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60 Cards in this Set

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What is cutaneous innervation of the one 1/2 medial most fingers and ulnar side of the palm and wrist on palmar side?
Ulnar nerve
On palmar side, what nerve supplies the three and one half fingers and the lateral half of the palm and wrist?
Median Nerve
On dorsum, what nerve supplies the 1 1/2 medial fingers and half of back of hand and ulnar side of wrist?
Ulnar Nerve
On dorsum, what nerve supplies the lateral half of the back of the handon lateral side?
Radial Nerve
On dorsum, what does median nerve supply to hand?
distal posterior tips of first 3 1/2 fingers
Patient comes in with flaccidity in inability to use fingers. What nerve is damaged?
What is the hypothenar compartment?
Base of little finger and contains four muscles
Describe the thenar compartment.
Base of thumb- 3 muscles
Describe the central compartment of the palm
Covered by palmar aponeurosis and contains long flexor tendons nerves and vasculature
What is the adductor compartment?
Deepest muscular plane of the hand containing the adductur pollicis muslce
True or False, extensor tendon sheaths run over the extensor retinaculum
What do the palmar side muscles do?
What do the dorsal side muscles do?
What arteries supply the dorsal carpal rete system?
Radial artery
What Arteries do the dorsal carpal rete system give off?
Dorsal metacarpal arteries and tiny dorsal digital arteries.
What tendons eventually turn into the extensor hood?
Extensor digitorum tendons
What muscles insert on the extensor expansion (hood)
Lumbrical and interossei muscles
What may happen to damage of the extensor digitorum?
Mallet finger- distal phalanx flexed, unable to extend at distal IP joint.
Describe Dorsal Interossei Muscles.
O- four muslces with two heads each- on med/lat side of fingers
I radial side index and middle, ulnar side middle and fourth
F- abducts middle three fingers
N- Ulnar
What is dupuytren's contracture?
Progressive shortening and thickening of palmar fascia and aponeurosis. Common in older men.
What does ulnar nerve damage cause in hand?
Claw hand
What does median nerve damage to hand?
Ape hand
What nerve innervates thenar compartment muscles?
Recurrent branch of the median nerve
What does the superficial branch of the ulnar nerve do?
It is sensory, supplies the medial palm and half of the 4th digit/digiti minimi surface.
What does the deep branch of the ulnar nerve do?
Motor- innervates hypothenar muslces, 3rd and 4th lumbricals, the adductor pollicis, all of the interossei muslces and sensory innervation to the joints.
What does the superficial palmar arterial arch branch off to?
Three common palmar digitial arteries and a digital artery to the digiti minimi.
Where does superficial palmar arterial arch come from?
Ulnar artery continuation
Where does the deep palmar arch come from?
Continuation of the radial artery.
What branches do the deep palmar arch give off?
Princeps pollicis and radialis indicis and three palmar metacarpal arteries.
What do lumbrical muscles do?
They flex the metacarpal-phalangeal joint and give a bye bye wave.
What are the lateral 2 lumbricals innervated by?
Median nerve
What are the medial two lumbricals innervated by?
Ulnar nerve
What allows the simultaneous flex of MP and extension of IP joints?
The lever action of the lumrical insertion on the extensor digitorium tendon.
What is deep to the lumbrical muscles?
Midpalmar fascia lined space and the adductor pollicis muscle compartment.
What is below the Adductor pollicis muscle compartment in hand?
Deep palmar arterial arch and deep branch of ulnar nerve
Describe adductor pollicis muscle
O-Carpal/metacarpal bones
I-Medial proximal phalanx of thumb
A- ADducts thumb
What is below the deep palmar arterial arch
Palmar interossei muscles- PAD- palmar adductors
Describe palmar interossei muscles
O-Metacarpal bones
I- Extensor expansions of digits and bases of proximal phalanges of digits- 2 4 5.
N- Ulnar
A- ADducts digits 2 4 5
What is the fleshy pad at base of thum called?
Thenar eminence
What are all the muscles in the thenar eminence region innervated by?
Recurrent branch of median nerve
Where is the hypothenar eminence and what innervates this area?
Little finger side of palm- Ulnar nerve
What muscles lie in the hypothenar eminence area?
Abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi, and opponens digiti minimi.
What muscles are in the Thenar eminence area?
Flexor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis brevis and opponens pollicis.
Describe the abductor pollicis brevis
O- Carpal bones
I- base of proximal phalanx on lateral side
N- Median
A- Abducts thumb
Describe the Flexor Pollicis Brevis
O- Flexor retinaculum, carpal bones
I- Base of proximal phalanx of thum
N- Median
A- Flexes thumb
What tendon is associated with small sesamoid bon?
Flexor pollicis brevis
Describe Opponens Pollicis
O- Carpal bones
I- Lateral or radial side of first metacarpal body
N- Median
A- oppose thumb to another finger
Describe abductor digiti minimi
O- Carpal bones
I- Medial side of base of Proximal phalanx
N- Ulnar
A- abducts fifth digit
Describe flexor digiti minimi
O- Carpal bones
I- Palmar proximal phalanx
N- Ulnar
A- Flexes proximal phalanx of the fifth digit
Describe opponens digiti minimi-
O- Carpal bones
I- body of fifth metacarpal
N- Ulnar
A- Draws little finger into opposition with thumb
What happens if there is ulnar nerve damage at medial epicondyle?
Imparied AB or ADduction of medial four fingers
What is the only thumb muscle innervated by ulnar nerve?
Adductor pollcis
What happens if there is long standing ulnar nerve damage?
Claw hand
What happens with long standing median nerve damage?
Ape hand
What muscles elevate the scapula?
Levator scapula, rhomboid minor and major, and upper traps.
What muscles depress the scapula?
Pec minor, lower pec major, lower trap, lower serrat. anterior
What muscles abduct and protract scapula?
Pec minor and serratus anterior.
What muscles adduct/retract scapula?
Rhomboid minor, major, and middle trap, and lat dorsi indirectly.
What muscles superior/upward rotate scapula?
Upper trap, lower trap, serrat anterior
What muslces downward rotate scapula?
Pec minor, levator scapula, rhomboid major/minor