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13 Cards in this Set

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What Is a Thoracentesis?
A Thoracentesis (THOR-ah-sen-TE-sis) is a procedure to remove excess fluid in the space between the lungs and the chest wall. This space is called the pleural space.
What is a bronchoscopy?
Answer: Bronchoscopy is a test to view the airways and diagnose lung disease. It may also be used during the treatment of some lung conditions.
Oxygen saturation should be at what percentage?
answer: Oxygen saturation levels less than 91% indicate hypoxemia. The patient needs immediate assessment and intervention to improve blood and tissue oxygenation.
Which nursing intervention is the priority when preparing the client for pulmonary function testing (PFT)?
Ensure no smoking 6 hours before the test.
The client reports dyspnea when climbing stairs, but is not dyspneic at rest. Which dyspnea classification does the nurse assign to this client in the report to the employer?
Class II, can perform a desk job
class I, can perform manual labor

Class II, can perform a desk job

Class III, minimally employable

Class IV, must remain at home
The client comes to the emergency department with a productive cough. Which symptom does the nurse look for that will require immediate attention?
answer: Pink frothy sputum:Pink frothy sputum occurs with pulmonary edema, and requires immediate attention.
Blood in sputum: Blood in the sputum occurs with chronic bronchitis or lung cancer. Because the condition is chronic, the situation is not urgent.

Mucoid sputum: mucoid sputum is an effect of regular smoking.

Pink frothy sputum:occurs with pulmonary edema, and requires immediate attention.

Rust-colored sputum: occurs with pneumococcal pneumonia. Although this requires treatment, it is not emergent.

The client with asthma reports shortness of breath. What is the nurse looking for when auscultating this client's chest?
answer: breath sounds: Adventitious sounds are additional breath sounds superimposed on normal sounds. They indicate pathologic changes in the lung
Three clients are admitted to the emergency department with respiratory conditions. Which client requires immediate attention by the nurse?
a. Acute asthmatic child

b. Client with lung cancer

c. Client with a sinus infection

d. Client with dyspnea on exertion
Answer: A

The asthmatic child is considered an emergency because an unresolved episode can cause death.

B. Client with lung cancer
Incorrect: The client with lung cancer can require immediate attention, but usually this condition is chronic and nonemergent.

C) c. Client with a sinus infection
Incorrect: A sinus infection is not an emergency.

D) d. Client with dyspnea on exertion
Incorrect: Dyspnea on exertion is not an emergent condition.
The nurse auscultates popping, discontinuous sounds over the client's anterior chest. How does the nurse classify these sounds?

a. Crackles
b. Rhonchi
c. Pleural friction
d. Wheezes
A) a. Crackles
Crackles are described as popping, discontinuous sounds caused by air moving into previously deflated airways.

B) b. Rhonchi
Rhonchi are described as lower pitched, coarse, continuous snoring sounds.

C) c. Pleural friction
Pleural friction sounds like loud, rough, grating, scratching sounds. It is caused by the inflamed surfaces of the pleura rubbing together.

D) d. Wheezes
Wheezes are described as squeaky, musical, continuous sounds associated with air rushing through narrowed airways.
Respiratory change in the older adult client normally increases with aging and does not require further assessment by the nurse
answer: Increased anteroposterior diameter is normal with aging.
In reviewing the smoking history of the 65-year-old client, the nurse calculates that the client has a 90 pack-year history. How many packs of cigarettes has this client smoked?
answer: Two packs a day for 45 years

Pack-years are calculated by the number of packs smoked per day multiplied by the number of years the client has smoked. This client has smoked an average of two packs a day for 45 years.
In assessing a client's respiratory status, blood gas test results reveal a pH of 7.50, PaCO2 of 29, and HCO3 of 22. What action does the nurse take first?
answer: Encourage the client to slow his or her breathing rate.

The client's test result indicates respiratory alkalosis, which is commonly caused by hyperventilation. Encouraging the client to slow the breathing rate will help him or her return to normal breathing.
The client is postbronchoscopy. Which intervention does the nurse apply first?
Implements NPO (nothing by mouth) status: NPO status should be implemented for this client until the gag reflex returns.