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46 Cards in this Set

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What Html tag would you use to define a rectangular hotspot with the upper left edge of a rectangular at the point (5, 20) and lower –right edge located at (85, 100) and with Oregon.htm displayed when the hotspot is activated.
<area shape="rect" coords="5,20,85,100"href="oregon.htm" />
What HTML tag would you use to assign an image map named States to westcoast.gif?
<img src="westcoast.gif" usemap="States" />
What is the HTML code for linking the text " Universities" to an element with the id "CSU" ?
<a href="#CSU">universities</a>
What attribute would you add to the <UL> tag to display the ball.gif image on the inside of the item block?
style='list-style:url(ball.gif) inside
What attribute would you add to the <OL> the to display uppercase Roman Numerals?
style= "list-style-type: upperroman
what tag would you add to a document to insert the meta information that the page author name is "Diane Chou"
<meta name="author"content="diane Chou" />
How would you insert a line break into a page
Use the <br /> tag
How does a text based browser display a horizontal line?
These are displayed using dashes and underscores
What code would you enter to insert a blue horizontal line that is 200 pixels wide?
<hr style ="color: blue; background-color: blue; 200" />
What code would you enter to insert a blue horizontal line that is 200 pixels wide?
<hr style ="color: blue; background-color: blue; 200" />
What software programs do you need to create a HTml document?
You can create them with a basic text editor.
What are HTML extensions? what are pros and cons
Special formats supported by special browsers
Pros: wider range of elements
Cons will not work for all
What is a hypertext document?
Electronic files containing elements that users can select , usually by clicking a mouse to open another document
How do html documents differ from docs created with word.
The browser determines the final apperance of an HTML document. Word exactly specifes the document
What code word would you use to insert a copy Right symbol?
What is kerning and what style settings would want to use to set an elements kerning to 2 em ?
Refers to the amount of space between letters. To set to 2em use the style letter spacing 2 em
What style sets 10-pixels margin above and below an element and 15-pixels margin to the left and right element?
Margin 10px 15px
What attributes would you add to the <img /> tag to set the dimensions of image to 200 pixels wide by 300 pixels high
width="200" hieght="300"
What is the html code for marking the h2 heading "colorado state university" with the id name"CSU"
<h2 id="CSU">colorado state university</a></h2>
What is the purpose of the <base />tag
Designed to specify the location from which browsers should resolve all relative paths
What code would you enter to link text "basketball news " id anchor name of "bball" within a different file named sports.htm
<a href="sports.htm#bball"> Basketball news</a>
What code would you enter to link the text "sports info" to sports.htm file?
<a href="sports.htm">sports info </a>
What is a hierarchical structure?
Web pages are linked general to specific
What tag would you add to document's head to creat a link to the file "toc.htm"?
<link href="toc.htm" rel="contents" rev="chapter" />
What attribute would you add the link specifying that the destination is the next page in a linear sequence of documents?
what attribute would you add to display the popup title " glossary of chemistry.
title="glossary of chemsitry terms"
what text would you enter to link the text "president to email address president @whitehouse.gove
<a href="mailto:president @whitehouse.gov"> president#</a>
What tag would you enter to link the text "boxing" to the newsgroup rec.sports.boxing. pro?
<a href "news:rec.sports.boxing.pro">Boxing</a>
What tag would you enter to link the text "washington" to the ftp server at ftp.uwash.edu
<a href="ftp.uwash.edu">Washington</a>
What tag would you enter to link the text "white House" to the URL.
<a href="http://www.whitehouse.gov" target="_blank">white house</a>
What are five parts of a URL?
folder name
file name
anchor or ID
When should you use anchors in place of ids for marking destinations within a document?
Anchors should be used to support older browser that do not recognize the id attribute.
What is the HTml code for linking the inline image button.jpg to an anchor with the name "links"?
<a href="#links"><img src="button.jpg /></a>
What is HTML code for marking an inline image photo.jpg with the anchor name "photo"?
<a name ="photo"><img src="photo.jpg /></a>
List 3 reasons for uising the JPEG image format instead of GIF format.
Photo graphic image

contains more then 256 colors

need to reduce the file size through compression
List 3 reasons for using the gif image format instead of jpeg format
transparent color
animated image
When using less then 256 colors
What style floats an element on the left margin?
What style prevents an element form being displayed until that margin is clear?
What is a logical element?
Describes the nature of their enclosed content but do not necessarily indicate how that content should appear.
What is a phsyical element
Describes how an element should appear.
What is a span element?
A general inline element used to contain or mark an inline content
What style setting would you use to create bold italic text?
What style would you use to make doubled space
line height:2
What are the presentational atttributes? When should you use them?
These are HTML attributes theat specify how the browser should be rendered most of these have been depracated. You should use these when working with older browsers
White spaces due what?
treat all lines as a single space
What is a block level element?
Contains content that is displayed in a seperate page such as an section within the page such as paragraphs or heading.
What is an inline element
same block as sounding content- individual words and phrases in paragraph