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164 Cards in this Set

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Study of face and features
elevation on midline, inferior frontal bone
point wherE nasal and frontal bones meet, between eyes
given support by nasal bones, dome shaped
Lobe of nose
large, rounded ball-like anterior projection
Tip of Lobe
most anterior projection of nose
Columna Nasi
column of nose, divides naris on midline, movable septum
root to tip of the lobe, anterior ridge
two openings to nasal cavity
arches wall around each naris
area just about each wing
depression on midline, looks like () parenthesis
Integumentary Lip
upper or lower skin about and below red lip
Red Lip
convex, also known as mucus membrane,
Upper red lip= 3 lobes
lower red lip= 2 lobes
* 5 total lobes for the red lips
Cupids Bow
change in plain between upper lip and integumentary
Angulus Oris Sulcus
groove in the angulus oris
Labiomental Sulcus
marks top of chin and bottom of mouth

* Red lips=same protrusion anteriorly
* Lower red lip=thicker but narrower than upper lip
Line of Closure
where the two red lips touch and come together
Angulus Oris
center of expression
muscle on the sides of mouth both upper and lower integumentary lip
Incisive Fossa
midline immediately under red lip caused by front teeth
Labial Sulci
grooves in the lip
eye lid
Line of Closure-eye
formed by 2 plates of connective tissue called tarsal plates which anchor cilia, arched.
corner, slight swelling of tissue above the canthis, medial canthis is horizontal.
Infraorbital Pouch
bags – fullness between oblique palpebral sulcus and inferior papebral sulcus.
* Most anterior projection of eye is______________eye patch.
right in center of anterior
Superior Crus
broad and flat
Anterior Crus
outer rim
question mark in form
disappears at top of lobe
inner rim of pinna
used for protection
vertical depression along back side
Lobe of ear
only part of ear w/no cartilage
made up of fatty tissue covered by skin
shell shaped depression, largest and deepest
Triangular Fossa
triangle shaped depression
Points of Attachment
1. Crus of helix
2. Tragus
3. Superior anterior lobe
Restorative Art
care given deceased to recreate the normal, natural form and color
Standard Anatomical Position
1. Standing Erect
2. Facing Forward
3. Hands at Sides
4. Palms up
Surgical Procedures
Median Line
vertical line that divides body in half middle line
Vertex vs. Base
highest point of a part vs. lowest part of a part – vertex of face vs. head
study of shapes and forms
projections on bones(3)

1. Arch – curved outline
2. Condyle – smooth rounded articular surface
3. Convex – rounded surface, exterior of arch
hollow recessed areas (7)
1. Cavity – deep hollow area
2. Concave – rounded interior
3. Foramen – hole
4. Fossa – depression, bone or skin surface
5. Meatus – elongated hole/canal
6. Oriface – hole
7. Sulcus – groove
vertical dimention
horizontal dimention
boney framework of head
skull plus skin and fleshy parts
brain case
Overall form of the skull is ____
The greatest width of the skull is ________________________________.
2/3 of its anterior to posterior dimension
Major bones of the cranium
* Frontal Bone
* Temporalis
* Parietal
* Occipital
* Frontal Bone
* Occipital
one makes up back and part of base of the skull
* Parietal
(2) make up top and sides of walls
* Temporalis
(2) give form to temporal cavities on each side
Major bones of the face
* Nasal
* Zygomatics
* Maxilla
* Mandible
* Nasal
(2), give form to bridge
* Zygomatics
cheek bones
* Maxilla
(2 bones)
upper jaw, maxillary bones – U SHAPED
* Mandible
lower jaw, inferior maxillary bone – U SHAPED
elevations or projections
Two Frontal Eminences:
Pronounced – masculine
Small, Rounded – feminine
Frontal Depression
under frontal eminences
midline inferior frontal bone, feminine if pronounced
Supraorbital Margin
top edge of orbit
Superciliary Arches
underlying the brows
Line of the temple (right/left) originates on ___________ and ascends on the____________ to arch over the ____________

* represents a change in plain from _______ to ________ cavities.
middle zygomatic bone
lateral line of the orbit
temporal bones

Temporal Cavities house
temporal muscles

2 Temporal Cavities
- one for each orbit
Orbits are

(boundaries 3)
quadrilateral – 4 sided

Superior Boundary – frontal bone
Lateral Boundary – zygomatic bone
Inferior and Medial Boundaries – maxilla
Zygomatic Bone
and boundaries
anterior part of the arch.
Arch is made of zygomatic bone

Superior Boundary – nasal bones
2 Lateral Boundary – maxilla
Inferior Boundaries – upper and lower maxilla
Sharp boney process as a guide to the ___________
base of the nose
superior maxillary bone
body U shaped horizontally
Alveolar Processes
tooth sockets
Ascending Processes of maxilla
U shaped vertically and horizontally
to bite, teeth come together
inferior maxillary bone, U shaped in two directions

* horizontal body
* ramus on each side
large horizontally U shaped
vertical U shaped part forms TMJ
chine, triangular boney chin
mastoid means
2 – breast form of temporal bone, guide for ear placement
Mental Tuberacles
give rise to muscle
area of cranium superior to lines connection four points.

1. two frontal eminences
2. two parietal eminences
Mandibular Fossa is Immediately in front of_________________
External Auditory Meatus
just below half of the length of the ear
Zygomatic arch points the way to the_______________________.
ear and cuts it in half
Length of the _____ is the base of the chin to the ____________
normal hair line
Line of the Brow
only one
goes across superciliary arches
extended back to tops of ears
The widest part of the cranium
widest part of the face is from the ________________________________________
peak of one zygomatic arch to peak of opposite zygomatic arch
The widest part of the cranium is measured by a__________________________.
straight line from one parietal eminence to other.
Mastoid Process
guide for placement of top of lobe of ear.
Submental Area
immediately under chin
Submandibular Area
underneath of chin
division called submental area
entire area under mandible all way back to neck
Angle of the Jaw
point of change in plain from corpus to ramus
Superior Margin of Ramus
1. Coronoid Process
2. Condaloid Process
3. Mandibular Notch
Line of jaw originates at angle of the______ and runs forward along the base of the ______ to the mental _________.
skin covered cartilage, question mark in form
External Auditory Meatus
opening of ear passage, elongated into a canal
3 crura in each pinna

Anterior Crus – thin
Superior Crus – broad and flat
Crus of Helix
Medial Canthus
somewhat horizontal in form
corner of the (medial/lateral) or (inner/outer)
Lateral Canthus –
made by upper lid overlapping lower lid
brings corner down (slightly lower than inner) (slightly posterior)
Optic Facial Sulci
crows feet
hairs of lash, arraigned in layers
Oblique Papebral Sulcus
Natural not acquired – groove which originates immediately under inner corner of eye
descends on slant on orbit to diminish in depth and ends at mid orbit
Superior Palpebral Sulcus
opening – acquired groove
Inferior Palpebral Sulcus
lid – acquired groove – closing
Orbicularis Oris Muscle
Angulus Oris Sulcus
made of muscle at corners, it is "Center of Expression"
Angulus Oris Eminence
elevation or protrusion at corner of mouth –
it is in both lips
Proper lip formation
*Lips should be same size upper & lower, neither protruding
*Lower lip ducks under upper lip at corner
*Lower red lip is thicker but narrower than upper red lip
Proper orbit formation
*All found within boney orbit
*Outer corners are immediately medial to lateral rim of orbits and inferior posterior to inner corners (below & behind)
*Should be 1 eye width between eyes: start forming outer canthus and move medial
*Think of a patch being placed over eye – does NOT bulge
*Most anterior projection of eye is in center, should just touch the 'patch'.
elevation, opposite tragus at beginning of antihelix
3. Upper lateral catilages
(2) triangular in form gives support to sides of nose
2. Lower lateral catilages
(2) arched catilages that in incircle naries and when pressent produce bilobation.
Median cartilage
(1) On midline, triangular, it gives. on spine.
Intertragic Notch
space between tragus and antitragus
Perpendicular Lines (right angles)
1. Top: line of the brow
2. Bottom: line across the base of the nose
Proper formation of ear
*Concha makes up middle 1/3 of the length of pinna
*Greatest anterior posterior is 2/3 its length (front-to-back)
*Anterior plane of face slopes with anterior margin of ear – mark it in wax
structure in relationship to another structure
inter, between two structures
External vs. Internal
outside arc of a circle vs. inside arc of a circle
Superficial vs. Deep
toward surface vs. away from surface
Anterior vs. Posterior
front and back, directional terminology
Medial vs. Lateral
toward midline vs. away from midline
inferior to superior
horizontal direction, side to side
neither vertical nor transverse, slant
Mental Protuberance
most anterior part of the chin
Coronoid Process
-2- sharp elevation attaching to temoporalis on each side–
chewing muscle
2 – condolide process – smooth, rounded articular process that fits up into socket (fossa)
Mandibular Notch
nothing, space between coronoid process and condolide process.
Subdivision: Submental Area
small area, immediately under base of chin, just before double chin
*4 Rules for naming profiles
1. Each part of basic profile retains its original name identity
2. 2 combined parts identified with hyphen between them
3. Part of term before hyphen always refers to forehead
4. Part of term after hyphen always refers to chin
Nasal Spine of Maxilla
anterior, guide for columna nasi
Zygomatic Bone is in both Planes
anterior and lateral plane
Most Common Headshape vs. Least Common
Oval vs. Triangular
Geometric Pattern Made by Length vs. Width Measurements
vertical dimension between vertex and base of chin
Bi-parietal Width
horizontal dimension (flat) measured by straight line across 2 parietal eminences
Bi-zygomatic Width
horizontal dimension (flat) measured by a straight line across or between peaks of 2 zygomatic arches
Bi-mandibular Width
horizontal dimension (flat) measured by straight line across angles of jaw

and the one after this one is Length of the Head
(Geometric Patters) (Morphology) – round, oval, square, oblong, diamond, triangular, inverted triangular
Bony Influences on Facial Profile
side view, first impressions are important, sticks in brain!
Classic Greek Sculpture
profiles based on Cannon of Beauty
Least Common Facial Profile
Jay Leno, protruding forehead and chin
Most Common Facial Profile
receding forehead and chin
Three Basic Profiles
1. Vertical
2. Convex
3. Concave
classic, balanced, straight – forehead, upper lip, and chin form a vertical plane
Six Additional Classific by Combing the 3 to=9 profile
1. Convex-concave
2. Concave-convex
3. Vertical-convex
4. Vertical-concave
5. Convex-vertical
6. Concave-vertical
1. Convex-concave
receding forehead, protruding chin
2. Concave-convex
protruding forehead, receding chin
3. Vertical-convex
vertical forehead, receding chin
4. Vertical-concave
vertical forehead, protruding chin
5. Convex-vertical
receding forehead, vertical chin
6. Concave-vertical
protruding forehead, vertical chin
On bony profile is a line across________________________________.
mid-line maxilla up through nasal cavity, across glabella.
On facial profile is a line across ____________________________
mid-line upper lip through nasal cavity, across line of the brow.
Boney influences on the chin. Pro means protruding. Gnathism=jaw.
Condition of protruding jaw. Guides tell us if they protude or not.
ground oseous tissue inside teeth.
Nasal or infranasial prognitism-
projection of base of nasal cavity may be assosiated with pug nose.
maxillary or alveosubnasal prognitism
Protrusion of body of maxilla.
alveor prognitism
Protrusion of alveor processes, tooth sockets.
Could be upper only, lower only, or both.
dental prognitism
Described as buck teeth defined as protrusion of teeth which may prevent lips from closure.
Could be upper only , lower only, or both.
manibular prognitism-
protruding chin on mandible.
Chin itself is triangular and right in center of chin is most anterior.