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12 Cards in this Set

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Once there was a small one story house where everything was purple. The fruit was purple,the cat was purple. What color were the stairs

There were no stairs its a one story house as I said

Once there was a man who lived on the eighteenth story of a building. Every morning he'd take the elevator to the bottom floor to work. In the afternoon he'd go up on the elevator to the 9th floor and get out and walk the rest of the way

He's to short to reach the 18 button.

There was a man and his wife who went on a date in the mountains. The man pushed his wife off the mountain and drove away. Later the police called and told him to come and that they'd found a body. the man came immediately and then the police arrested him. How did the police know he did it?(what's the proof)

They said to come, but they didn't say where. but he came to the exact place where she died. (Clever of the police). So then they knew he'd killed her.

What's black white and red all over

A sunburnt zebra.

What is this?

It's Mexican man who's wearing a hat and riding a bike. (Your looking down on him.

What do you call a sleeping bull

A bulldozer

What is this???

Your looking at a giraffe out a window

Why did the dinosaur cross the road.

Chickens weren't invented yet.

Why did the chicken cross the playground

To get to the other slide.

How does a cowboy ride into town on Friday and the the next day ride out on Friday.

His horses name is Friday.

What kind of jokes does a cow make.

Udderly silly jokes.

What do you call a cow that makes jokes.

A cowmedian.