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8 Cards in this Set

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What are the 7 day to day responsibilities of health and social care workers?

1. Personal care.

2. Planning care.

3. Following policies and procedures.

4. Providing equipment.

5. Supporting recovery and healing.

6. Enabling rehabilitation.

7. Supporting routines of service users.

What are the 6 requirements of antidiscriminatory practice?

1. Provide an accessible and welcoming environment for all.

2. Address own prejudices.

3. Ensure all service users have their needs cared for.

4. Celebrate diversity.

5. Challenge discrimination.

6. Compensate for the negative effects of discrimination.

What are the 6 ways staff can support the empowerment of service users?

1. Aid expression of needs and preferences.

2. Balancing rights of individuals with those of others

3. Giving care consistent with beliefs, culture and preferences.

4. Dealing with conflict.

5. Enabling individuality.

6. Fostering dignity and independence.

What are the 6 ways staff can ensure safety?

1. Risk assessment.

2. Reporting and recording accidents and incidents.

3. Protect individuals from infection and abuse.

4. Provide first aid.

5. Controlling substances hazardous to health.

6. Following complaints procedures.

What 6 responsibilities do health and social care workers have regarding information management and communication?

1. Keep confidential information stored in locked in filing cabinets, in a locked room.

2. Information held electronically should be protected by a secure password.

3. Information should only be shared on a need to know basis.

4. Follow policies, procedures and code of practice requirements related to confidentiality.

5. Suggest improvements if they spot a weakness in information management procedures.

6. If a service user tells a service users they are at risk of abuse, they must explain to the device user that this will be shared with a senior member of staff.

What are the 5 different ways that health and social care workers can be accountable?

1. They must follow professional codes of conduct/practice.

2. Revalidation-affirming continuing competence.

3. Continuing Professional Development.

4. Following safeguarding regulations.

5. Following whistle blowing procedures.

What is a multi-disciplinary team?

A multi-disciplinary team is a team in which health and social care workers from different professional backgrounds and with different work roles, plan, implement and monitor an individual's care.

What are the 5 ways health and social care staff are monitored?

1. Line management.

2. External inspection by relevant agencies.

3. Whistleblowing.

4. Service user feedback.

5. Criminal investigations.