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42 Cards in this Set

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Is empiric treatment with classic symptoms appropriate?


Treatment for allergic rhinitis is typicallY:

-intranasal steroid

- nonsedating antihistamine

_____ is effective in treating ocular symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis.

intranasal steroids

When is allergy testing indicated?

- severe symptoms

- failed other therapy

-unclear diagnosis

______ can produce long-lasting remission of allergic rhinitis symptoms.

subcutaneous/sublingual immunotherapy

Allergic Rhinitis is characterized by:

IgE-mediated inflammation of the mucus membranes lining the nasal passages in a sensitized individual, leading to the typical symptoms of sneezing, nasal obstruction, nasal itching, and mucus discharge, all of which are reversible spontaneously or with treatment

There is association between _______ and Allergic rhinitis.

otitis media with effusion

Allergic rhinitis with atopy is related to worsening of ______


What leads to symptoms of Allergic rhinitis?

exposure to allergen

What is pathophysiology of allergic rhinitis?

inhaled trigger allergen is bound by specific IgE antibodies to IgE receptors on mast cells of respiratory mucosa

What is mechanism of allergic rhinitis?

Mast cells degranulate, releasing chemical mediators of inflammation. These mediators synthesize further mediators and chemicals that attract other inflammatory cells, causing a delayed phase of inflammation

Does Maternal dietary restrictions during pregnancy have a major role in preventing atopic disease?


Does Parental cleaning of pacifiers with their own mouth decrease the likelihood of allergy sensitization, asthma, and eczema?


Does Postponing introduction of solid food (nuts, fish, or eggs) and cow’s milk decrease incidence of AR?


Does Early life supplementation with probiotics protect against AR, asthma, eczema, or food allergy at age 5 years?


Does Dust mite-proof covers for beds and pillows decrease atopic disease in the first 2 years of life?


How do you diagnosis allergic rhinitis?

- History, exam, response to therapy

_________________ may be used when skin testing is impractical

measurement of allergen-specific IgE

DDX for Allergic Rhinitis:

- Acute viral rhinitis- Usually less than 7 days

- Vasomotor rhinitis- Less sneezing, associated with physical stimuli such as temperature change, humidity

- Drug-induced rhinitis- Associated with initiation of medication (ACE I, beta blockers, alpha blockers, NSAIDs)

- Hormonally associated rhinitis- Pregnancy, oral contraceptives, hypothyroidism

- Irritant-related rhinitis- Related to chemical exposure like tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, hair spray

- Rhinosinusitis- Purulent discharge

- Rhinitis medicamentosa- Occurs with withdrawal from nasal decongestants

- Non-AR with eosinophilia syndrome- Classic AR symptoms without demonstrable allergy

Allergic Rhinitis is devided into:

AR is classically divided into seasonal and perennial

WHO divides allergic rhinitis into:

intermittent (<4 days/week or <4 weeks/year) or persistent disease (>4 days/week and >4 weeks/year).

Allergic rhinitis typically develops before age of ______ years old


Engorgement of nasal mucosa can lead to:

- eustachian tube dysfunction

- cough

- sinus pressure

PE findings of Allergic rhinitis:

“boggy” appearing, pale, swollen nasal mucosa, clear discharge, and allergic “shiners.”

_______ is less sensitive but more specific than intradermal testing.

skin prick testing

Allergen-specific IgE antibody testing (radioallergosorbent test [RAST]) is most useful if:

percutaneous testing is not practical or if the patient is taking interfering medications.

___________ is not specific and should not be used to diagnose AR

serum total IgE

Blood or nasal _______ suggests allergies; neutrophils suggest infection


When do you consider skin testing or IgE testing?

if no medical therapy is working (avoid allergen; intranasal steroid; antihistamine; nasal antihistamine; nasal ipratropium; nasal mast cell stabilizer; montelukast

Nasal steroids are ______ effective than oral antihistamines for nasal symptoms and equally effective for eye symptoms


Once daily ______ is effective and does not appear to suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-axis.

nasal beclomethasone dipropionate use at 320 μg/day

patients with moderate to severe seasonal AR, the ______ was comparable to intranasal fluticasone in reduction in total nasal symptom score and reduced score from baseline

intranasal antihistamine azelastine

intranasal combination azelastine (a second-generation, selective, histamine antagonist) and fluticasone propionate was _______ to either intranasal drug alone, based on the nasal symptom score.


Intranasal ipratropium (Atrovent) may be useful to decrease the _______ of AR


Intranasal decongestants are effective but should not be used for more than ___ days to decrease the risk of rhinitis medicamentosa

10 days

Other agents with minimal benefit:

- systemic steroids

- montelukast po

- mast cell stabilizer (cromolyn)

________ are surgical procedures used for drug therapy-resistant, intractable AR

Transnasal resection of the posterior nasal nerve (TRPN), submucous inferior turbinectomy, and turbinoplasty with resection of peripheral branches of the posterior nasal nerve

True/false: Interventions designed to decrease dust mite exposure (acaricides, HEPA filters, bedroom-based environmental control procedures) may be of some benefit for highly sensitized patients


True/false: Removal of carpets and humidity control decreases house dust mite load and may alleviate symptoms in sensitive individuals.


True/false: Topical therapies, including intranasal steroids, and antihistamines (chlorpheniramine, loratadine and cetirizine) are widely considered safe in pregnancy


True/false: Cetirizine causes sedation (slower reaction times and decreased performance) in children but does not cause drowsiness (subjective feeling of being tired).


True/false: Nasal steroids are effective and do not cause significant growth suppression in children
