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35 Cards in this Set

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Red Scare
fear that communists were taking over
Palmer Raids
Mitchel Palmer-(AG)
appoints Hoover to become head of FBI
Who were the Palmer Raids "hunting down"?
communists, socialists, and anarchists(unamerican activities)
Sacco and Vanzetti
were suspected anarchists who were convicted of murdering two men during a armed robbery of a shoe factory----executed.
Klu Klux Klan
hate group
expanded hate towards immigrants, jews, catholics, and blacks
The Steel Mill Strike(causes)
wanted shorter hrs,more money,collective bargaining rights
The Steel Mill strike(results)
300,000 people refused to work/beaten
Hired strikebreakers

Wilson's Response to The Steel Mill Strike
After deadlock, made a plea wanted strikers and steal companies to work it out.
The Steel Mill strike (final results)
8 hr work day
NO union
Coal Miners Strike (causes)
-low wages
-long work days
Palmer's reactions to The Coal Miners Strike
court order-to stop strike
Coal Miners result
Wilson appointed Judge to end the fight
Coal miners received more $
John L. Lewis
Union leader for coal miners
Ignored Palmer's court order

Considered HERO

Coolage took over when harding died
Harding-Kellogg-Briand Pact
15 countries signed agreement to not engage in war
Harding-Ohio Gang
a group of Harding close friends who he appointed to his cabinet
Harding-Teapot Dome Scandel
Albert Fall secret leasing of oil-rich public land in return for $$
Henry Ford
-invented cars
installment plan
having to "buy" something but not putting down $...paying later!
Noble Experiment
nickname for prohibition
underground storage for liquor
people who illegally had liquor when it was outlawed
Protestant movement, ground in literal/non symbolical manners
Scopes Trial
teaching of evolution in schools
Charles Lindenburgh
-transatlantic flight
embraced fashion
urban atitudes
showing more skin
Langston Hughes

Harlem Renaissance
Marcus Garvey
African American, felt that the US should bring slaves back to Africa.
Quota System
limiting immigrants from foreign coutries(EUROPE)
Harding-Washington Naval Conference
no more war ships would be built
and get rid of what other nations had
Harding-Dawes Plan
American inverstors loaned germany $ to pay back britain and france
alcohol beverages were legalized
Amendment 18
Amendment 19
women suffrage
Amendment 21
repeal prohibition