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11 Cards in this Set

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Asking a question then proceeding to answer it
How do we know this is to be true? We have observed it in the lab
Speaks of one thing as though it actually were another
"Is, was, are, am, be, ect"
" Dr King was truly a king among men."
Compares two things that are already somewhat related.
Like, so, as,
Like hypophora, procatalepsis deals specifically with objections.
Directly addressing objections.
Shows your reader that you have anticipated their concerns, and have already thought them through.
It may be pointed out that the proposed tax plan as a burden to a small number of families in the upper brackets. While this may be true, the benefits offered to those who are most in need must surely way out a small bit of hardship to those who are not.
Makes use of something already well known to explain something that is less well-known. Further elaborate on it. That is already understood
As the endless waves wash eternally upon the shore, so does the true love overwhelm the soul
A reference to some fairly well-known event place, or person. Help your reader understand what you're talking about.
Referring to a specific famous person to leave his or her attributes with someone else.
A modern day Moses, he led his nation to a new beginning.
It provides your reader with an example to illustrate your point.
A wise saying
As we often say, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
The writer elaborates on the definition of a word, to make sure there is no misunderstanding.
Communalism, by which I mean the socialist comunalism which comes after the centralized state, has yet to be tried anywhere in the real world.
Exaggerated statements or claims not to be taken literally
The people became so silent you could hear a beating heart from across the room.