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55 Cards in this Set

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Where would you auscultate to listen to the middle lobe of the lung?

Anterior surface

Where would you auscultate to listen to the inferior lobe of the lung?


Sensation to the soft palate is supplied by what nerve?

V2 of the Trigeminal

Motor innervation to the soft palate is supplied by what?


Motor innervation to the larynx is supplied by what nerve?


Sensation to the larynx is supplied by what nerve?

Glossopharyngeal nerve (cough reflex)

Sensation to the pharynx is supplied by what nerve?


What is found in the oropharynx?(3)

Posterior 1/3 of tongue

Palatine tonsil

Lingual tonsils

What is found in the nasopharynx? (2)

Adenoid tonsils

Tubal tonsils

What muscle stretches and tenses the vocal cords?


What muscle adducts the vocal folds?

Lateral cricoarytenoids

What muscle abducts the vocal folds?

Posterior cricoarytenoids

What muscle relaxes the vocal ligaments?


What muscle adducts the arytenoid cartilage?

Oblique and Transverse arytenoids

What nerve supplies the cricothyroid muscle?

External laryngeal nerve

What nerve supplies the mucosa above the vocal folds?

Internal laryngeal nerve

At what spinal level is the carina found?


Name the intercostal neurovasculature from superior to inferior

Intercostal Vein

Intercostal Artery

Intercostal Nerve

Between what layers is the intercostal neurovasculature found?

Between the innermost and internal intercostal muscles

What structures pierce the diaphragm at level T12? (3)

Abdominal Aorta

Thoracic duct

Azygous Vein

What structures pierce the diaphragm at level T8? (2)

Right Phrenic Nerve


What structures pierce the diaphragm at the level T10? (2)


Anterior and posterior vagal trunks

What arteries supply the lung tissue and pleura?

Bronchial arteries

Where do the bronchial arteries drain? (2)

Hemizygous and Azygous veins

What is the nerve supply to the lung tissue? (2)

Vagus - via the pulmonary plexus

Sympathetic trunks

What effect does the parasympathetic nervous system have on bronchioles?


What is the nervous innervation to the maxillary sinus? (4)

V1 of the Trigeminal


Greater palatine


What congenital condition causes posterolateral hernias?

Bochdalek's (85%)

What congenital condition causes anterior herniation?

Morgagni's (5%)

What associated symptoms may be seen with a hiatus hernia?

Acid reflux type symptoms

What is a hiatus hernia?

When part of the stomach herniates through the diaphragmatic hiatus into the thorax.

What is the nerve supply to the pleura? (2)

Intercostal nerves

Phrenic nerves

What is the venous drainage of the pharynx?

Pharyngeal venous plexus

At what spinal level is the manubriosternal joint found?


What type of joint is the manubriosternal joint?

Secondary cartilaginous

What ribs are atypical?

1, 2, 10-12

Which are the true ribs?


Which are the false ribs?


Which ribs have an articulation to the spinal body ONLY?

1, 11 and 12

What is Shingles caused by?


What is the aperture between the vestibular fold and the vocal fold called?

Rima glottidis

The RLN can be damaged in what kind of procedure and what will it cause?

Thyroid/parathyroid surgery


What procedure prevents recurrent pleural effusion and how does it work?


Damaging the pleural layers to form fibrous tissue so they stick together and no longer secrete fluid

What is typically seen of a CXR with a patient who has a tension pneumothorax?

Deviation of the trachea and SVC/IVC AWAY from the affected lung

Where is the initial needle inserted for a chest decompression?

2nd Intercostal space, mid-clavicular line

What forms the borders of the "safe zone"?

Lateral edge of the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi

5th Intercostal space

Base of the axilla

Mid-axillary line

What is STERTOR?

Partial obstruction above the larynx

What is STRIDOR?

Partial obstruction at the larynx

When would you hear a wheeze?

Bronchiole constriction

What would a unilateral RLN injury cause?


What would bilateral RLN injury cause? (3)


Difficulty breathing

Inability to speak

What type of airway adjunct would be needed for the nasopharynx?

Flexible plastic tube

What type of airway adjunct would be needed for the oropharynx?

Rigid plastic tube

What causes an inspiratory wheeze?(2)

Stiffer, narrow bronchioles

Fast turbulent air

In what condition would the trachea deviate towards the injury?
