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16 Cards in this Set

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What is the central tegmental tract?
carries many ascending/descending fibers between reticular formation and levels above/below
What is the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus?
-fibers from where to where
hypothalamus to RF
medial forebrain bundle
bw/ RF below and septal nuclei and basal forebrain rostrally
RF nuclei are rather small but their projections are?
divergent and diffuse. so small nuclei can serve equally broad and important functions.

--noradrenergic and serotonergic axons have widespread termination compared to specific afferents and axons from other parts of cortex.
what NT does the ventral tegmental area (VTA) produce?
what are the two major pathways of the VTA?

mesocortical -projections to frontal lobe and esp prefrontal cortex

mesolimbic - projections to numerous limbic areas, esp nucleus accumbens and septal nuclei

--fn: cognitive, emotional. may be related to motivation.

lesions of VTA can lead to dementia and psychotic symptoms, esp impt in schizophrenia
what neurotransmitter does locus ceruleus transmit?
NE or noradrenalin
Where does locus coeruleus project to?
terminate thruout forebrain, cerebellum, brainstem and SC
what is the fn of the locus ceruleus projections?
sleep, pain modulation (via desc proj to SC) and cognitive

clinical issue: depression; antidepressants act by inhibiting reuptake of NE and 5HT
What NT do the raphe nuclei make?
serotonin, 5HT
what are the functions of serotonin and thus raphe nuclei?
sleep, pain modulation

clinical: depression; inhibit reuptake
There are two additional places that use Ach
hint: one in basal forebrain and other in brainstem tegmentum
the basal forebrain cholinergic group consits of what nuclei?
--clinical issues?
basal forebrain cholinergic group
--septal nuclei
--nuclei of diagonal band
--basal nucleus of Meynert (aka nucleus basalis)

--projection = amygdala and cortex

--fn = plasticity (learning) and limbic sys fn

--clincial: dementia, Alzheimer's
the brainstem tegmentum cholinergic group consits of what nuclei?
--clinical issues?
brainstem tegmentum cholin group
-pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPT)
-laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT)

projections = thalamus, forebrain

fn = sleep, arousal, consciousness

-clinical iss: sleep disorders, coma
What are the primary components of the ARAS?
ARAS = Ascending Reticular Activating System

--locus ceruleus (NE)
--pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (cholinergic)
--laterodorsal tegmental nu. (cholinergic)
what are the outputs of the ARAS?
--outputs to thalamus
-----intralaminar thalamic nuclei --IMPT IN AROUSAL
-----other thalamic nuclei

basal forebrain

each of which project to cortex.