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A reads text to speech;

36 Cards in this Set

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A story that uses character or other story elements symbolically to represent something else.
The repetition of consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words. Usually the repeated sound is at the beginning of each word
A reference to an event, book, myth, place or work of art. Allusions can be literary, historical, religious, or mythical.
The multiple meanings of a word, phrase, sentence, or passage.
A similarity or comparison between two different things
A figure of speech that uses opposite ideas that are grammatically equal.
A brief statement that expresses a general idea or moral truth
A figure of speech that directly addresses an absent person or an abstraction.
A figure of speech that reverses the order of words in phrases that would otherwise be structured the same.
An adjective describing ordinary, informal language; conversational
The non-literal meaning(s) of a word. The implied or suggested meaning(s).
The strict, literal, dictionary definition of a word.
The writer’s word choice (could be formal, colloquial, complex, or simple)
Instructive; Intended to teach moral or ethical principals.
A less offensive substitute for an unpleasant word or concept.
Figurative language
Non-literal writing or speech.
Figure of speech
An expression or device that uses non-literal language.
A category of literature. The major genres are prose, poetry and drama; however, more specific categories are also called genres
A figure of speech using extreme exaggeration. It often creates humor or irony
A reasonable conclusion based on the information presented. An inference is never directly stated.
Allegory (e.g.)
(e.g. characters represent freedom, the forest represents evil, or animals represent government officials).
Alliteration (e.g.)
(e.g. Tanya takes taffee and twists tightly).
Allusion (e.g.)
(e.g. starting your speech, “I have a Dream.”)
Ambiguity (e.g.)
(e.g. the word “bank” has several meanings, including “financial institution” and “edge of a river,” but if someone says “I deposited $100 in the bank,” the intended meaning is clear.)
Analogy (e.g.)
(e.g. Giving birth is sort of like experiencing an earthquake…)
Antithesis (e.g.)
(e.g. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times)
Aphorism (e.g.)
(e.g. Neither a borrower nor a lender be…)
Apostrophe (e.g.)
(e.g. O Milton! We have need of thee!) (Cruelty! Release me from your grip!)
Chiasmus (e.g.)
(e.g. Heaven is too great for humanity; humanity is too great for heaven)
Connotation (e.g.)
(e.g. The connotations of war include destruction, conflict, and bloodshed)
Denotation (e.g.)
(e.g. The denotation of war could be “an armed conflict between nations.”)
Euphemism (e.g.)
(e.g. casualties instead of deaths; the powder room instead of the bathroom)
Figure of speech (e.g)
(e.g. metaphor, simile, hyperbole, understatement, apostrophe, oxymoron, personification)
Genre (e.g.)
(e.g. detective fiction, the romance novel, essays, autobiographies)
Hyperbole (e.g.)
(e.g. "I am so hungry, I could eat a horse!")
Inference (e.g.)
(e.g. All men are mortal
Socrates is a man --> Therefore Socrates is mortal.)