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13 Cards in this Set

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Emotional engagement with the world is controlled by what system.
Limbic system
Endogenous reward system is composed of what areas?
VTA (Ventral Tegmental Area)
Nucleus Accumbens Septi
Prefrontal Cortex (specifically orbitofrontal cortex)
VTA uses what neurotransmitter?
In the endogenous reward system, what kinds of transmitters are there?
Dopamine is primary but opioids and oxytocin play a role.
In the endogenous reward system, what plays a role in addictive behaviors?
Nucleus Accumbens Septi, a major forebrain nucleus.
_____drugs that produce euphoria or high do so by_____of the_____. Such drugs can be ______ and_____addicting.
altering the biochemistry
rewards system
What are 3 neurotransmitters?
Dopamine, Serotonin, and Norepinephrine
Dopamine regulates?
Makes people more talkative and excitable, affects brain processes that control movement, emotional response, and ability to experience pleasure and pain
Serotonin regulates?
Depression anxiety, apathy, fear, feelings of worthlessness, insomnia and fatigue
Cocaine is a potent_____?
Cocaine affects which area and how?
Affects nucleus accumbens, Dopamine reuptake inhibitor thus increasing the nuerotransmitter saturation at synapse, also blocks serotonin reuptake (similar to prozac)
Cocaine longterm effects?
Down-regulation of opiods (such as endorphins) permanent blunted emotional affect
Marijuana effects?
Similar to alcohol, euphoria and heightened sensation.