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91 Cards in this Set

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Who was born in France and trained as a priest and lawyer?
John Calvin
Who was called the "German Leonardo?"
Albrecht Durer
Which religion did not believe in infant baptism?
Who spent 50 years createing two pairs of bronze doors for the Baptistery of the local cathedral in Florence?
Lorenzo Ghiberti
Who was In Praise of Folly written by?
Who was The Council of Trent led by?
Cardinal Carlo Borromeo
Who painted The Last Supper?
Leonardo da Vinci
Who was commissioned by a wealthy merchant to decorate the Arena Chapel with scenes from the Bible?
Giotto di Bondone
Who were the Jesuits founded by?
Ignatius of Loyola
What did Leonardo da Vinci study?
Architecture, anatomy, botany, engineering, optics.
Who emerged in the 1500's and used vibrant colors to portray lively scenes of peasant life?
Pieter Brugel
What was the Renaissance?
It marked a shift from an aricultural to an urban society
What did the Renaissance reawaken?
An interest in the classical learning of Greece and Rome
What is humanism?
The study of ancience Greece and Rome
Focused on secular subjects
Focused on the humanities
Talked about grammar, poetry, redarict, and history
When did the Renaissance take place?
What does Renaissance mean?
Where did the Renaissance begin?
Northern Italy
Why did the rest of Eruope lag behind?
France and England were fighting a 100 years war and the Black Plague
What was Italy divided into?
Many small city state controlled by a wealthy and powerful merchant class.
What did trade during the crusades lead to?
The growth of large city states in northern Italy
Who did Italy trade with?
Well developed markets on the easter Mediterannean and with North Africa and Northern Europe
What did trade create?
Large towns throughout the region
Who was the ruling family of Florence?
The Medici Family
What did Cosimo de Medici do?
Cleaned Florence, wanted to make Florence the artistic capital of Europe, created a puppet regime to create an illusion of a republic
When did Cosimo de Medici gain power?
What was Lorenzo de Medici also known as?
Lorenzo "the Magnificient"
How was Lorenzo de Medici related to Cosimo de Medici?
Lorenzo was Cosimo's grandson
What did Lorenzo de Medici do?
A huge patron of the arts, built on what his grandfather started continued cleaning and put on festivals
What type of figures did Renaissance artists paint?
They painted religious figures against classical Greek and Roman backgrounds
What new techniques were used in Renaissance art?
Return to realism, perspective, shading, arcs and colums, and rejected the gothic style
What were Donatello's most famous works of art?
A life-size statue of a soldier on horseback
What were Brunelleschi's most famous works of art?
He completed the Dome of on cathedral in Florence
What were Leonardo da Vinci's most famous works of art?
Mona Lisa
The Last Supper
Sketches of nature and models in his studie
Sketches for flying machines and undersea boats.
What did Leonardo da Vinci study?
Botany, anatomy, optics, music, architecture, and engineering
What were Michelangelo's most famous works of art?
David - marble sculpture
Peita - Mary holding Jesus
Painted a series of huge murals to decorate the ceiling of the Sistin Chapel in Rome
Dome of St. Peter's Cathedral
What did the murials on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangelo, depict?
The bibilical history of the world from the creation to the flood
What did Michelangelo excell in?
Sculpting, engineering, painting, architecture, and poetry
What were Raphael's most famous works of art?
School of Athens
His portrayal of Madonna
What two styles did Raphael blend?
Christian and Classical Styles
Who was commisioned by a wealthy merchant to decorate the Arena Chapel with scenes from the Bible?
Giotto di Bondone
What technique did Giotto di Bondone use in his painting?
Fresco painting
What was fresco painting?
Painting on wet plaster
What were Giotto di Bondone's most famous works of art?
Painted human figures that looked lifelike
Created the illusion of depth
What were Lorenzo Ghiberti's most famous works of art?
He spent 50 years creating two pairs of bronze doors for the babtistery of the local cathedral in Florence.
What were Masaccio's most famous works of art?
Decorated a chapel in Florence using perspective in a fresco called "The Healing of the Cripple and the Ressurection of Tabitha"
What did Renaissance writers reflect an interest in?
Philosophy and history
What were Dante Alighieri's most famous pieces?
Divine Comedy
Fully explain the Divine Comedy.
Roman Poet Virgil guides Dante through hell
They visit purgatory
Dante is guided through paradise by the medieval monk, St. Bernard, where he meets Beatrice
Who was Dante's muse?
Beatrice, who he fell in love with at age 8 and died at age 24
What did Dante write in?
The vernacular of his homeland
What language did Francisco Petrach write in?
Italian - wrote sonnets in honor of a mysterious woman named Laura
Latin - letters
Who did Petrach imitate the style of?
What did Petrach strive for?
Simplicity and purity
What was the most widely read book during the Renaissance?
The Book of the Courtier
Who wrote The Book of the Courtier?
Baldassacre Castiglione
What did The Book of the Courtier describe?
The ideal man and woman.
Man - wrote, athletic, good at games but not gamblers, plays an instrument, knows history and literature but is not arrogant
Women - graceful, kind, lively but reserved and did not seek fame like men did
What did Machiavello write?
The Prince
Why did Machiavello write the Prince?
In 1494, King Charles VIII of France led an army across the Alps into northern Italy. His goal was to claim Naples in the south, but his invasion led past Florence which he attacked. Piero de Medici surrendered without a fight. Outraged by their ruler's weekness, a mob of Florentines storm the Medici palace and drove Piero into exile. For the next two generatinos, Florence and other Italian city states suffered from numerous wars and political upheavals. Florence, Milan, Venice, and Rome were forced to ally themselves with foreign powers
What were Machiavello's beliefs?
A prince might have to trick his enemies and even his own people for the good of the state
Not concerned with what was morally right, but what was politically effective
The ends justified the means
How many people did the Black Plague kill?
Who improved upon the printing machine first invented by the Chinese?
Johann Gutenburg
Where was Johann Gutenburg from?
Mainz, Germany
What was the first book Johann Gutenburg printed and when?
He printed the first complete edition of the bible using a printing press with movable type in 1455
What changes did the printing press cause?
Printed books were cheaper than hand-copied books
Increased literacy
Readers gained knowledge in all areas
Exposed educated Europeans to new ideas and new places
Where did the northern Renaissance begin?
Presperous cities - Flanders, a region that included parts of present-day northern France, Belguim, and the Netherlands
Who was Jan van Eyck?
One of the most important Flemish painters who portrayed townspeople as well as religious scenes in realistic detail
What was Pieter Bruegel known for?
Painting vibrant colors to portray lively scenes of peasant life
Emerged in the 1500s
What nationality was Pieter Bruegel?
What nationality was Peter Paul Rubens?
What is Peter Paul Rubens known for?
Blending realistic tradtions of Flemish painters with classical themes of the Italian Renaissance
Who was called the German Leonardo?
Albrecht Durer
Where did Albrecht Durer travel and why?
In 1494, he traveled to Italy to Study the Italian masters
Albrecht Durer became a pioneer for what?
Spreading Renaissance ideas to Northern Europe
What did Humanist scholors stress?
Education and classical learning hoping to bring about religious and moral reform
Who was a dutch preist and humanist born in 1466?
What did Erasmus write?
Texts on a number of subjects and his knowledge of classical languages to produced a new Greek edition of the Bible
In Praise of Folly
Where did Erasmus want reform?
Catholic church
What did Sir Thomas More write?
What was Utopia about?
An ideal society in which men and women live in peace and harmony
Where did Sir Thomas More want reform?
Who was an English humanist?
Sir Thomas More
Who was a French humanist?
What did Rabelais write?
Gargantua and Pantagruel
What was Rabelais' career?
Monk, physician, Greek scholar, and author
What were Gargantua and Pantagruel about?
The adventures of two gentle giants. His characters offered opinions on religion, education, and other serious issue
Who was Shakespeare?
English poet and playwrite
How many plays did Shakespeare write?
What Renaissance ideas did Shakespeare explore?
The complexity of the individual and the importance of the classics
Who ruled during the Quattrocento?
Cosimi de Medici
Which three cities had populations of 100,000?
Genoa to the west
Venice to the east
Florence inland on the Arno River
What was Florence's economy based on?
Wool, leather, and silk trade