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152 Cards in this Set

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Whose definition limited rhetoric to style and delivery?
Peter Ramus
Whose definition equated rhetoric with the means of persuasion in a given situation?
Whose definition of rhetoric emphasized the psychology of audience to a greater degree than other definitions?
Francis Bacon
Who used the word “identification” in defining rhetoric?
Kenneth Burke
Which of the following is NOT generally true of symbols?
Symbols include only words and letters.
Which of the following is not generally true of rhetoric, according to the book?
Rhetoric is an impractical art that seeks to establish the truth in an abstract sense
The saying “rhetoric is epistemic” refers to the idea that rhetoric
generates truth
T/F: Rhetoric is used to create informed opinion.
Which characterization about the content of rhetoric is most accurate?
A. Some theorists have argued that rhetoric concerns only style.
B. Some theorists believe that rhetoric is similar to philosophy because both are concerned with making effective arguments.
C. Most theorists today believe that rhetoric combines arguments with style.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above
During which period of rhetorical theory were theorists concerned with letter-writing, sermons, and literature?
During which period of rhetoric theory were theorists concerned with answering pragmatic questions about rhetoric?
During which period of rhetorical theory were theorists concerned with reducing human conflict by increasing their understanding of each other?
During which period was rhetoric used primarily to communicate the results of scientific research?
From which discipline did early teachers of rhetoric split to form their own discipline of communication?
According to the textbook, which journal is thought to be the premier journal for rhetorical research today?
Quarterly Journal of Speech
T/F: A rhetorical theorist is one who practices rhetorical criticism
T/F: Rhetorical practice is a synonym for rhetoric, according to your book
T/F: Symbols necessarily have a natural relationship to what they represent
T/F: Rhetoric is generally used when speaker and audience know with certainty the topic they are discussing.
T/F: Plato generally held the idea that rhetoric was epistemic
T/F: Some, but not all rhetorical theory is aimed at creating effective communication.
T/F: Theorists generally agree that rhetoric concerns only communication that is persuasion.
T/F: Rhetoric can be used to explain and understand mediated messages, such as films.
T/F: A culture’s political system plays no significant role in how that culture uses rhetoric.
T/F: The primary emphasis of rhetorical theory during the social period is the listener, according to Robert L. Scott.
What is NOT true of classical rhetoric?
Classical rhetoric was primarily written.
What IS true of classical rhetoric?
Classical rhetoric consisted primarily of claims and their backing.
What can be said of the sophists?
- The Sophists were traveling teachers.
- The Sophists believed truth was relative.
- Gorgias, one of the Sophists, recognized the inherent ambiguities in the meaning of words.
Which theorist is most closely associated with the idea that absolute truth exists and rhetoric is a vehicle used to convey that truth?
Which theorist is known for reviving Greek theories of rhetoric in the Roman republic and for being an excellent orator?
Which theorist at one time claimed rhetoric was the flattery of the mob?
Which theorist was influenced by his scientific training, which led him to observe and classify rhetorical techniques?
Which type of rhetoric was concerned with past actions?
Which type of rhetoric was concerned with future actions?
Which canon of rhetoric was concerned with vocal stability and flexibility?
Which canon of rhetoric was concerned with finding and developing the subject of the rhetoric?
Which canon of rhetoric is concerned with the use of language to create a desired effect on the audience?
Which statement below is true of ethos, pathos, and logos?

A. Aristotle identified them as forms of artistic proof.
B. They are used in the canon of invention.
C. Ethos refers to credibility appeals, pathos with emotional appeals, and logos with logical appeals.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the Above
Which aspect of delivery refers to the ability to vary the intonations of the voice?
Which two theorists have most closely linked rhetoric with morality? That is, which theorists have said that rhetoric should be used to promote what is ethical, moral, and just?
Quintilian and Plato
Which type of style refers to that of ordinary, everyday speech?
Which type of style is elegant and uses ornamentation?
T/F: Greece had a central governing authority while Rome did not.
T/F: The Roman Republic used a democratic form of government.
T/F: A funeral eulogy is an example of judicial rhetoric
T/F: Plato believed that rhetoric and dialectic were interchangeable and both could be used to uncover truth.
T/F: The canon of arrangement referred to the structure of the speech.
T/F: Artistic proof is given by the situation and can only be used by the rhetor.
T/F: Deductive reasoning can be expressed in the form of the enthymeme.
T/F: Topoi are common arguments that can be used by the speaker in many situations.
T/F: Vocal stability refers to the loudness of the speaker’s voice.
T/F: The Sophists thought rhetoric could be used to find truth.
Term used to refer to the use of language to momentarily lift audience members outside of themselves?
2 Natural qualities of the sublime
Passion and great thoughts
Which method of communicating great thoughts relies on arranging thoughts in ascending order?
Which theorist taught the early Christian speakers to use rhetoric in their preaching?
St. Augustine
Which theorist wrote the book "On the Sublime"?
Which theorist argued that rhetoric should concern only style and delivery?
Peter Ramus
Which theorist is most closely associated with the belletristic movement?
Hugh Blair
Which theorist is most closely associated with the elocutionary movement?
Thomas Sheridan
Which of the following is significant about letter-writing in the Middle Ages?
A. Letter writing became an important medium through which governmental decisions were made.
B. Letter writing was the only practical means through which business could be carried out.
C. Rhetorical theory focused for the first time on written, not oral, forms of rhetoric.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above
Which of Ramus’s general laws addressed dividing the subject matter into distinct disciplines?
Law of Justice
Hugh Blair made which unique contribution to rhetorical theory?
He practiced rhetorical criticism
Which canon was the focus of the Elocutionary Movement?
Which theorist taught a mechanical style of delivery?
John Walker
What is true about the elocutionary movement is true?
The elocutionary movement was thought to be artificial and excessive.
What is true of the belletristic movement?
The belletristic movement is credited with developing rhetorical criticism.
T/F: Rhetoric was used for the same political purposes during the Second Sophistic as it was in ancient Greece.
T/F: The sublime is created through natural and artistic qualities.
T/F: St. Augustine was born a pagan and converted to Christianity.
T/F: Early church leaders were fearful of the effects of rhetoric
T/F: St. Augustine taught that preachers should mostly seek to persuade, rather than inform or entertain, their audiences.
T/F: Hugh Blair taught that taste could be improved with education.
T/F: Perspicuity and ornament are two ways of achieving style, according to Blair.
T/F: Blair’s definition of rhetoric included only spoken words.
T/F: Blair believed that persuasion was the most important purpose of speaking.
T/F: The belletristic movement was mostly concerned with delivery of the spoken word.
Which group of theorists used inductive scientific methods to develop knowledge?
Which of the following was an epistemologist?
Francis Bacon
Which type of reasoning generalizes from a set of experiences or information?
Which theorists divided the human mind into two parts, the understanding and the will?
Whose definition of rhetoric was “the duty and office of rhetoric is to apply reason to imagination for the better moving of the will?”
Francis Bacon
Which of Bacon’s fallacies identified individual biases or prejudice as a form of faulty reasoning?
Idols of the Cave
Which of Bacon’s fallacies identified fallacies in philosophy and theory?
Idols of the Theater
Which of Bacon’s fallacies identified limitations in human ability to know?
Idol of the Tribe
The Idols of the Marketplace refers to fallacies based on
ambiguities in language
What is true of Campbell's theory of rhetoric?
- broader than Aristotle
- based on the mind of the audience member
- included 4 goals for rhetoric
Which term refers to the idea that someone has an advantage when they defend the status quo?
Which term refers to countering the claims of someone arguing the other side of an issue?
Which type of statement expresses an exception that would negate the claim of the argument?
Who developed the idea of the universal and particular audiences?
Which audience actually hears the speaker’s arguments?
T/F: The Epistemologists favored deductive over inductive reasoning.
T/F: The belletristic movement exerted strong influence on the Epistemologists.
T/F: The Epistemologists favored a simple and clear style of rhetoric.
T/F: The three basic parts of an argument, according to Toulmin, are data, warrant, and claim.
T/F: The rhetorical goal of enlightening the understanding is the most complex of all rhetorical goals, according to Campbell
T/F: Managerial rhetoric refers to the idea that rhetors simply manage the arguments that have been invented by someone else.
T/F: George Campbell limited his theory of rhetoric to argumentation
T/F: The warrant is the conclusion of an argument
T/F: The qualifier is the statement made about the strength of the argument.
T/F: The particular audience includes “all normal, adult persons.”
What is true of linguistic reflexivity?
Linguistic reflexivity refers to the attention paid to language by rhetorical theorists in the 20th century.
Which theorists developed the idea of Basic English?
Ogden and Richards
Between which two words of the semantic triangle is there a dashed line?
Symbols and referents
What does the dashed line in the semantic triangle represent?
An imputed, or arbitrary, relationship
Which theorist is most closely associated with General Semantics?
Which type of extensional device makes clear the time frame involved in a discussion.
Which extensional device is used to indicate the uniqueness to two objects, people, or things.
Which extensional device is used when the meaning of a specific term is doubtful, misleading or not widely understood?
Which extensional device is used to show that we can never say all there is to say about a subject?
What is true of a significant symbol, according to Mead?
It is a sign that arouses meaning in the self and in others.
Which term refers to the perception we have of how others see us?
Generalized Other
Which term refers to the ability to respond to ourselves as objects?
Which of the following is true of muted group theory?
A. Muted group theory believes that women have more difficulty expressing themselves than men.
B. Muted group theory believes that men have more difficulty understanding women then women have understanding men.
C. Muted group theory believes that women seek to express themselves in nontraditional forms of communication.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above
Which level of knowledge consists of explanatory statements or theories?
At which level of knowledge did Weaver see truth residing?
T/F: “The map is not the territory” is a phrase attributed to the study of Basic English.
T/F: Words that have multiple, ambiguous meanings are termed multiordinal, according to General Semantics.
T/F: While Aristotle sought to determine the absolute meanings for words, General Semantics attempted to show what words did not mean.
T/F: The me is unpredictable and impulsive
T/F: A photograph, according to Langer, is not discursive and cannot be read in the same way as words.
T/F: According to Weaver, dialectic and rhetoric are the same.
T/F: Weaver’s view of rhetoric is opposite of Plato’s view.
T/F: A better argument is based on principles, not situations, according to Weaver
T/F: According to Weaver, rhetoric is useful because it moves audiences to believe what is true.
T/F: Scott’s view of rhetoric is opposite of Plato’s view.
Whose definition of human included statements about the negative, hierarchy, and perfection?
What is NOT true of human symbol use, according to Burke?
Symbol use can be neutral towards the objects named
The words “no” and “not” are examples of which term?
The negative
Guilt results from which of the following?
1. The negative
2. Hierarchy
2. Perfection
Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. There can be no motion without action.
B. There can be motion without action.
C. Action is not reducible to terms of motion.
D. All of the above.
A. There can be no motion without action
What is not a method of identification, according to Burke?
What is true of the pentad?
1. It includes terms such as act, agent, agency, scene, and purpose.
2. It is a method used to identify motives in rhetoric.
3. Rhetors sometimes manipulate emphasis on a pentadic term strategically.
Which pentadic term refers to the means through which action takes place?
Which pentadic term refers to the situation or context in which action occurs?
According to the example in your book, President Bush portrayed the United States as which pentadic term in his March 17, 2003 speech
Which method of purification assumes that we all make mistakes and play the role of fool from time to time?
Who assumes that all humans are storytellers and that we constantly evaluate the stories to which we are exposed?
Which type of coherence is concerned with how well a story “hangs together?”
Who developed symbolic convergence theory?
What best defines a rhetorical vision?
It is a common way of seeing the world that results from fantasy sharing
T/F: The negative existed before humans began using symbols, according to Burke.
T/F: Striving to be perfect can be destructive, according to Burke.
T/F: Rhetoric is mostly interested in motion, rather than action.
T/F: The purpose refers to the reason an action takes place, in pentadic terms
T/F: A proportion refers to the relationship between two pentadic terms.
T/F: Because humans experience guilt, they also seek redemption, according to Burke.
T/F: Mortification is the strategy of redemption used to blame someone else for guilt.
T/F: The comic fool is forever purged from society following comic purification.
T/F: Narrative probability asks whether a story is consistent with itself.
T/F: Fantasy themes are the contents of stories that are told among group members.