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54 Cards in this Set

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define pneumonia

inflammation of lung caused by infection

risk factors of pneumonia

cigarette smoking

recent viral infection

chronic lung diseases

serious illness

weakened immune system

recent surgery


signs/symptoms of pneumonia

cough, chills, fever, fatigue, malaise, chest pain, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, thick greenish or yellow phelgm

bacterial pneumonia




usually confined to one lobe of lung


patches of disease though out lung

treated with antibiotics - need to finish tx

viral pneumonia

headache, muscle pain, fever, unproductive cough

cause: influenza virus (can be fatal)

may develop secondary bacterial infection (bacterial pneumonia)

similar tx as flu

mycoplasma pneumonia


walking pneumonia

gradual, flu like, not severe

easily communicable

responds well to antibiotics

fungal pneumonia

symptoms of acute pneumonia

antifungal medication

pneumocystic carinii ppneumonia

long duration cough, fever, shortness of breath

opportunistic infection

immune compromised/HIV


pneumovax 23 (older than 2 years/65+, 19-24 smokers/asthma)

prevnar 13 (6mos-5yrs 4 doses, 17-50+yrs 1 dose)

pneumocystis carinii pneumonia complications

acute respiratory distress syndrome, emphysema, lung abscesses, respiratory failure, death

leading cause of death secondary to other systemic diseases

define TB

lung disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis

calcifications in lung

risk factors of TB

HIV+, weakened immune system, substance abuse, DM

signs and symptoms of TB

cough with sputum with blood longer than 3 weeks, chest pain, weakness, fatigue, weight loss, anorexia, chills, fever, night sweats

latent TB


not contagious

+ skin test

- chest xray


multi drug resistance TB

exposure, geography, incomplete medication, secondary TB infection

resistant to isoniazid/rifampin

compliance to antibiotics -> resistance


extensive drug resistant TB


resistant to fluoroquinolone + at least one of three injectable second line drugs (amikacin/kanamycin/capreomycin)

define COPD

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

a group of lung diseases characterized by limited airflow with variable degrees of alveoli enlargement and lung tissue destruction

general causes of COPD

prolonged smoking, passive smoke, gender, polluted work environment, ambient air (dog), alpha 1 deficiency

general signs and symptoms of COPD

dyspnea, wheezing, fatigue, chronic cough, frequent respiratory infections

complications of COPD

cor pulmonale (right side of heart failure goes to lungs), COPD flare ups, increased lung infections, pneumothorax (hole in lungs), sleep disruptions

define bronchitis

inflammation of bronchi

cillia damaged/dead, not being pushed along

no cure can alleviate symptoms

signs and symptoms of bronchitis

long term cough (3 months/year for 2 consecutive years), productive cough, dyspnea, fatigue, wheezing, rales (rattling), abnormal lung sounds

causes of bronchitis

cigarette, second hand, air pollutions, allergies, infections

treatment of bronchitis

control symptoms, bronchodilators, humidifiers, inhaled corticosteroids, antibiotics (only if there is 2nd bacterial pneumonia), MD follow up

bronchitis complications

acute bronchitis, pneumonia, for pulmonale, emphysema


lung disease involving damage to alveoli

alveoli enlarged, not as much surface area, less oxygen

no cure except transplant

causes of emphysema

cigarette, second hand, alpha 1 antitrypsin alpha 1 proteinase inhibitor ( has medication of heredity)

signs and symptoms of emphysema

dyspnea, chronic cough, wheezing, weight loss, barrel shaped chest, low blood oxygen levels

treatment of emphysema

smoking cessation, medications, pulmonary rehabilitation program, flu vaccination, pneumovax, low flow O2, lung transplant

complications of emphysema

recurrent resp. infections, pulmonary HT, cor pulmonale, death (mostly from pneumonia)

define asthma

inflammatory disorder of airways characterized by periodic attacks of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing

signs and symptoms of asthma

wheezing, dyspnea, labored breathing, chest pains, tightness, cough, aggravated by exertion

asthma triggers

resp infection, exercise, tobacco smoke, pollutants, stress, food, drug allergies, aspirin, NSAIDs, exposure to allergens

effects of asthma on the lung

muscles of bronchial tree constricts

lining of air passages swell

decreased air flow

wheezing, mucous production increased

asthma complications

resp fatigue, pneumothorax, status ashmaticus, side effects, death

lung cancer risk factors/causes



occupational exposure to carcinogens

outdoor pollution

signs and symptoms of lung cancer

cough, hoarseness, bloody sputum, dyspnea, weakness, chest pain, weight loss, anorexia, facial paralysis (homer's syndrome), fever

small cell carcinoma aka


non small cell carcinoma aka

large cell

lung carcinoid tumor

5% of all lung cancer

grow slowly

rarely spread

complications of lung cancer

metastasis (to jaw), side effects from chemo, radiation

define snoring

sound mad bye soft palate/uvula during inspiration with relaxed throat during sleep

define sleep apnea

disorder in which breathing stops during sleep for ten seconds or more

signs/symptoms of snoring and sleep apnea

loud, heavy snoring, restless sleep, falls asleep during day, morning headaches, low energy, irritability, forgetfulness, trouble concentrating, mood behavior changes, anxiety, depression, obesity, decreased interest in sex

causes of snoring/sleep apnea

nasal obstruction, small crowded oral cavity, long uvula or palate, large tonsils, obesity

treatment of snoring/sleep apnea

weight loss, nasal or airflow devices, shorten palate uvula, avoid sleeping on back, decongestants, avoid alcohol sedative narcotics, eval at clinic, C PAP machines

C PAP machines

continuous positive airway pressure

pushes air down nasal and oral passage

complications of snoring/sleep apnea

ht, heart disease, MI, CVA, psychiatric problems, cognitive dysfunction, memory loss, impotence, death

define sinusitis

inflammation of sinuses

causes of sinusitis

nasal allergies, fungal infections, URI, deviated septum, polyps, allergic rhinitis, hay fever

signs and symptoms of sinusitis

pressure, discomfort in head face, nasal discharge, blockage, postnasal drip, cough, malise, headache, neck pain, earache, fever, weakness

treatment for sinusitis

antibiotics, decongestants, antihistamines, allergy shots, pain meds, nasal irrigation