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92 Cards in this Set

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To steal sb thunder
To do what someone else was going to do before they do it
Fair-weather friend
Someone who is your friend only when things are pleasant or going well for you
Under the weather
Somewhat indisposed; slightly ill
Snowed under
To burden someone or something with something. (Usually too much work)
Come rain or shine
Faça chuva ou faça sol
Shake it off
To get rid of sth, generally related to feeling sick
I have a cold I can't shake!
Call the shots
Leadership role, to make all the decisions
Take a shot in the dark
To guess
No sweat
Easy as pie, piece of cake. Means: no problem
Out of someone’s league
Sth that is better, not in the same level, out of reach
She's out of your league, mate
Throw in the towel
To give up
Plenty of fish in the sea
To indicate that there is a lot of sth
To be dumped
When sb ends a relationship with you
Amp up or Psych up
To get excited about something
Hang out
Spend time with friends and acquaintances
To hit with a lot of force
Really excited
Up for it
Excited and willing
Down for it
Excited and willing
Bad ass
A person who doesn’t care about the rules
To listen secretly to the private conversation of others
Remarkable, outstanding
Just chilling
I feel you
I really understand
To grab hold of and wrestle with (an opponent)
As interesting as watching paint dry
Turn you away
Make you less interested
Equipment used to hold and secure a person to something in a safe way
Jump to conclusions
To judge or decide something without having all the facts
Keep the ball rolling
Keep it on, keep doing it
Keep an eye out
To be aware
Finders Keepers
Anything found or discovered by someone automatically entitles them to ownership of that property
Finders keepers, losers weepers
Keep it on the down low
To not tell a lot o people about sth
Keep it up
To continue doing
Bored to tears
To be so bored that you feel like crying
Role model
Someone who sets a good example for children
Party pooper
Someone who ruins a party or has bad energy at a party
To start a car without using a key
Early bird catches the worm
I'm to blame / My bad
It's my fault
To last a long time
They try to make their money stretch
Overreact, freak out, acting crazy or funny
Stop tripping out!
Off the beaten path
The path that everyone (tourists) takes
Itchy feet
Can't stay in the same place for a long time
Hit the road
To leave, move away, get out
Smooth sailing
No problems, no delays, everything went well
To sit, lie, walk, or stand in a relaxed manner
The dogs were all lounging around
A firm decision to do or not to do something, most often used at the beginning of the new year.
Wing it
To do something with no preperation
Dude, I'm tottaly gonna wing it on the test. I haven't studied at all.
A member of a criminal gang or crime syndicate
Take me
To be able to overpower me, to beat me in a fight
Arguing about something that is not important
To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint
When two or more people put there money or other assets together, usually to buy something
Talks smack
Says offensive things
Light him up
Shoot him a lot
Security detail
Security guard
keep it quiet
A thing that is the perfect example of a particular quality
The beautiful natural features of a place
In it’s original condition, untouched by man
Some of the best in the world
Ridiculously big waves
Riding on your bike without pedaling
Hunched over
When you lean over, bending your back
Trip me up
It doesn't trip me up
On the ball
Prepared and focused
To like, enjoy
What do you dig about yoga and running?
On top of your game
To be at your best
Back on the horse
To try again or be back from a fall
Bust your ass
Work really hard at something
A back and forth consistent motion like in tennis
Huslte and bustle
Expression for a busy environment/work environment
Walk the talk
Expression for doing what you say you will do
Let it slide
Just let it happen without responding
The beautiful natural features of a place
Painful contractions of muscles
Warm and fuzzy
Happy and comforted
The more the merrier
The more people, the more fun it is
Cleared it up
Removed any confusion
A short expression, generally containing wisdom
To play/improvise with other musicians
A thick, solid piece of something
A piece of flexible material used to carry or hold on to something
Swing dance
Foul mouths
People who swear/curse
A small ax, a tool typically used for chopping wood
Spice up
Make more interesting
If you want to spice up the way you’re learning English
Down to earth