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66 Cards in this Set

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Does meta have a closing tag?


What is the tag also known as?

Root tag

What is used for?


3 ways of including css code

- inline (highest priority - most specific)

- External

- internal

What is used for

Ordered list

What is used for

Listing items

What is used for

Unordered list

What does HTML stand for?

Hypertext Markup Language

What type of language is HTML?

It is a standard markup language used fordisplaying content on the internet (via browser).

What are nested tags used for?

We use nested tags to represent structural elements of a webpage.

What is the head used for? Like what?

The head is for meta information.■ Contains Title, charset (encoding), scripts, stylesheets.

What does the body tag contain?

The body tag contains the content to be displayed.

What are headings?

Headings can range from h1 to h6, decreasing in size.

How do we link from page to page?

We can use anchor tags to link to another page.

How can we allow a variable to have a global scope in JS?

Declare outside functions or don't use var or let.

What is shadowing in JS?

When multiple variables have the same name but are in different scopes

What is closure?

An inner function that has access to the outer function's variables


a variable defined as cursor type

What is an AFTER INSERT Trigger?

A trigger that will execute an operation after the INSERT operation is executed.

Syntax for creating a trigger?


ON table_name
--variable declarations
--trigger code

-- exception handling


How does JSON store data?

Key-value pairs

How does it deal with different languages when modeling data?

Language agnostic - does not care which language is used

How is JSON formatted?

Like a JS object

What does JSON.parse() do?

Converts JSON to JS object

How do we convert from a JS object to a JSON?


What does JSON stand for?

JavaScript Object Notation

What does DOM stand for?

Document Object Model

What does the DOM allow JS to do with the contents of a page?

Allows updates to page

What does the DOM do with the tree of JS objects?

Used to render the view

Where does DOM Parsing load the entire page?

Into memory

What tree does DOM parsing do?

Tree w/ all tags

How does SAX parsing pull the lines into memory?

Line by line sequentially

How can we access elements using the DOM?

Getting elements by using getElement()By....().

Can search by ID, TagName, ClassName

How to add elements using JSON?




What is event propagation?

Order in which event handlers on nested elements will be called.

What is the general means of communication across www?


How is AJAX synchronous? And what advantages are there because of it?

Because HTTP requests don't need to wait for each other to complete. So, it is possible to periodically reload sections of a page without affecting the rest.

What does abort() do?

Cancels current request

What does the readystate XHR property give us?

The status of the XHR object.

What are the 5 possible values for readystate? What do they mean?

0 - request not initialized

1 - server connection established

2 - request received

3 - server processing request

4 - response is ready

What does responseText contain?

String containing the response context.

Callback function

A function passed as a parameter to another function


An object oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers.

How is JavaScript interpreted?

JS is interpreted at runtime by the client browser.

How is JavaScript dynamic?

At runtime, JS executes programming behaviors that static programming languages perform during compilation. For example, you can create new variables at runtime and the type of variables is determined at runtime.

How is JS OOP?

It supports inheritance through prototyping. All JS objects inherit properties and methods from prototype. Ex. Date objects inherit from Date.prototype.

What is HTTP?

Protocol for fetching resources.

What does the ready state describe? What are the possible values for loading state?

The loading state of a document.

Loading, interactive and complete.

What is the interactive value for loading state?

It means the document has finished loading but sub resources such as images are still loading

What is the complete value for the loading state?

Document and all sub-resources have finished loading


A computer program or a device that provides functionality for other programs or devices.


A Java used to extend the capabilities of servers that host applications.

Where does a servlet run in?

A servlet container (web container)

Where is the URI and URL in bing.com/what-are-these

google.com is the url and what-are-these is the URI

What is web.xml?

The configuration file of web applications in Java.

What does init() do?

Initialize a servlet?

When is a servlet created?

When a user invokes a URL corresponding to a servlet.


Servlet container calls service() to handle requests coming from the client.


Gives your servlet a chance to close database connections, halt background threads or other clean up.

What is innerHTML?

An element property in JS that is used to get or set the HTML or XML markup contained within the element.

What languages do browsers support other than JS?

IE also supports VBScript. There was a plugin that would allow IE to read PerlScript.

Difference between function and method in JS?

In JS, every function is an object. If a value is a function, it's called a method.

What does let allow you to do?

To create a variable with the scope limited to the black on which it's used.

What is an IIFE?

Immediately Invoked Function Expression - a JS function that runs as soon as it is defined.

What are truthy and falsey values?

A value is truthy if the value coerces to true in a boolean context. Falsey values coerce to false in a boolean context.

Difference between var, let and const?

Var declarations are processed before the execution of the code. The scope of a JS variable declared outside the function is global. Const variable can be assigned once and it cannot be reassigned.