tracts
most common malignant eye tumor of childhood
Wilm's Tumor
most common primary tumor of the kidney
a wound produced by scraping, or rubbing resulting in removal of the superficial layer
A bruise produced by a blunt object and characterized by damage to blood vessels and extravasation of blood into tissue
A tear or disruptive stretching of tissue caused by the application of force by a blunt object
Emaciation resluting from loss of muscle mass and fat with relative preservation of serum albumin. Caused by diets lack in calories
hypoalbuminemia, generalized edema, fatty liver, skin changes and defects in immunity. caused by diets low in proteins but normal in calories
bone disease in children caused by vitamin D deficiency
Bone disease in adults caused by vitamin D deficiency
obligate intracellular organisms that commandeer the horst cells biosynthetic and replicative apparatus for their own proliferation
trichomonas vaginalis
a sexully transmitted protozoan that can coloize the vagina and mall urethra
localized pocket of ligefactive necrosis caused by collections of neurtrophils
Granulmatous inflammation
a distinctive form of mononuclear inflammation characterized by accumulation of activated macrophages called "epitheliod" cells, which may fuse to form giant cells
Gram Stain
a special stain used to idenitfy bacetial organisms
opid from poppy plant
What are the fat soluble vitamins
What are the 4 major types of immunologic disorders
1. hypersensitvity reactions
2. autoimmune diseases
3. immune deficiency syndromes
4. Amyloidosis
Hypersensitivity reactions can be initiated by ____ and ___?
interaction of antigen with humoral antibody or cell
Type 1 Hypersensitivity
Anaphylactic Type
anaphylaxis, some forms of bronchial asthma
Type II Hypersensitivty
autoimmune hemolytic anemia, good pasture syndrome
Type III Hypersensitivity
immune complex disease
Arthus reaction, serum sickness, systemic lupus erythematosus

antigen-antibody complexes that produce tissue damage as a result of their capacity to activate the complement system
Typer IV Hypersensitivity
Cell Mediated
Tuberculosis, contact dermatitis
transplant rejection

intiated by specifically sensitized T lymphocytes
it includes the classic delayed type reactions
What are the primary and secondary mediators of anaphylactic rejection
Biogenic amines
chemotactic mediators

Prostaglandin D2
Platelet Activating Factor
The term atopy implies, a gentically determined predispoition to develop localized anaphylactic reactions to inhaled or ingested allergens
Three Mechanisms of cytotoxic hypersensitivity (type 2) and give examples
1. Complement-dependent reactions- lead to lysis of cells or render them susceptible to phagocytosis
ex. transfusion reactions, immune hydrops,

2. Antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity- IgG coated target cells are killed by cells that bear Fc receptors for IgG
ex. graft rejection

3. Antibody Mediated Cellular Dysfunction- disturb the normal function of receptors
ex. myasthenia gravis
Describe the pathogensis of systemic immune complex disease and give clinical and pathologic presentations
1)formation of the antigen-antibody complex
2) deposition of the immune complex
30inflammatory response at the site of deposition

hallmark- necrotizing vasculities
Define an Arthus Rectoin
localized are of tissue necrosis resulting from actue immune complex vasculitis
What are the two mechanisms involved in graft rejections
Tcell mediated reactions
antibody mediated recations
Graft vs. host disease
immunologically comptent cells are translpanted into immunologically crippled recipients
immunologically mediated injury and inflammation of mainly the skeletal muscles
Polyarteritis Nodosa
a group of diseases characterized by necrotizing inflammation of the walls of blood vessels and showing strong evidence of an immunologic pathogentic mechanism
DiGeorge Syndrome
is an example of a T- cell deficency that dervives from failure of development of the 3rd and 4th pouch leading to thymic hypoplasia
Wiscott- Aldrich Syndrome
x linked recessive disease characterized by thrombocytopenia, exzema, and a marked vulnerabilitly to recurrent infection , ending in early death
Retroviral disease characterized by profound immunosuppression that leads to opportunistic infections, secondary neoplasms, and neurolgic manifestations
A group of diseases having in common the deposition of a pathologic proteinaceous substance in various tissues and organs of the body in a wide varity of clinical settings
Mesenchymal tissue and mets hematogenous
Epithelial and spread lympatically
Kaposi Syndrome
vascular tumor in AIDS patiants
Hypeeracute Rejection
occurs within minutes or hours, when recepent already been pre exposed to antibodies (blood transfuions, multiparus women)

causes rapid rejection
All tumors are composed of
parenchyma and supportive stroma
what is the criteria used to determine if a tumor is benign or malignant
1. differentiation and anaplasia
2. rate of growth
3. local invasion
4. metastasis
three ways cancers mets
1. lymph
2. blood
3. direct seeding of body cavities or surfaces
Tumore Grading
is based on the differentiation of the tumor cells and the number of mitoses within the tumore as presumed correlates of the neoplasms aggressiveness
staging cancer
relates to the size of the primary lesion, extent of spread to LN and if its mets
Which DNA VIRUSES can cause cancer?
HPV, Epstein Barr, hep B, Kaposi Sarcoma Herpesvirus
Which two HPV have been implicated in the genesis of several cancers, squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix
16 and 18
Two types of adaptive immunity
humoral and cell mediated immunity
T lymphocytes develop from?
single celled eukaryotes that are major causes of disease and death in developing countries
What virus is the leading cause of vaccine preventable death and illness worldwide
Measels (Rubella)
The virulence of a microbial organism relates to
its ability to adhere to hosts,
invade cells and tissues,
deliever toxic moieties
name the three lines of natural defense to virulent microogranisms
intact host skin, intact mucosal surfaces, and their secretory-excretory products
sustained bloodstream invasion and disseminatino of pathogens manifested by fever, low arterial pressure, and other signs and symptomes of sepsis
bacteria in the blood
opportunistic infection
microbial disease occuring in a predisposed individual
nosocomial infectoin
hospital acquired microbial disease
the process of pus formation, characterized by predomiantly neutrophilic inflammation, caused by the presence of pyogenic microorganisms
name three types of pyogenic micorganisms
staphloccus auresus
staphylococcus epidermidis
streptococcus hemolyticus
is a focal suppurative inflammation