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87 Cards in this Set

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Major Brain Divisions
Brain Stem
Higher Thought Processes
Corntrols vital functions and regulates other regions of the brain
Produces smooth, coordinated skeletal muscle activity
Brain Stem
Relay station for messages to and from brain
Also controls reflexes (visual, breathing, heartbeat, vomiting)
Protection of the brain
Cranium (skull)
Meninges (3 layers of tissue)
Cerebrospinal (In the ventricles)
Blood brain barrier (selective permeability of neurons & harmful substances)
Connective tissue membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord
Dura - two fibrous connective tissue layers
Arachnoid - clear middle layer
Pia - inside layer
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Circulates in ventricles and subarachnoid spaces.

Cushions the brain
reduces weight by 97%
Nourishes the brain and reduces waste products
produced by choroid plexi in the ventricles
enlarged chambers in the brain and the hollow central canal of the spinal cord.
contain csf
continuous with one another and the central canal of the spinal cord
lined with ependymal cells (neuroglia) that produce the CSF
Choroid Plexuses
Clusters of capillaries that hang from the roof of each ventricle
Produce CSF
Remove wastes from CSF
Replaced every 8 hours and circulate slowly through the cns
Produce 500 ml/day - 1/2 liter.
Blood Brain Barrier
Neural tissue is separated from the general circulation by the blood brain barrier no other tissue is so dependent on a constant internal environment
Selective, not absolute.
Allows nutrients (glucose) to pass freely
Endothelium of capillary walls in the brain have continuous tight junctions of electrical resistance providing an effective barrier against molecules.
Surface anatomy of brain
Gyri (ridges)
Sulci - (shallow grooves)
Fissures -(deep grooves)
Most important/most complex
83% of brain mass
2 halves - separated by longitudinal fissure
Crainial hemispheric region Composition
Cortex - Gray matter

White matter - Mostly mylenated

basal nuclei - islands of gray
Lateralization of hemisphere function
Exhibits contralateral control
(rt. brain/left motor)
Lateralization each has abilities not shared with the other
Functional areas of cerebral cortex
Motor - voluntary movement

Sensory - Conscious awareness of sensation

Association - interpret sensory data or coordinate motor response
Primary Motor Cortex
Conscious control of voluntary momement.
anterior to central sulcus
Broca's Area
Speech - Anterior and inferior to the pre-motor area - usually only in left hemisphere
Primary Somatosensory cortex
Located behind the central sulcus
receives info from skin and proprioceptors in skeletal muscles, tendons and joints.
spatial discrimination
Visual Areas
Largest of sensory cortex areas
Receives visual data from the retinas.
Interprets visual stimuli (e.g., color, form, and movement) based on past experience
Multimodal Association areas
“give meaning” to the sensory data, based on memory and experience.
ie. is it pleasurable or harmful, urgent or routine, etc.?
Then the association area develops a “plan of action” for dealing with the sensory data – this is the “cognitive higher thinking” activity of the brain
Then the decision of what to do is sent to the pre-motor cortex and then onto the motor cortex, then through cerebellum for final coordination, organization
Anterior association area
Prefrontal cortex
involved with intellect - complex learning abilities
**Most complex cortical region
Involved with intellect *, complex learning abilities** (cognition) recall, and personality
Contains working memory – necessary for the production of abstract ideas, judgment, reasoning, persistence, and planning
Limbic System
Emotional Response - memory center
White matter tracts
Tracts of white matter are named by the direction that they travel
Projection fibers
Projection fibers - connect the hemispheres to lower brain or the spinal cord.
Association fibers
Connect different parts of the same hemisphere from one lobe to another
Connect corresponding gray matter of the two hemispheres enabling them to act as one
Gray and white matter - about 11% of brain mass.
Acts like an orchestral conductor to coordinate instruction from higher cortical areas to ensure smooth movement
Operates on a subconscious level...no awareness of it.
cerebral processing
motor areas notify the cerebellum of intent to move a musclMeanwhile the cerebellum is receiving info from proprioceptors in body
The cerebellar cortex calculates the best way to coordinate
Then, the cerebellum sends it’s plan , or “blueprint’ for movement back to the
cerebral motor cortex
Thalamus and Hypothalamus
Controls autonomous Nervous system
The primary relay station for information heading up into the cerebral cortex. Afferent (sensory) impulses from all senses synapse with at least one of thethalamic nuclei.
Information is sorted and grouped if similar, then forwarded to appropriate area in cortex

Thalamus plays a key role in mediating sensation,
Motor activities, cortical arousal, learning and memory.
It is truly the gateway to the cerebral cortex.


It’s the main visceral control center of the body, and is essential
for maintaining homeostasis. Some of its functions include

Initiates physical responses to emotions…chills, tension, etc.
Regulate body temperature.
Regulate food intake – hunger vs. satiety
Regulate water balance and thirst
Regulate sleep-wake cycles
Control endocrine system function
Brain Stem
Three regions – midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata – collectively accounts for only about 2.5% of brain mass
functions of brain stem
Midbrain – involved in pain suppression, fear perception and fight-or-flight responses
Pons – composed mostly of projection fibers – connecting cortical areas with the spinal cord, and connects to both sides of the cerebellum
Medulla – plays a crucial role as an autonomic control center – involved in maintaining body homeostasis
Spinal Cord
Begins where medulla oblongata transitions into the cord as it exits foramen magnum of occipital bone
Cord is wider at cervical & lumbar areas due to more neurons needed to control the numerous muscles of upper and lower extremities
Conus medullaris
is the bottom (terminal) end of the spinal cord proper
Nerves supplying the lower limb continue down the vertebral canal to form the cauda equina (horse’s tail)
Filum terminale
fibrous extension of the pia mater; anchors the spinal cord to the coccyx
Spinal nerves
31 pairs attach to the cord by paired roots
Gray Matter: Organization
Dorsal half – sensory roots and ganglia
Ventral half – motor roots – cord is wider at cervical & lumbar areas due to more neurons needed to control the numerous muscles of upper and lower extremities
Dorsal and ventral roots fuse laterally to form spinal nerves
White Matter in the Spinal Cord
Consists of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers that allow communication between different parts of the spinal cord & between the cord and the brain

Three directions – ascending, descending, and transversely

Divided into columns on each side
Ascending (Sensory) Pathways
First-order neurons conduct impulses from sensory receptors to the cord
Second-order neurons in the cord conduct impulses to the thalamus or cerebellum
Third order neurons take the message from the thalamus to the sensory cortex

Names usually begin with Spino-
eg: spinothalamic tract , spinocerebellar tract, etc.
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Consists of all neural structures outside the brain and spinal cord
Sensory Receptors and Sensation
Sensory receptors are specialized structures designed to respond to changes in their environment - stimuli

Activation of a sensory receptor results from an adequate stimulus that causes a nerve impulse to be sent along an afferent PNS fiber to the CNS
respond to mechanical force such as: touch, pressure, vibration, and stretch
respond to changes in temperature
respond to light energy (retina)
Chemoreceptors – respond to chemicals in solution (smell, taste, changes in blood chemistry or interstitial chemistry)
respond to potentially damaging pain-causing stimuli (searing heat, extreme cold, excessive pressure)
Respond to stimuli arising outside the body: touch, pain, temperature, light,sound etc.
Located in the skin and special senses – sight, hearing, taste, smell, etc.
(also called visceroreceptors)
Respond to stimuli arising within the body - chemoreceptors, pressure receptors, thermoreceptors, osmoreceptors (thirst)
Respond to the degree of stretch of their surrounding tissue
Found in skeletal muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, and connective tissue coverings of bones and muscles
Constantly “advise” the brain of one’s body position and movements
Receptors Classified by Receptor Structure
Two basic types: Simple and Complex
overwhelming majority of sensory receptors, found throughout body – handle general sensory information
Can be Unencapsulated or Encapsulated
found in Special Senses - vision, smell, hearing, taste, and equilibrium
Processing at the Receptor Lever
The stimulus must have specificity for the type of receptor
i.e. touch vs light vs temperature
Stimulus energy must be sufficient to exceed the receptor's threshold and cause an action potential in the neuron
Stimulus must be applied within a receptor’s receptive field - the smaller the field, the better the brain can localize the stimulus site
Processing at the Perceptual Level
The ability to identify and appreciate sensations
depends on the location of the sensor and the
target area of the brain.

The thalamus projects fibers to the appropriate somatosensory cortex or sensory association areas for interpretation

Perception of the sensory stimulus includes:
Magnitude estimation - intensity of stimulus
Spatial discrimination – 2 pt test
Feature abstraction-specific texture or shape (velvet versus fur or cotton)
Pattern recognition – (e.g., melody, familiar or unfamiliar face)
primary organ of the PNS consisting of peripheral axons enclosed by connective tissue
loose connective tissue surrounding one axon
coarse connective tissue that bundles fibers into fascicles
tough fibrous sheath around a nerve
Peripheral Nerves
Nerves can carry messages that are sensory (afferent), motor (efferent), or both

Mixed nerves (most common) – carry sensory and motor impulses
Purely sensory or motor nerves are rare

Nerves are classified by the area served
Somatic afferent and somatic efferent
Visceral afferent and visceral efferent
Cranial Nerves
The cranial nerves arise directly from the brain – hence the name

There are twelve pairs of cranial nerves

They have sensory, motor, or mixed functions

Each nerve is identified by a number (I through XII) and a name

The first two originate from the forebrain – Olfactory I, and Optic II, the rest arise from brainstem
All serve head and neck areas – except the Vagus (X) nerves which reach to the abdomen
Spinal Nerves
Thirty-one pairs of mixed (sensory & motor) nerves – each contains 1000s of fibers - arise from the spinal cord and supply all parts of the body except the head

They are named according to their point of issue

Each has a dorsal (sensory) and a ventral (motor) root

The roots join just distal to the dorsal root ganglion and form the spinal nerves
Nerve Plexuses
Interlacing nerve networks are called plexuses

Plexuses are found in the cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral regions

Each resulting branch of a plexus contains fibers from several spinal nerves

All spinal nerves except T2-T12 are involved in plexi
CO 1
Nerve Plexuses
Interlacing nerve networks are called plexuses

Plexuses are found in the cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral regions

Each resulting branch of a plexus contains fibers from several spinal nerves

All spinal nerves except T2-T12 are involved in plexi
Reflexes may:
Be inborn (intrinsic) - a rapid, predictable motor response to a stimulus
or learned (acquired)

Can involve higher brain centers as well, which can modify the reflex
Example: You would drop a pot of boiling water if it splashed on you. (inborn) What if a child was by your side? (acquired)

Reflexes follow very specific neural pathways called a Reflex Arc

Reflexes are classified functionally as somatic reflexes if they activate skeletal muscles or as autonomic reflexes if they activate visceral effectors (glands or smooth or cardiac muscles)
Stretch and Tendon Reflexes
The brain “sets” a muscle length and the stretch reflex ensures it stays at that length
Ex: Patellar (knee-jerk) reflex
Tapping the patellar tendon stretches the quadriceps
The change in length is sensed by muscle spindles: specific types of proprioreceptors that detect muscle length
Spinal reflex is initiated
The quadriceps contract and the antagonistic hamstrings relax (reciprocal inhibition)
Helps to maintain standing and walking posture (prevent knee buckling)
Golgi Tendon Organs
Special receptors that sense muscle tension
When tension is excessive, the Golgi tendon organs begin a reflex that causes the primary muscle to relax.
Causes “weightlifting failure”
This is the opposite of the stretch reflex
Note: the muscle spindle stimulates a muscle to contract
the golgi tendon organ inhibits muscle contraction
The ANS has two divisions
handles routine maintenance issues - homeostatic mechanisms it conserves energy - “rest and digest”
three Ds – digestion, defecation, diuresis
mobilizes the body during activity
three Es – exercise, excitement, emergency “fight or flight” responses
also handles normal activity increases – sports, etc.
constricts visceral blood vessels to get more blood to skeletal muscles dilates the bronchioles to increase ventilation causes liver to release more glucose for cellular energy
Comparison of the Autonomic Nervous System to the Somatic Nervous System
The effectors of the SNS are skeletal muscles

The effectors of the ANS are:
cardiac muscle
smooth muscle blood vessels, bronchial tubes, GI tract, urinary bladder, eye, hair follicles and sphincters
glands sweat, lacrimal, salivary, digestive, endocrine, etc.
Comparison of the ANS to the Somatic Nervous System
Axons of somatic motor neurons extend from the CNS to the effector muscle - one neuron

Axons of the ANS are a two-neuron chain
The preganglionic (first) neuron
The postganglionic (second) neuron extends to an effector organ, gland
Comparison of the ANS to the Somatic Nervous System
All somatic motor neurons release acetylcholine (ACh)
Acetylcholine (ACh) and norepinephrine (NE) are the two major neurotransmitters of the ANS

In the ANS:
All preganglionic fibers release Ach – excitatory

Sympathetic postganglionic fibers release norepinephrine and epinephrin (adrenalin) at synapse with effectors

Parasympathetic postganglionic fibers release acetylcholine at synapse with effectors
Interactions of the Autonomic Divisions
Most organs have both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers

For the most part, the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions work in direct antagonism to each other

ex: after eating, it’s a good idea to relax for a bit – let digestion activities proceed without sympathetic interference

ex: during vigorous exercise, visceral vessels constrict to direct blood flow to muscles, lungs and heart

In normally functioning homeostasis, the result is a dynamic antagonism that precisely controls visceral activity
Anatomy of ANS
The anatomy of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions differs
in three significant ways
Sites of origin of fibers:
Parasympathetic fibers are craniosacral (90% in Vagus nerve)
Sympathetic fibers are thoracolumbar
Relative lengths of fibers
Parasympathetic – long preganglionic, short postganglionic
Sympathetic – short preganglioic, long postganglionic
Location of ganglia
Parasympathetic – most are in the visceral effectors
Sympathetic - close to spinal cord in sympathetic chain
Parasympathetic Division
Cranial Outflow is through the Oculomotor (CNIII), Facial (CNVII),
Glossopharyngeal (CNIX) and Vagus (CNX) nerves (90%) - Vagus nerve serves virtually every organ in thoracic and abdominal cavities

Sacral Outflow is through spinal levels S2-S4 – controls distal half of large
intestine, urinary bladder, ureters, and reproductive organs