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33 Cards in this Set

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infectious cystitis

who usually gets it


elderly men (blocks, instruments)

people with issues like stones, refulx, neurogenic bladder/DM

what usually is the pathogen for cystitis

E. coli**





candida esp if their immune sux

TB if other country

what causes non-infectious cystitis?

chemotherapy -> hemorrhagic cystitis. Cyclophosphamide for example


so the cancer population

interstitial cystitis

what is it

who gets it

what does it look like?


painful with transmural inflam and fibrosis

happens in women >men. maybe autoimmune

it looks like flat carcinoma in situ CIS. fissures, ulcers, punctate hemorrhage

histo: see a lot of mast cells too

whhaatttt is malakoplakia?

what is it started? Who gets it? what's the problem? what does it look like?

bacterial infection -> unusual inflam response

often immunosuppressed/transplant pts

so probs a phagocytic issue where Mphage can't break down the products.

Have soft yellow mucous grossly. histo: foamy mphage, giant cells, **Michaelis-Gutmann bodies (calcified lysosomes with undigested bacterial products)

polypoid cystitis

what is it?

usually just catheter related from ongoing irritation of mucosa

it has a gross polyploid configuration from submucosal edema

main issue with it is on cystoscopy it looks like papillary carcinoma. Histo doesn't look cancerous at all though so it's easy enough.

bladder metaplasia

three types

cystitis cystica et glandularis

have brunn nests of transitional epithelium in bladder become cystic or transitional.

squamous metaplasia- very common in men, in trigone, can turn into squamous carcinoma

vesico ureteral refulx

what gets you this

why is that bad?

angle makes ureter not pinch off



neruogenic bladder

UTI and pyelonephritis


renal failure

uretero=pelvic junction obsturction

renal ageneiss, horse shoe kidney

preauricular tags

causes hydronephrosis in kids

bladder cancers risk factors

men more then women

old people

urothelial caricinoma: smoking, aniline, analgesics, cycotix, schistoma hameatobium infetion

urothelial transitional cell carcinoma

bladder > renal pelvis > ureter > urtehra

precursor non invasive ones flat CIS an invasive TCC. bad if gets through muscularis

urethelial tumors from good to bad

papilloma: rare benign, looks normal but in architecture

PUNLMP: thickened with some atypia. rarely progresses.

low grade TCC: papillary. may o rmay not invade

high grade is papillary or sessile. lots atypica and mitoses. necrosis. invasive recurrent progression common

urothelial carcinoma in situ: invasive CA, shed cells into urine for dx

rare bladder carcinomas

squamous cell carcinoma

sarcinoma from urachus

staging bladder

Ta noninvasive pap

Tis in situ

T1 lamina propria invasion

T2 muscularis

T3 perivesicle tissue

T4 adjacent structures

genes involved with carcinomas

9 deletions : superficial papillary tumor

17p p53 13q Rb for invasive

prostate issues


BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia

prostatic carcinoma

prostate cancer comes from

transitional zone

what's name for BPH

what's bad about it?

how's it happen?

nodular hyperplasia

only bad if compress urethra

driven by DHT

so how to treat BPH

5alpha reductase inhibiters

surgery: transurethral resetion of prostate

ablative: laser hyperthermia, US

how is prostate cancer found?

usually asymptomatic until advanced: urinary and back pain

digital rectal exam and PSA are dtection

what is PSA?

how is it used?

serine protease made by normal and cancerous prostate

elevated in prostatitis BPH and CA

not enough on own for dx but a good follow up tool to CA after tx

so how do you dx prostate cancer?

need biopsy

grading is by gleason score which correlates with px

where do mets from prostate go?

bone esp spine for osteoblastic lesions

LN's in the pelvis

cnacer comes from what region?

peripheral of prostate

for cryptorchidism where does it get stuck?

inguinal canal

which inflam infections hit epididymis first before testis?

which oens testis first then epididymis?

gonorrhea and TB


germ cell tumors

aggressive but curable

painless mass

mixed germ cell

what predisposes for germ cell tumor


dysgenesis: t-fem or XXY


what's the most important thing to differentiate for germ cell tumor

seminoma vs non seminoma

seminoma are lower satge, less spread, better treated than NSGCT

staging testicular tumor

state I still in

Stage II mets in retroperiotneal LN below diaphragm

III mets outside retroperitoenal ro above diaphragm

tumor markers

LDH: not specific but levels correlate to mass size

AFP from yolk sac

hCG form choriocarcinoma and some seminomas

AFP adn hCG with NSGCT

dick problems

hypospadias: urethral opening on ventral surface

epispadias: on dorsal surface

-probably have other problems but also pee, ejac problems

phimosis: prepuce too small to retract. scarring from infection can cause

tumor of penis

condyloma accuminatum from HPV6/11

CIS: bowen's disease. HPV16 associated