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87 Cards in this Set

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What do first generation antihistamines do?
Prevent the effects of histamine by occupying H1 histamine receptor sites
The name brand of diphenhydramine.
*note-this is from the ethanolamine class of first generation antihistamines
The 3 classes of first generation antihistamines?
Ethanolamine, Alkylamines, Phenothiazides
*Note these prevent the effects of histamine by occupying H1 histamine receptor sites
The name brand of chlorpheniramine
The name brand of promethazine
Note* this is a phenothiazide (so is hydroxyzine)
The brand name of hydroxyzine
or Atarax
*note-this is from the class Phenothiazides of first gen. Antihistamines
What 6 reasons can you have for using first generation antihistamines?
Rhinitis, common cold, allergic responses; insomnia, nausea, vomitting
Side Effects of first generation Antihistamines?
usual doses?
high doses?
Usual doses:
CNS-drowsiness, blurred vision,
High doses:
CNS stimulation
convulsive seizure;
GI- dry mouth
GU--urinary retention
Sedatives like opioids, alcohol, and anesthesia increase or decrease the sedation caused by first gen antihistamines?
Second Generation antihistamins do what?
prevent the effects of histamine by occupying H1 histamine receptor sites
What are the second generation antihistamine drugs?
loratadine (Clariton)
cetirizine (Zyrtec)
fexofenadine (Allegra)
What are the uses of second generation antihistamine drugs?
Rhinitis, common cold, allergic responses; Insomnia, nausea, vomiting
*Note-these are the SAME as first generation
Side Effects of second generation Antihistamines?
Minimal sedation, few effects on psychomotor activity or bladder function
What is the difference between first and second generation antihistamines?
The main difference between them is the first generation antihistamines tend to cause more drowsiness, dry mouth, and dry eyes compared to the second.
Name brand of loratadine

2nd gen antihist
name brand of Cetirizine

2nd gen antihist--generic name begins with what Zyrtec ends with
name brand of fexofenadine

2nd gen antihistamine
Decongestant--3 classes of:
Pseudoephedrine (sudafed)

Nasal sprays:
Oxymetozoline (dristan)
Phenylephrine (neo-synephrine)
Examples of Nasal spray decongestants
phenylephrine- Neo-synephrine
what do decongestants do?
1. stimulate adrenergic receptors on blood vessels
2. promote vasoconstricion
3. reduce nasal edema and rhinorrhea
What do you use decongestants for?
rhinitic, common cold
What are the side effects of decongestants?
CNS stimulation--insomnia, excitation, headache, irritability, increased blood and ocular pressure, dysuria, palpatations, tachycardia

nasal sprays rebound nasal congestions.
what are the classes of Antitussives
1. opioid-->Codeine, hydrocodone
2. non-opioid-->dextromethrophan
3. other- Benzonatate (Tessolon Perles)
What are the actions of opioid antitussives?
suppression of caugh center in medulla; drying effect, analgesia
what are the actions of non-opioid antitussives?
suppression of cough center in the medulla; drying effect
NOTE- same as opioid but without analgesia
What are the actions of non-opioid, non-non-opioid antitussives (aka the "other" ones)
anesthetizing stretch receptors which prevents stimulation of cough center in medula
What are you doing if you administer Tessolon Perles?
you anesthetize stretch receptors which prevents stimulation of cough center in medula
**This is for suppression of a non productive cough
when you give a patient dextromethrophan you are doing what?
suppressing cough center in the medulla; drying effect
NOTE- same as opioid but without analgesia
for the purpose of suppressing a non productive cough
If you want to suppress a non productive cough, what would you administer?
an antitussive such as codeine, hydrocodone, dextromethrophan, or benzonatate
What are the side effects of opioid antitussives, codeine and hydrocodone?
sedation, nausea, vomiting, constipation
what are the side effects of non opioid antitussive dextromethrophan
dizziness, drowsiness, nausea
what are the side effects of the "other" antitussive, benzonatate (Tessolon Perles)
dizziness, headache, sedation, nausea, constipation, nasal congestion, pruritis
What are the bronchodilator drugs?
albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin, etc.)

epinephrine (to counter allergic reactions) ex. Adrenalin, Primatenes, Bronkaid
**Primatenes is not a good way to bronchodilate (according to ms. ott)

isoproterenol (Isuprel)

ipratropium (Atrovent)
What are the side effects of the bronchodilator drugs?
Cardiac stimulation, tremor, vascular headaches.
Name the rescue inhaler bronchodilators-generic name and the 2 brand names
albuterol- Proventil, Ventolin
What is the action of rescue Bronchodilators, aka. albuterol
beta-adrenergic agonists
selective beta 2 agonists
stimulate beta 2 (respiratory) receptors
What is the action of over the counter drug bronchodilators, aka epinephrine?
non-selective adrenergic
stimulate alpha, beta 1 (cardiac) and beta 2 receptors (respiratory)
What is the action of bronchodilator, isoproterenol?
non selective beta adrenergic stimulate both beta 1 and beta 2 receptors
What is the action of Atrovent?
it's and anticholenergic that will dry up the mouth and prevent bronchial constriction
What would you use albuterol for?
to relax bronchial smooth muscles and dilation of bronchia by an increase in cAMP
What would you use epinephrine for?
to counter allergic reactions by vasoconstriction causing a reduction in edema and increased heart rate and force of contraction
What is the generic name of Isuprel and what would you use it to do?
isoproterenol and you would use it for bronchial smooth muscle relaxation and dilation, and dilation of arterioles in skeletal muscles
What bronchodilator has anticholenergic action and is used to prevent bronchial constriction and broncial spasms by preventing the release of neurotransmitter acetylcholine ACh
ipratropium, Atrovent
what are the side effects of albuterol, epinephrine, isoproterenol, and ipratropium
cardiac stimulation, tremor, vascular headaches
give three generic names of inhaled corticosteroids
1. beclomethasone (Beclovent, Vanceril)
2. dexamethasone sodium phosphate (Decadrone Phosphate Respilhaler)
3.fluticosone (Flonase, Flovent)
brand name of beclomethasone
Beclovent or Vanceril
brand name of dexamethasone sodium phosphate
Decadron Phosphate Respihaler
brand name of fluticosone
the action of inhaled corticosteriods
reduce inflammation and therefore decrease airway obstruction
what are the uses of Flonase?
phrophylactic treatment to prevent attacks or airway obstruction
What are the uses of inhaled corticosteroids
phrophylactic treatment to prevent attacks or airway obstruction
the side effects of inhaled corticosteriods
pharyngeal irritation
dry mouth
oral fungal infections
what cautions must you take with inhaled corticosteriods
drug allergy cautions
what routes can you use for inhaled corticosteriods
inhaled or nasal sprays
what are the nursing actions for inhaled corticosteroids
Keep MDI clean,
rinse mouth after use
DO NOT USE for acute asthma attack
What are the actions of mucolytics
Enzyme breaks down mucoproteins and decreases the viscosity of mucous--reduces mucous
list the generic and brand name of a mucolytic drug
acetylcysteine, Mucomyst
What would you use Mucomyst for?
mobilize secretions;
as an antidote for acetaminophen poisoning
How would you administer acetylcysteine?
nebulizer, PO, IV
what cautions would you take for mucolytics and why?
you would use it with a bronchodilator because side effects include bronchospasm, nausea, hemoptysis, and vomiting
What nursing actions must be taken with acetylcysteine?
keep patient well hydrated and humidified, have suction equipment available
What action do mast cell stablilizers do?
stabilize the cell membranes of mast cels, monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils
What are cromolyn, and nadocromil?
they are mast cell stabilizers
the brand name of 1. cromolyn and 2. nadocromil
1. Nasalcrom, opticron, and gastocrom

2. Tilade
what would you use a drug like Nasalcrom or Tilade for?
Prophylaxis of asthma attacks, useful for exercise-induced bronchospasm
What are the ways to administer Nasalcrom?
Nasal spray, nebulizer, MDI
How do you administer Tilade?
What cautions would you take with mast cell stabilizers?
drug allergy
Side effects of cromolyn or nadocromil?
coughing, sore throat, rhinitis, dizziness, headache
Nursing actions to be used with Nasalcrom?
caution the patient to not use for acute attack, use as directed
Leukotrine Modifiers have the action of
blocking action of leukotrine which are molecules that are released in response to allergen
the three generic drugs that are leukotrine modifiers
1. montelukast (Singulair)
2. zafirlukast (Accolate)
3. zyleuton (Zyflo)
generic name of Singulair
generic name of Accolate
generic name of Zyflo
1. montelukast (Singulair)
2. zafirlukast (Accolate)
3. zyleuton (Zyflo)
Why would you use these?
block inflammation process in asthma
how would you administer leukotrine modifiers?
Caution to be used with SIngulair?
drug allergy
Side effects of Accolate?
headaches, nausea, diarrhea, can lead to liver dysfunction
the nurse would caution the patient when taking other drugs and inform patient to be sure health provider knows all their medications when taking these drugs...
leukotrine modifiers...such as
1. montelukast (Singulair)
2. zafirlukast (Accolate)
3. zyleuton (Zyflo)
Methylxantine derivatives--list 2 of them
Methylxantine derivatives perform this action
the Xanthines inhibit the enxyme that normally breaks down cAMO
To relax bronchial smooth muscle and improve contractility of fatigued diaphragm muscle you would use one of these drugs
list the ways to administer the methylxantine derivatives-Aminophylline
Theophylline--what is the best way?
IV, PO, elixir, sustained released tablets
**sustained released tablets are the best way
what cautions must you take for methylxantine derivatives?
drug allergy, coronary heart disease, severe renal or **liver impairment
the side effects of methylxantine derivatives
*children and cigarette smokers require higher doses to maintain therapeutic blood level (dont ask me how this is a side effect)
nursing actions to be take with Aminophylline
make sure they are taken with a full glass of water or food; to decrease GI irritation avoid caffeine