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30 Cards in this Set

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Breath Sounds
a) Sonorous - deep & low on expiration
Etiology: Secretions & Tumors
b) Sibilant - Inhilation/exp - high pitch
Etiology: asthma & bronchospasm

a) Course - large bronchi - course
Etiology: COPD
b) Fine - soft in avioli
Etiology: Pneumonia & bronchitis

Sygns & Symptoms

Def: Inadequate 02 sat of RBC's & Tissue.

Cause: Altitude, sickness, lung disease, smoking

Signs: Poor coordination - rapid breathing - poor judgment - cyanosis - lethargy.

Symptoms: hot/cold flashes - mental muscle weakness - headache - air hunger - nausia - dizziness - euphoria - tingling - visual impairment.

Causes & Relief

Def: Labored breathing

1) Causes = Pulmonary & cardiac disorders - decreased compliance - neuro muscular disorder - exercise

2) Relief = Pursed breathing - lighter exercise - Tx underlying cause

Definition & Sound

Def: Unable to breathe unless sitting up or forward.

Causes: usually COPD - smokers - lung disease - exercise

Sound = High pitched on inhalation - partially blocked airway (stridor)

Incentive Spirometry
Def & Indications

Def: deep breathing & visual feedback = max lung inflation - prevents atelectasis & pneumonia.

Indications: especially after surgery abdominal or thoracic.
Definition: Test to identify bacteria or fungi in lungs and/or breathing passages

Dx: helps Dx pneumonia - TB - influenza - cytomegalovirus (herpes)
Normal Lung = Radio lucent (see through)

Densities Caused by = fluid - tumor - foreign bodies

Post/Anterior View or Lateral
Definition: Relieve bronchospasm by altering smooth muscle tone & reduce airway obstruction.

Metered Dose Inhalers - Nebulizers

a) Beta-adrenergic agonists = upper
b) anti cholernergic agents = anti PNS (smooth muscle)
1) Increase metabolism to open airways

Indications: COPD
Definition: 2 compounds = surface - active lipo- protien comlex

Explination = hydrophyllic & phobic parts used to hold onto air while being a liquid.

Example: CO2 & beer. Gas saturated in liquid. air trapped by water (soda water).
1) adult 100-150
infants 80
children 100-120

2) no more than 10-15 seconds 30-60 seconds between every 2 hours or as needed.
Definition: mechanically respirate to replace normal spontaneous respiration.
Indications: lung injury - apnea- ARDS - hypoxemia - hypotension (shock)

Tidal Volume: air inhaled & exhaled/breath (500mL)

Peak inspiratory Pressure: Pressure within lung @ end of inhalation.

Assist Control: min # of breaths set. help Pt achieve full tidal volume.
Chest Tube = Prevent collapsed lung.

1) Base line vitals with breath sounds

2) Check color of drainage. Check insertion site for infection. Encourage deep breathing and coughing.

3) Vasoline & Gauze & alert Physician.

4) a) Lung fully expanded
b) no air leak developed with in 48 hrs.
c) < 150 mL of drainage with in 24 hrs.
1. Definition: Broncho spasms - narrow airways over production of mucus.

2. Signs/Symptoms: SOB - chest pain - wheezing - coughing.

3. Sibilant - on inhalation/exh - high pitched

4. Broncho dialators & expectorants
1. COPD: chronic bronchitis (cough w/ mucus) & emphysema (destruction of lungs)

2. Cough w/ mucus - dyspnea - SOB - wheezing - fatigue - frequent respiratory infections.

3. Stop smoking - inhalers - steroids.
Definition: Long term progressive destruction of lungs causes scar tissue to fill in for Fx tissue.

S/S: Cough w/ some mucus - low tolerance for exercise - pursed lip breathing - barrel chest - both from trapped air.

Tx: Stop smoking - bronchodialators - steroids - antibiotics if infection is suspected.
Definition: Genetic disease = Gene responsible for sweating - mucus & dgestive juices. Presents with over production in lungs & GI (mucus) as well as cysts on pancreas.

1. Lungs
S/S - Coughing up mucus - congestion chronic pneumonia - sinus pressure.
Tx - Antibiotics for repeat infections inhalers & expectorants - lung transplant - breathing Tx.

2. Bowel
S/S - Stomach pain from severe constipation - increase gas - distended belly - clay colored, foul, floaty stool.
Tx - Increase protein, increase calorie diet - pancreatic enzymes to help break down fat/fiber & protein (and absorption).
Definition: Thrombosis that breaks off a vascular wall and travels through (r) side heart to the lungs. Embolis is caught in pulmonary capillary.

S/S = Chest pain on inspiration - palpitations - decreased O2 Sat - rapid respirations & HR - Cyanosis

Tx = Thrombolysis - anticoagulant - surgery - streptokinase
Definition: Respiratory syncytial virus common virus acts like cold.

S/S = Cyanosis - dyspnea - croup - wheezing

Tx = fluids - O2 - humidified air - garlic - interferon
Definition: Pressure outside of the lung exceeds the pressure inside causing the functional lung to collapse.

S/S = Dyspnea - chest pain - cough

Tx = Re-expand lung - drain fluid or air - chest tube - percuss the chest w/ cupped hand - deep breathing exercises - lay on healthy side.
Definition: Inflammation of lung due to infection.

S/S = Cold symptoms - fever - cough - cyanosis - pleurisy (sharp pain w/ deep breath) - crackles.

Tx = Antibiotics - anti-fungal - breathing Tx - otherwise Tx = letting illness resolve itself.
Definition: Bacterial infection mainly in lungs but can spread to other systems.

Testing = PPD (purified protein derivative)

S/S = Clubbing - swollen lymph-nodes - fluid around lungs.

Tx = 6 month drug cocktail.
Definition: Surgery to remove a lung or lobe of a lung. Rib may also be removed for surgical access.

Indications = Lung cancer, TB Tx

Complications = Risk for infection - respiratory distress
Definition: Air leak = air between lung and chest wall in the pleural space.

S/S = SOB - 1 sided pain - hypercapnea - confusion - coma - falling BP

Tx = Surgical procedure to remove air from chest cavity.
Definition: Blood in the pleural space.

Cause: Trauma to the chest

Effect: Cause pressure on trachea & mediastinum & crush the heart.

Tx = Blood and clots must be surgically evacuated.
Definition: Accumulation of fluid between lung and chest.

S/S = Chest pain - cough - sharp pain with cough & deep breaths - hiccups - SOB (rapid).

Tx = Remove fluid & treat underlying cause.
Definition: Inflammation of lung tissue causing an impared gas exchange leading to hypoxia - cyanosis - hypercapnia.

S/S = Labored rapid breathing - organ failure - SOB - decreased BP.

Tx = Mechanical vent - PEEP
Definition: Pneumonia caused by yeast like fungus. Usually in people w/ cancer & AIDS.

S/S = Non-productive cough (thick sputum) - SOB - weight loss.

Tx = Anti-biotics combined with steroids.
Definition: Abnormal build up of fluid in air sacs of lung.

S/S = Anxiety - SOB - air hunger - dyspnea - frothy cough - nasal flaring.

Tx = O2 saturation - diuretics
Definition: High BP in arteries of the lungs. Right side of heart must work harder.

S/S = Chest pain - restlessness - fainting - leg swelling - SOB - weakness.

Tx = No cure. Tx underlying disease.