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91 Cards in this Set

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Fluid and electrolyte imbalances with DKA
Hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hyperosmolality
Characteristics of syndrome X
obesity, hypertension, abnormal lipid profiles
Common first symptom in women with DM II
recurrent vaginitis
Action of Sulfonylureas
stimulate the pancreas to release more insulin
Acarbose(Precose) and Miglitol (Glyset) is what class of antidiabetic drug
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
Avandia and Actos is which class of antidiabetic drugs
Action of thiazolidinediones
decrease gluconeogenesis
Action of prandin
mimics the effect of rapidly acting insulin
Effect of HHNK on serum osmolality
Elevated >310
T3 is more commonly affected in which disorder
Preferred choice for visualizing Grave;s opththalmopathy
MRI of the orbits
Action of Lugol's solution
reduces the vascularity of the thyroid gland
Patients with subacute thyroiditis is best treated symptomatically with
Disorder which commonly affects T4 levels.
Complication of rapid lowering of Sodium
cerebral edema
Diagnostics test used to confirm and localize tumor of the adrenal glands
MRI and CT
1 unit of blood effect on hemaglobin and hematocrit.
Raises Hgb by 1 and Hct by 3%
Normal urine sodium
Type of hypernatremia that usually occurs with HHNK
Electrolyte disorder that occurs with hypokalemia
Electrolyte disorder that occurs with hyperkalemia
Elements that maintain calcium levels.
Vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and calcitonin
Acidemia effect on ionized calcium
Alkalemia effect on ionized calcium
Common causes of hypocalcemia
hypoparathyroidism, hypomagnesemia, pancreatisis, renal failure, severe trauma, and multiple blood transfusions
Management for acute hypocalcemia
IV calcium chloride or gluconate
Key management for chronic hypocalcemia
Vitamin D, aluminum hydroxide
Common causes of hypercalcemia
hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Vit. D intoxication, prolonged immobilization
Treatment of emergency hypercalcemia
NS infusion with loop diurectics
Management for bite wounds of the hands or lower extremities
Leave open
Management for bite wounds older than 6 hours
leave open to heal by secondary intention
Symptoms of acute transplant rejection
failure of the organ, flu-like symptoms
Intervention for acute transplant rejection
immediate biopsy
Skin cancer that is premalignant and can progress to squamous cell carcinoma
Actinic Keratoses
Common physical findings of actinic keratoses.
small patches, flesh colored, feels like sandpaper
Common treatment for Actinic keratoses
liquid nitrogen, fluorouracil cream, masoprocol cream
Skin cancer that occurs subsequent to prolonged sun exposure on exposed parts in fair skinned individuals who sunburn easily
Squamous cell carcinoma
Physical examination findings of squamous cell carcinoma
firm irregular papule or nodule, keratitic, scaly bleeding and friable surfaces, nodules can ulcerate
Definitive diagnosis for squamous cell carcinoma
Preferred treatment for squamous cell carcinoma
surgical excision
Skin condition that is considered a benign lesion, common in the elderly and does not require treatment
seborrheic keratosis
Physical exam findings of seborrheic keratosis
Beige brown or black plaques, "stuck" appearance
Most common skin cancer
Basal cell carcinoma
Common age group for basal cell carcinoma
Common area for basal cell carcinoma
Objective findings of basal cell carcinoma
Slowing growing lesion, waxy appearance, central depression or rolled edge, may have telangiectatic vessels visible
Definitive diagnosis for basal cell carcinoma
Shave or punch biopsy
Preferred treatment for basal cell carcinoma
Surgical incision
Skin cancer with the highest mortality rate
malignant melanoma
Skin cancer involved in the youngest age group
malignant melanoma
Subjective findings of malignant melanoma
rapid or indolent growth, probable bleeding of lesion
Preferred management of malignant melanoma
surgical excision
Valvular dysfunction that produces a murmur that radiates to the base or left axilla
mitral regurgitation
Valvular dysfunction that produces a murmur that usually radiates to the neck
aortic stenosis
Ideal position for a patient with pulmonary edema
sitting or semi fowler's
Criteria for diagnosis of hypertension
3 times on two different occasions
Common type of headache involved with severe hypertension
suboccipital pulsating headache, occuring early in the morning and resolving throughout the day
Complication of long term nipride use
cyanide toxicity
Alternate to nipride for patients with renal insufficiency
Fenoldopam (Corlopam)
Common blood pressure medication for Printzmetal's angina
Calcium channel blocker
Significance of Levine's sign
"clenched fist sign" involved with angina
Indications for pharmologic revascularization
Unrelieved CP(>30 mins and < 6 hours) with ST segment elevation in 2 or more contiguous leads
Venous thrombosis characterized by a sudden onset of pain
Chronic venous insufficiency is most common in which gender
Serology of Hepatitis B that shows the first evidence infection
Characteristics of people with a higher incidence of diverticulitis
Women and those with a low fiber diet
Most common causes of bowel obstruction
adhesions and tumors
Diagnostic test that establishes diagnosis of ulcerative colitis
Appendicitis is most common among which age group?
Men of 18-30 years
Key elements that may indicated the need for dialysis
Azotemia, electrolyte imbalance, intoxication, oliguria, uremia
Most common neoplasm between 20 and 40 years
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Usual presentation of Hodgkin's disease
Cervical adenopathy which spreads in a predictable fashion along lymph node groups
Lab values that indicate hypofibrinogenemia
Lab values that indicate increased fibrin degredation products
Lab values that indicate prolonged PT
>19 seconds
Lab values that indicate prolonged PTT
>42 seconds
Medicare part D covers;
prescritption drugs
Common vision problem with TIA.
ipsilateral monocular blindness (amaurosis fugax)
Common factors that increase ICP in CVA
hypotension, hypercapnia, hypoxia
Normal MAP values.
Level MAP must be maintained at to treat cerebral vasopasm
Type of seizure that is common in children and begins and ends suddenly
Absence(petite mal)
Standard of care of seizures
Predominant age for Myasthenia Gravis
20-40 years
Differentiating sign that distinguishes pneumonia from bronchitis
lung consolidation
Site for emergency needle thoracostomy
2nd ICS, MCL
Site for chest tube placement
4th or 5th ICS MCL
The leading cause of in hospital death.
Pulmonary embolus
Non pharmological management of SLE
bed rest, midafternoon naps, avoidance of fatigue, sun protectgion
Age indicated for glaucoma screening
Earliest sign of hypovolemic shock