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51 Cards in this Set

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How do you do Physical assessment for newborn

- provide care
- maintain a quite environment(appropriate for gestational age)
-observe/inspect (look for clues)

What are the things to assess in gestational age

-last menstrual cycle
-prenatal ultrasound
-postnatal assessment (physical/neuro)

what are the two scale used in assessing gestational age

- dubowitz scale
-ballard score (simplified)

How many physical and neurological signs does Dubowitz scale has

- 11 physical signs
-10 neurological signs

How many physical and neurological signs does Ballard score have

- 6 physical signs
- 6 neurological signs

What are the six physical signs of Ballard score

- skin

- lanugo

- plantar surface

- breast

- eye/ear

- Genitalia

What are the six Neurological signs of Ballard score

- posture
- square window (wrist)
- arm recoil
- popliteal angle
- scarf sign
- heel to ear

What is Lanugo

Fine downy hair covering fetus from 20-28 weeks

Where and when does lanugo disappear?

Disappears around face and anterior trunk around ~28 weeks

plantar surface

What happened during 28-30 weeks on plantar surface?

Creases appears and cover the anterior portion of the plantar surface of the foot


What should breast look like in a newborn?

- imperceptible

- size of areola and bud

- areola raised by 34 weeks

When does areola of the breast raised in newborn?

By 34 weeks


- Eyes fused = extreme prematurity

- floppy ears= cartilage not develop

If eyes are fused together what does that indicates?

Extreme prematurity

If the ears are floppy what does that indicates or mean?

Cartilage not developed

Gestational Age

- Once gestational age is determined, plot on weight vs gestational age chart ( percentile)

- Used to determine intra- uterine growth retardation. (IUGR)

What does percentile used for?

Used to determine intra- uterine growth retardation.

What is the percentile of small gestational age ( SGA) ?

Less than 10th percentile

What percentile is appropriate for gestational age (AGA)

10 - 90th percentile

What percentile is large for gestational age (LGA)

Greater than 90th percentile

What are signs of respiratory distress in newborn?

- Nasal flaring

- Grunting

- Retractions

- Cyanosis ( late sign of distress)

- Tachypnea

- Paradoxical breathing(see- saw , severe distress)

What does nasal flaring does to newborn?

It decrease resistance

What does grunting create for a newborn during distress?

- Creating CPAP/PEEP

- Valsalva manuever

What does retractions cause to newborn during distress?

- Increases WOB

- Poor compliance

What is considered periodic breathing in nweborn

Pauses for 5-10 secs

True or False: Periodic breathing is considered common in newborn?


How is periodic breathing resolved?

Resolves w/o intervention i.e on its own

What is Apnea of prematurity?

Cessation of breathing greater than 20 secs

Its shorter if accompanied by:

- Bradycardia

- Cyanosis/pallor

- Desats

What percentage of infants does Apnea of prematurity affects?

Affects 85% infants less than 34 weeks

When does Apnea of prematurity resolves?

Usually 37 weeks +

What are treatments/ management of Apnea of prematurity

- Tactile stimulation
- Respiratory stimulants ( caffeine/ theophylline)
- Oxygen
- Cpap
- Mechanical ventilation
- Apnea monitor

Auscultation of breath sounds in newborn

- Listen in quiet environment

- Difficult to hear

- symmetric sounds

- Crackles ( fluids/recruitment)

What is the normal infant HR ?

120 - 160

- less than 100 = Bradycardia

What is bradycardia in an infant

Less than 100

When do you start CPR in infant?

when is less than 60

When would you see and infant HR increases to 200+

Common when infant is agitation / crying

Where is the most accurate place to take infant pulse?

Auscultate apical pulse

Where can can you take infant pulse?

- Brachial

- Femoral

- Umbilical

How does the infant heart sounds?


What are some of the Neuro checks?

- pupils

- Crying

- Reflex appropriate

- Muscle tone

What area do you inspect during full assessment?

- Genitals

- Rectum

- Mouth/Nose

- 10 fingers/toes

What is the normal infant Blood Pressure?

= 60-90 / 30-60 mmHg
- Varies based on gestational age/weight

What are the ways we can invasively monitors BP?

- UAC- umbilical artery catheter

- Peripheral arterial line

What is the hemoglobin of a newborn?


What is the hemoglobin level of newborn @ 2 wks?


What is the hematocrit of a newborn?

55 - 60 %

What is the hematocrit of newborn @ 2 weeks

40 - 45 %

Why does the newborn H & H changes @ 2 weeks?

Because the affinity for the oxygen changes

How do you obtain ABG for newborn?

- Heel sticks ( CGB- capillary gas)

the best indicator of oxygenation

- UAC/ Peripheral line

- Arterial stick

What are the normal ABG values at birth?

pH = 7.25 - 7.35

PCO2 = 45 - 55

PO2= 50 - 60

How long does newborn ABG normalizes to adult values?

48 hours