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19 Cards in this Set

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Gonads develop from what 3 tissues?

Primordial germ cells invade ______, migrate to genital ridges.

Fetal sex encoded on ______.

Basic pathway is the ______ pathway.
epithelium of intraembryonic coelom, mesoderm, primordial germ cells

dorsal mesentery

SRY - sex region of Y-chromosome

________ have biggest role in male development.

_________ have biggest role in female development.

Males:signal of each?
mesonephric ducts -->
urogenital sinus -->
genital tubercle -->
labioscrotal swelling -->
Male: mesonephric ducts

Female: paramesonephric ducts

mesonephric --> ductus deferems, epidydimis (testosterone)
urogenital --> urethra, prostate (DHT)
genital tubercle --> penis (DHT)
labioscrotal --> scrotum (DHT)
paramesonephric ducts -->
urogenital sinus -->
genital tubercle -->
labioscrotal swelling -->

Primary medullary cords degenerate by week ____.

Mesonephric ducts in female remain as:

Regulates genes that control ovarian development:
paramesonephric --> oviducts, uterus, upper vagina
urogenital --> lower vagina, vestibule
genital tubercle --> clitoris
lavioscrotal swelling --> vulva

Week 10

epoophoron, paroophoron, mesentery of ovary

WTN4, upregulates DAX1
Paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts:

Develop during week ____

________ end opens into peritoneal cavity.

________ ends join to form uterovaginal primordium

Inhibited by _____ (MIS) in males secreted by the Sertoli cells

paired portions of paramesonephric ducts become:
Week 6

cranial end

distal ends


uterine tubes
Uterine epithelium/glands, upper 1/3 vagina, muscular wall form from:

lower vagina comes from:

Genital tubercle develops near:

urorectal septum divides ______ into urogenital and anal membranes

forms __________(2)
uterovaginal primordium

posterior wall of urogenital sinus

cloacal membrane, cloacal folds develop bilaterally

cloacal membrane

forms urethral sphincter, external anal sphincter
Development of penis? (3)

What pulls the testes into the scrotum?

Undescended (aka ______,) testes associated with increased risk of ________.
1. Enlargement of genital tubercle forms phallus
2. Urethral folds form urethral groove, penile urethra
3. Labioscrotal swelling --> scrotum


cryptorchidism, Testicular Ca
Incomplete fusion of the urethral folds:

Can result from inadequate ________ production or inadequate receptor sites for _____.

4 types?

Urethral meatus opens on dorsum of penis: more common with what?

androgen production
DHT receptor sites

Glandular- shaft of penis
Penoscrotal- tip of balls and penis
Perineal- on scrotum

epispadias- bladder exstrophy
Most common primary hypogonadism: (2)

Secondary hypogonadism is from defects in __________ (2)

47/XXY, small testes, low levels of testosterone, gynecomastia:

45/X, short, no growth spurt, broad chest, webbed neck, no ovaries, no sec. sec characteristics:
Klinefelter's, Turner's

hypothalamus, anterior pituitary


46/XX, adrenal hyperplasia, ambiguous genitalia, ovaries OK:

X-linked, androgen receptors don't work, external genitalia are feminine:

Autosomal recessive, can't convert T to DHT, ambiguous external genitalia, mesonephric duct stuff OK: What happens with these?
female intersex (pseudohermaphrodite)

AIS (Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome)

5a-reductase deficiency (5ARD) Guevedoche or machihembrase (woman then male)
Multiple cell lines, different sets of chromosomes, same individual; asymmetric male/female sex organs, sometimes fraternal twins fuse:
What is it called when presents with streak gonads and no functional ovaries or testes?
gonadal dysgenesis
What gene allows testes differentiation via ____ and it does this activating which cells...
SF-1 gene
activates sertoli cell differentiation
What activates DHT?
Where are the enzyme(s) made?
5-a reductase
- I make in the liver
- II made in parts of reproductive system - if defecient = intersex
What is the importance of the DAX-1 gene in women?
blocks sox-9 and other genes that would otherwise develop man parts
NAme some congenital fusion abnormalities
1. double uterus/vagina
2. septate uterus
3. bicornuate uterus
4. uterus unicornis
5. bicorunuate uterus, one horn unconnected
Imperforate hymen can lead to?
amenorrhea- absence of menses-
- could result in pelvic inflammatory disease
Primary hypogonadism is an abnormality in?
failure of gonads to respond to gonadotropins
What is pseudointersexuality or pseudohermaphroditism?
External genitalia of one sex accompanies the gonads of the other
 Can be caused by abnormal levels of sex hormones or
abnormalities in the receptors for these hormones
What is true intersex?
- both ovarian & testicular tissue or ovotestes
- ambiguous external genitalia
- most raised female