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9 Cards in this Set

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Explain what causes a exudative retinal detachment.
Exudative detachemtn is a result of the presence of a blood clot, inflammatory mass or tumor which can seperate the retinal layers.
Explain what causes a rhegmatogenous retianal detachment
Occurs as a result of degenerative holes or tears in the retina which allows vitreous humor to pass through and initiate a detachment.
True or false, retinal detachement can occur suddenly, or develop slowly?
Ture. Can develop both ways
What may a patient complain of when experiencing retinal detachment?
May complain of floating spots or opaities before the eyes,flahses of light and progressie loss of vison in one area.
True or false, the are of vision loss depends on the site of detachment?
List pre-op interventions for the patient with detached retina
Assess clients level of discomfort
Apply cool, moist compress to eye
administer prescribed analgesics
teach client to avoid rapid movement or bending at the waist
List pos op interventions for the patient with retinal detachment
Keep client in lowest postion with side rails up
Assist with inital ambulation
administer cough medication or antiemetic if required
instruct client to avoid sneezing, coughing, vomiting,
Instruct to wear eye shield when sleeping/napping.
assist with activites of daily living
encourage diversional activites
asseses for s/s of infection
use sterile teq with eye care
administer antibiotic eye gtts as presribed.
List post-op activity limitation teaching points for a patient with retinal detachment
avoid any activity which precipitates pain
avoid driving, heavey house/yard work, sports activites until released by md
importance of md mandated postioing.
demonstrate teq of hand washing and eye gtt administration
observe return demonstration of teq
What sympoms should patient with retinal detachment report to physican?
new flashing lights
floaters or shadows
severe or persistant eye pain
inreased redness of the eye/lid
increased quantitiy or change of eye drainage.