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61 Cards in this Set

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Which class of drugs requires a "washout period" if prescribed immediately after an SSRI?

a monoamine oxidase inhibitor requires a "washout period" if prescribed after an SSRI
"Which of the following is achieved during Piaget's stage of concrete operations? A. Egocentricity B. Deductive reasoning C. Animistic thinking D. Conservation"
"Male sexuality in the seventh decade is characterized by which of the following? A. No change in sex drive B. No change in penile turgidity C. Decreased time to erection D. Decreased time to ejaculation"
"No change in sex drive"
"140. A young adult patient presents after recovering from a flu-like illness with a few days of progressive weakness and numbness of both legs and feet. Examination confirms the weakness and reveals loss of sensation to all sensory modalities below the middle of the thorax. Deep tendon reflexes are brisker on the lower extremities than on the upper extremities, and plantar reflexes are extensor. The patient has had several episodes of urinary incontinence. The remainder of the neurologic examination, as well as the vital signs, are normal. A lumbar puncture reveals mononuclear cells, a protein level of 37 mg/dL, and normal glucose content. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A. Acute demyelinating polyneuropathy B. Acute transverse myelitis C. Anterior spinal artery infarction D. Spinal epidural abscess"
"Acute transverse myelitis"
"Which of the following describes core narcissistic character pathology according to Kernberg's model? A. An intact capacity to empathize with others without rage and envy B. A nondefensive identity with an inferior self that maximizes dependency on others C. A fusion of the ideal self the ideal object, and the real self resulting in the devaluation of others D. Alternating self-representations that result in widely varying responses to perceived or real emotional abandonment"
"A fusion of the ideal self the ideal object, and the real self resulting in the devaluation of others"
"133. The difference between an idea of reference and a delusion of reference is that the former is: A.not evidence of psychopathology. B. held with less conviction. C. not a form of paranoia D. usually due to a general medical condition."
"held with less conviction."
"134. The presence of which ofthe following would suggest that a patient has somatization disorder rather than a general medical condition? A. Late onset B. Acute course C. Involvement of multiple organ systems"
"Complaints involving multiple organ systems"
"136. Implantation of deep brain stimulation electrodes has been shown to lead to remission in about half of patients with treatment-refractory depression. To obtain this effect, the electrode is placed in the: A. orbitofrontal cortex. B. lateral parietal cortex. C. subgenual cingulate cortex. D. dorsolateral prefrontal cortex."
"subgenual cingulate cortex"
"130. Which of the following characteristics is common to all brief dynamic psychotherapies? A. Psychoanalytic formulation of the patient's psychological problems B. Practical working through of conflict by transference interpretation C. Passive patient role in the therapeutic alliance D. Symptom relief as the only goal"
"Practical working through of conflict by transference interpretation"
"131 18-year-old patient is brought to the emergency department by family members after the patient reported ingesting a bottle of extra-strength acetaminophen caplets. The patient complains of a stomach ache but otherwise appears well. The patient is fully alert and oriented, with stable vital signs. Initial physical examination is otherwise unremarkable. At what point atter ingestion is it most useful to obtain a serum acetaminophen level? --30 minutes --2 hours --4 hours --24 hours"
"4 hours"
"125, In educating parents about the course of Tourette's syndrome, the psychiatrist should inform them that: A. the course is usually relentlessly progressive. B. the symptoms usually decrease in the face of other stressors C. the symptoms usually improve during adulthood. D. the tic behaviors are usually intentionally provocative"
"the symptoms usually improve during adulthood"
"126. An important countertransference issue in an interethnic psychotherapeutic relationship is: A. avoidance of transference B. denial of differences C. competitiveness. D. grandiosity"
"denial of differences"
"127. Which instrument would be most appropriate to measure the intensity of pain in young children?"
"Faces scale"
"128. A 32-year-old woman with bipolar disorder has been treated with lithium, The patient reveals to her psychiatrist that she is now pregnant. Attempts to discontinue lithium in the past have led to relapses of the patient's disorder, with severe associated morbidity. A trial of an antipsychotic in the past resulted in neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and the patient has since refused to use them, Which of the following would be the best option for treatment during the pregnancy? A. Continue lithium. B. Switch to valproate. C. Switch to carbamazepine D. Switch to lamotrigine"
"Continue lithium"
"122. A 35-year-old patient reports episodes of flashing lights traveling slowly from left to right in the left visual field. These visual symptoms persist for about 30 minutes and are followed by difficulty expressing self and concentrating. After about 30 minutes, these neurologic symptoms seem to subside, and the patient develops a pounding headache associated with nausea. Both physical examination and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan are normal. The most likely diagnosis is: A. posterior communicating anemysm with sentinel leak. B. carotid stenosis with carotidynia. C. vertebrobasilar insufficiency. D. occipital lobe tumor. E. Migraine with aura"
"migraine with aura"
"124. Which of the following is the most reliable finding from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis for a patient with multiple sclerosis in the chronic progressive phase of the disease? A. Myelin basic protein concentration B. Gamma globulin production C. Presence of oligoclonal bands D. Total protein concentration E Immunoglobulin G concentration"
"Presence of oligoclonal bands"
"119. Erotomania refers to which of the following conditions? A. Sensate focus exercise B. Compulsive masturbation C. Delusions of a secret lover D. Hypochondriacal psychosis E. Hypersexuality during a manic episode"
"Delusions of a secret lover"
"120 A 42-year-old patient with a history of hypertension treated with hydrochlorothiazide and lisinopril presents for follow-up of severe melancholic and vegetative depression. The patient, while adherent to all medication regimens, has failed multiple combinations of antidepressants and is currently on a regimen that includes fluoxetine. The psychiatrist plans to discontinue fluoxetine and start selegiline. Which of the following is the most important consideration to be made prior to starting selegiline? A. It is a reversible MAO-B inhibitor only, and therefore may be started today. but only after counseling the patient to avoid tyramine-rich foods. B. It is a reversible inhibitor of MAO-A and MAO-B, and does not require the patient to avoid tyramine-rich foods. C It is an irreversible MAO-A and MAO-B inhibitor, and can only be started 5 weeks after discontinuing fluoxetine to decrease the risk of serotonin syndrome. D. It is an irreversible MAO-B inhibitor, but does not inhibit MAO-A, and therefore may be started in 2 weeks, as it carries only minimal risk of serotonin syndrome. E. It is contraindicated in a patient with baseline hypertension because of the risk of acute hypertensive crisis."
"It is an irreversible MAO-A and MAO-B inhibitor, and can only be started 5 weeks after discontinuing fluoxetine to decrease the risk of serotonin syndrome."
"121. Which ofthe following factors is most closely associated with child abuse and neglect? A. Household poverty B. Large family size C. Single-parent household D. Child with behavioral problems E. Child between 3 and 12 years old"
"Household poverty"
"115. A 42-year-old male patient with a gradually progressive cognitive deficit also develops jerking movements of the extremities, head, and trunk. Imaging studies show atrophy of the caudate nuclei bilaterally. The patient's father had a similar illness that started at age 50. vVhich of the following tests is most likely to confirm the diagnosis? A. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis for 14-3-3 protein B. Electroencephalogram (EEG) for periodic discharges C. DNA analysis for Apo E4 alleles D. DNA analysis for CAG repeats E. CSF analysis for oligoclonal bands"
"DNA analysis for CAG repeats"
"116. A 29-year-old female patient complains of mood swings, reporting that her mood changes very rapidly, sometimes without prompting, from elation to depression or intense anger. These moods last minutes to hours. Her history is significant for promiscuity, spending sprees, tumultuous relationships, unstable self-image, and occasional use of cocaine. She also gives a history of a brief period ofparanoia and auditory hallucinations during an emotional break-up with her last boyfriend, which remitted after a 2-day admission to the psychiatric unit. When asked about suicidal ideation, she reports that it is always in her mind and that, whenever she is under stress, she cuts her arms with a sharp blade to relieve a strong feeling of emptiness. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? --Bipolar affective disorder, rapid cycling --Bipolar affective disorder, type II --Schizoaffective disorder --Borderline personality disorder --Schizotypal personality disorder"
"Borderline personality disorder"
"117. Learned helplessness is a model for: anxiety. depression. thought disorder. organic dysfunction. personality disturbance."
"18. What is the major weakness of crossover designs for research studies? "
"Residual effects"

"112. A leading hypothesis as to why atypical antipsychotic medications are less likely than typical neuroleptic agents to cause extrapyramidal side effects is based on which of the following properties of atypical antipsychotics? A. Higher affinity for D 1 receptors B. Affinity for muscarinic cholinergic receptors C. Binding to multiple other dopamine receptors D. Decreased binding to D2 receptors E. Rapid dissociation from D2 receptors"

"Rapid dissociation from D2 receptors"
"113. A psychiatrist accepts a gift from a phannaceutical company that makes an antidepressant medication. This is considered ethical under which of the following circumstances? A.The gift does not exceed $500. B. The psychiatrist already uses the drug in practice. C. The psychiatrist agrees to use the medication, but not exclusively. D. The gift contributes to the psychiatrist's education or care ofpatients. E. The gift directly defrays costs of attending a continuing medical education event."
"The gift contributes to the psychiatrist's education or care ofpatients."
"114. Which of the following instruments is most helpful in the assessment of children suspected of having attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? A. Conners Teacher Rating Scale B.Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III C. Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-educational Battery-Revised D. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales E. Rorschach Inkblot Test"
"Conners Teacher Rating Scale"
"107. Which of the following probabilities most accurately describes the likelihood of patients with schizophrenia committing homicide compared with the general population?"
"Equal likelihood"
"108. A diagnosis of anorexia nervosa requires that the patient has maintained a weight below what percentage of a minimally normal weight for age and height? A. 55% B. 65% C. 75% D. 85% E. 95%"
"D. 85%"
"109. Which of the following medications has the lowest likelihood of discontinuation symptoms if the medication is abruptly stopped? A. Fluoxetine B. Citalopram C. Fluvoxamine D. Paroxetine E. Sertraline"
"110 Which of the following antibiotics is most likely to cause or precipitate acute myasthenia? A. Ceftriaxone B. Minocycline C. Sulfamethoxazole D. Ciprofloxacin E. Amoxicillin"
"106. A 24-year-old female patient has paranoia and suspiciousness. The patient does not pay attention to dressing and hygiene and no longer cooks or cleans the house. The patient does not have memory loss, difficulty recognizing people or objects, driving a car, using household appliances or the telephone. A computerized tomography (CT) scan of the head obtained upon consultation is shown in the figure. The most likely diagnosis A. late onset schizophrenia. B. Alzheimer's disease. C. Pick's disease. D paraphrenia. E. transient paranoid reaction."
"Pick's disease. Paraphrenia is a group of psychotic illnesses distinct from paranoia and from schizophrenia. In patients suffering from this type of psychosis, personality decay is minimal, and emotional rapport is well retained. The onset occurs around age 40. Furthermore, paraphrenia is characterized by the preoccupation with one or more semisystematized delusions. These delusions are not encapsulated from the rest of the personality as in delusional disorder. The affect is notably well-preserved and appropriate, as is the ability to maintain rapport with others. There is no intellectual deterioration, no flat nor grossly inappropriate affect. Disturbance of behavior is understandable in relation to the content of the delusions. The illness is associated with distress and agitation. Irrational behaviour may appear as delusions become more vivid and judgment lessens. Patients may accuse others of persecution and complain to the authorities."
"101 A patient reports headaches and peripheral visual loss. Visual field defects involving the temporal fields of both eyes are detected. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the brain is likely to reveal which of the following? A. Temporal arteritis B. Retrobulbar neuritis C. Bilateral mesial temporal sclerosis D. Tumor of splenium of corpus callosum E. Mass in sella turcica"
"Mass in sella turcica"
"102 Which of the following medications has FDA approval for the treatment of mania in children 12 years of age or older? A. Lithium B. Other stuff"
"103 A 54-year-old man with major depression is successfully treated with fluoxetine; however, after 3 months of treatment the patient develops significant sexual dysfunction. Dose reduction with fluoxetine does not alleviate the problem. The patient refuses to continue fluoxetine if the sexual side effects cannot be alleviated. Which of the following should the psychiatrist do next? A. Augment fluoxetine with bupropion. B.Discontinue fluoxetine and begin paroxetine. C. Discontinue fluoxetine and begin sertraline.D. Continue fluoxetine, but use brief (1-2-day) drug holidays . E. Urge the patient to wait, since the side effects will improve with time."
"Augment fluoxetine with bupropion and/or Disontinue fluoxetine and begin sertraline."
"104. Which of the following defense mechanisms involves internalizing the qualities of an object? A. Inhibition B. Introjection C. Displacement D. Rationalization E. Reaction formation"
"97. Which of the following is the most common complication of idiopathic intracranial hypertension? A. Herniation B. Exophthalmos C. Gait disorder D. Visual impairment E. Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea"
"Visual impairment"
"98. A 48-year-old patient with a significant history of alcohol withdrawal symptoms during previous hospitalizations presents in the emergency department to request "
"99. Which of the following pain medications is contraindicated in patients taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)? .A. Meperidine B. Codeine C. Methadone D. Fentanyl Hydromorphone"
"100. In terms of the normal functioning of the personality, Anna Freud's contributions were in / the realm of: "
"defense mechanisms"
"92 Which of the following medications is an effective first-line treatment for patients with restless legs syndrome? A. Carbamazepine B. Pramipexole C. Clonazepam D. Imipramine E. Gabapentin"
"E93. A form of learned fear in which a person or an experimental animal learns to respond strongly not only to a harmful stimulus, but also to a subthreshold stimulus, refers to: -A. avoidance B. sensitization. C. habituation. D. irrational fear E. Learned helplessness"
"94. A 28-year-old female patient reports episodes of severe headaches associated with nausea and vomiting. These headaches can be incapacitating and are often preceded by flashes oflight in the right visual field. During the headache, the patient sometimes has difficulty expressing herself. Which of the following would be the appropriate therapy to prevent these episodes? A. Warfarin B. Ticlopidine C. Topiramate D. Rizatriptan E. Aspirin"
"95. Which of the following is the most common method of completed suicide in female children and adolescents? A. Oral ingestion of toxic substances B. Carbon monoxide poisoning C. Hanging D. Drowning E. Firearms"
"Which of the following reverses the effects of benzodiazepines? A. Flumazenil B. Nalmefene C. Naloxone D. Naltrexone Acetylcysteine"

A 55 y/o man with no reported history of psychosis reports hearing voices for the last 6 weeks. He reports that his last episode of alcohol intoxication was 4 weeks prior, with moderate drinking since that time. Name the most likely diagnosis.

"alcohol-induced psychotic disorder"
"A child's parents are very concemed that their 4-year-old son still wets himself several times a week. The child's brothers were potty trained when they were 3 and 3 1/2 years old. There is no evidence of developmental delay and the child's pediatrician has found nothing unusual. Which of the following would be the most appropriate intervention? A. A bell and pad device B. Reassurance and monitoring"
"Reassurance and monitoring"
"90. As classified by DSM-IV, which of the following subtypes of schizophrenia is characterized by older age of onset and less regression of mental faculties, emotional responses, and behavior? A.Catatonic B.Residual C.Paranoid D.Undifferentiated E. Disorganized"
"91. A 19-year-old patient expresses the belief that she failed a recent midterm examination despite studying a great deal for the test. The patient is convinced that this means she will lose scholarship money and will need to drop out of college. The patient is an excellent student who is prone to excessive worrying. Her belief that she is going to have to drop out of college because she did poorly on the midterm exam is an example of which of the following types of distortion? A. Maximizing B. Personalizing C. Overgeneralization D. Catastrophic thinking E. Fortune telling"
"Catastrophic thinking"
"83. The psychiatrist who is assessing a patient's suitability for psychotherapy notes that the patient prominently uses the defenses of isolation of affect and intellectualization. The patient's description of many life events appears to involve reaction formation. Which of the following personality traits is most likely to characterize this patient? A. Schizoid B. Paranoid C. Histrionic D. Narcissistic E. Obsessive-compulsive"
"84. A female child performs a dance for her mother and basks in the gleam in her mother's eyes. According to self-psychology, the child is having an experience of: A. mastery. B. idealization. C. primary narcissism. D. good-enough mothering. E. Mirroring"
"Within the area of self-psychology, being mirrored refers to?"
"Within the area of self-psychology, being mirrored refers to ..."
"In terms of Self psychology what is Self?"
"Self Kohut's concept of self, and "
"In terms of Self psychology what is Empathy?"
"Empathy Kohut maintained that parents' failures to empathize with their children and the responses of their children to these failures were 'at the root of almost all psychopathology' [1]. Correspondingly, he emphasized the use of empathy as a tool in therapy. Kohut describes human empathy as a therapeutic skill. When a patient acts in a certain way, "
"Self psychology: what is a Self-object?"
"Self-objects are external objects that function as part of the "
"In terms of Self psychology what is Optimal Frustraion?"
"Optimal Frustration When a selfobject is needed, but not accessible, this will create a potential problem for the self, referred to as a "
"In terms of Self psychology what is Idealizing?"
"dealizing The need to establish a mutual selfobject connection with an object of idealization."
"In terms of Self psychology what is Alter ego/Twinship needs?"
"Alter ego/Twinship needs concern the need to feel alikeness to other human beings [1]. This need relaxes as development continues allowing a greater degree of difference from others to be accepted [1]."
"In terms of Self psychology what is the tripolar self?"
"The tripolar self is not associated with bipolar disorder, but is the sum of the three poles of the self as follows -
* grandiose-exhibitionistic needs
* the need for an omnipotent idealized figure
* alter-ego needs"
"85. A father wants to know if he should allow his 5-year-old child to attend the funeral of her mother. The child expresses a desire to go. To help the child through the funeral, it will be important to do which of the following? A. Shield the child from viewing the body. B. Make the child an active participant in the service. iC') Have someone familiar accompany the child. ~:6. Allow the child to attend the ceremony, but not the burial. Seat the child in the back of the room in case the child starts to cry."
"Have someone familiar accompany the child"
"Research into the complexity of healthcare systems and distribution of resources is best carried out in which fashion: A. Case series B. Cohort study C. Naturalistic study D. Case-control study E. Randomized controlled trial"
"Naturalistic study"
129. The lesion depicted in the figure is most likely the result of an occlusion of which of the following arteries? A. Anterior cerebral B. Middle cerebral C. Posterior cerebral D. Internal carotid
"Middle cerebral"