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37 Cards in this Set

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What is the order of startup from powering on to login prompt?
9 steps
Hard Disk
Kernel loaded by GRUB
Init (first Linux Process)
Open /etc/inittab to see which level to load (say it's 3 here)
Move to /etc/rc3.d Start running the numbered links in order to /etc/init.d's files
Services Start
What is the default bootloader?
GRUB - LILO is not used anymore
Where is the GRUB bootloader located?
In the MBR
How do you recover your root password in rhel6?
boot into single user mode and issue passwd -d root
This will blank your root password
You can also run vipw -s and remove the hash
What are the three runlevels to boot into if there is a problem
with the system?
1 - Runlevel 1 boots you straight into root administrative account fully logged in
single - Does everything but read the scripts in /etc/rc1.d/
init=/bin/sh - Does not load any init related files, just mounts / in ro mode
If you boot into init=/bin/sh, how do you mount / rw?
mount -o remount /device path /
How would you add a GRUB password after install is complete?
Run grub-md5-crypt to create a hash from a password
Add password --md5 DFSDFSDFERWE#$!@ just above the first stanza (before title)
How would you make a password required prior to booting or
selecting a boot option?
Run grub-md5-crypt to create a hash from a password
Add password --md5 DFSDFSDFERWE#$!@ anywhere inside the stanza (after title)
If you end up at the grub> prompt, how do you see a list of
available commands?
If you end up at the grub> prompt, how can you find the
partition with the /boot directory (2 ways)?
find /grub/grub.conf
Result: (hd0,0)
So you've been booted to grub> and you found the partition,
What do you do next?
cat (hd0,0)/grub/grub.conf
What is (hd0,0) equal to?
What are the runlevels?
0 halt
1 Single User
2 Multi User with some network
3 Multi with full network
6 Reboot (Don't set this)
How can you see what runlevel you are in?
N 5 means you booted into 5
5 3 means you went from 5 to 3
What is the difference between restart and reload of services?
Reload loads the config file without restarting the service.
What file do you change to edit the number of consoles?
I think you only have to edit etc/sysconfig/init
There is another file that refers to the consoles:
/etc/init/start-ttys, but it doesn't seem to do anything
How can I get a complete listing of the runlevels of all services in
chkconfig --list
How can you control a bunch of services in your current runlevel
With a console type utility?
run ntsysv
How can you control a bunch of services in RLs 3 and 5 with a
console type utility?
ntsysv --level 35
How can I list the runlevels for certmonger?
chkconfig --list certmonger
How do I set up certmonger to run in RL 3 and 4?
chkconfig --level 34 certmonger on
What is a girly way to configure RLs?
system-config-services (Will bring up a full GUI if installed)
When you run chkconfig --level 3 certmonger on, what file changes?
The file /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/K01certmonger changes to S99certmonger
This is because they want certmonger to stop first and start last
If you did the same thing with nfs, it would change from
K60nfs to S30nfs
How do you get a routing table?
netstat -r
netstat -nr (the n displays the IP addresses rather than names)
You can also do route -n
How would you add a default gateway?
route add default gw (you have to be missing the gateway though
otherwise you get a "no such process" error
What is the difference between /etc/sysconfig/
networking/ devices and profiles
networking is used by the system-config-network - Do Not Edit Manually
This is the location to edit manually
How do you launch the network configuration console version?
or run setup
How do you launch the network configuration GUI version?
yum install NetworkManager-gnome
-or- rpm -I NetworkManager-gnome-0.8 [Tab]
Where is the timezone configured?
Where is the ntp configuration file located?
What is the GUI for setting time/server and Timezone?
What is a summary of all available networking commands?
what are two ways to analyze boot messages?
or open /var/log/dmesg
Where do you configure the default runlevel?
With the new upstart startup, where are all the initialization
configuration files stored?
You can also cat /etc/inittab and it'll list them there
Where and how can you change the DNS search order
In /etc/nsswitch Change the line "Hosts: files dns" around
How do you boot without a grub.conf file?
Run root to find location eg. (hd0,0)
kernel=(hd0,0)/ ([Tab] for Kernel and add ro to the end) root=/dev/mapper/vg_humu-lv_root
initrd=(hd0,0)/ ([Tab] for ramdisk)