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57 Cards in this Set

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What is NASH's wilderness spectrum?
A way of thinking about nature with the beginnings of pastoral life some twelve thousands years ago.
What is the etymology of "wilderness"?
Roots in "will" (self-willed, uncontrolled)
from will came adj "wild"
wilderness=place of wild beast
What is the Etiquette of freedom?
Free must take on things as they are and be grateful for the impermanence and freedom this grants us.
Nature is not a place but its home.
Wilderness is wild land, wasteland space of sea or air.
Hetch Hetchy and Echo dam?
Echo dam: Dinosaur National Monument
Desire to build the dams at echo park.
One side are concern about wild land staying intact and other argue to secure water rights, obtain cheap hydroelectric power and develop reservoirs as tourist destinations.
Public outcry led by Zahniser resulted in protection
1st nat'l park-1872
Early strategy was not to justify the park concept in a positive fashion of protecting wild nature, but to demonstrate its uselessness to civilization
1885 adirondack forest preserve created to preserve water supply for New York as well as recreation
1st State park 1886
2nd National park 1890
Created because of threats from private interest and to expand protection from state park status
Signature park for Muir and nation park service
What is Wilderness? How it's different from Nature
Absence of humans
uncultivated and undeveloped land
place of range or difficulty
Wilderness as wild
Define by what it is not
can be seen by what it is
Wilderness Roots
America had difficulty deciding what it meant
folklore and mythology: Alien, evil spirits
Greeks and romans: celebrations of nature
Judeo-Christian beliefs
Wilderness in america
Pioneer bias toward wilderness: threat to survival and fear of turning man savage
Puritan view of wilderness?
Sought to control wilderness, purge wilderness of the devil, Utilitarian perspective of wilderness, Importance of setting uncultivated areas.
What is nature?
Not a place, its home. Physical universe and all its properties
Wilderness act of 1964
Created the national wilderness preservation system. Highest level of land protection. Zahniser largely involved in creation of act.
Prohibitions of Wilderness act?
Commercial enterprise, permanent roads, motorized vehicles, Bikes
Allowance of wilderness act?
Mining, water projects, actions to control pests and hazards
1700-1820's. Primitivism central to romantic. Europeans began to value american wilderness. Connected wild nature to new american identity.
1820-1890. Roots in new england. Thoreau was the embodiment of it. Nature as symbolic of universal truths. Humans must transcend the physical world, to penetrate to the divine truths.
1600-1700s. English protestants.
traveled by foot.
perspective of wilderness seen as barrier to civilization and european preconceived notions.
Life center
Human needs
Valuable in and out it's self
Belief of superiority in one's personal ethnic group, but it can also develop from racial or religious differences.
born 27 years after Muir. Mansion, very rich growing up, lived in pennsylvania, went to white house regularly, went to best schools, traveled a lot. wilderness was a career his father picked for him
Came from scotland to Wisconsin. worked hard on a farm for 17 hr/day, wilderness was his escape from his father. Founder of sierra club
Wrote the book Walden. Transcendentalist and Anarchist. Not satisfied with announcing his passion for wilderness. He wanted to understand it. Took up nationalist defense of American unique identity.
Bob Marshall
wilderness activist that was largely credited for the wilderness preservation movement
Aldo Leopold
Hunter from his childhood to adulthood. Ecosystem. Help us decide how we ought to live. took from romantics and made it scientific. Wanted to preserve areas for all its values (recreation, renewal, science)
According to Turner, what is missing from our experience with nature?
wild and contact with it
Turner's Overall message about human and how we should perceive nature
Experience not just spectating nature
What does Williams mean when she says "the place of mind...the mind of a place?
Place of mind: physical setting. Mind of place: how it affects us, mental impact
Why is wilderness a threatening word?
It is a threatening place, threatening to us, future generations and extracting industry
What two things does Williams say we need to save wilderness in the days ahead?
Intellectual humanity: we don't know enough and we need to be willing to admit our mistakes. Political courage: to say we should honor and protect our wilderness
what does Williams pinpoint as the beginning of the conservation movement?
Defeat of the Dam on the Green River in Dinosaur Nation Monument
What is Turner referring to when he talks about the "other"?
Wild nature and people
What was Leopold's most famous works?
Sand County Almanac
Leopold Land ethic and wilderness
Preserve areas for all its values
Leopold the Pioneer
Promoted ecosystem management before it was a fad. fire and predators aren't bad at all
Ralph waldo Emerson
Politics: good citizen, Nature was his religion. Transcendentalist movement. Champion of individualism.
Teddy Roosevelt
Once a year he went hunting with John Muir in the wilderness. Muir and teddy went in the woods w/o anyone else. wanted to keep hetch hetchy but sided with pinchot for political reasons
Howard Zahniser
Main proponent of the wilderness. Executive secretary of the wilderness society. Echo Park dam controversy.
According to Turner, which of the following most directly shaped and fostered American values as we transformed from europeans to Americans?
The frontier
Why was the Hetch-Hetchy controversy so significant?
It set a precedent for what could be done in American National Parks
In the early 1900's, mainly the wealthy and the rich visited the American Wilderness. True or False?
Mountain biking is permitted in designated Wilderness Areas? T/F
Who was largely credited for the 1964 wilderness act?
Howard Zahniser
What two things does Terry tempest Williams say we need to make progress in the environmental movement?
Intellectual humility and political courage
Henry David Thoreau best exemplifies the conservation movement? T/F
What is the highest level of land protection in the U.S?
Wilderness areas
What is the 1984 reinterpretation?
Any contrivance...that provides a mechanical advantage to the user and that is powered by a living or non living power source
What is the 1990 ADA?
Wilderness access decision tool published recently
Wheelchairs and other devices allowed with certain parameters but with no special treatment
Wilderness management agencies
Bureau of land reservation.
Fish and wildlife service is under the department of the interior.
Forest service department of agriculture under Dep. of Agriculture.
National park service
Outdoor recreation popularity
8-10 % annual growth in nature-based recreation since 1985
SAR policies
provides an exception for the use of normally prohibited uses such as aircraft, motorized equipments
Minimum requirements decision guide...Unless it's life threatening.
Designated to assist wilderness managers in making appropriate decisions in wilderness.