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19 Cards in this Set

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location of respiratory center
-widely dispersed neurons in:
1. medulla oblongata
2. pons
components of respiratory center
1. inspiratory and expiratory groups
2. pneumotaxic center or CPG
3. apneustic center
inspiratory and expiratory groups fx
neurons generate respiratory rhythm
- inspiratory neurons dominate
- expiratory neurons only fire when respiratory drive increases
pneumotaxic center or central pattern generator (CPG) fx
terminates the inspiration
- determines the length of inspirations and therefore respiratory rate
apneustic center fx
- not completely clear
- extreme circumstances: prevents of retards the switch off function of the pneumotaxic center
- active: begins when inspiratory groups generate a small signal that causes i mm to contract
- contraction strength depends on signal strength: freq of APs
inspiratory ramp signal
- inspiratory groups generating and increasing rate of APs
- cut of by pneumotaxic center at end of inspiration
- passive relaxation of inspiratory mm
- when more air required to meet the demands of tissues, passive relaxation too slow and expiratory mm contract
- expiratory mm contraction puts P on the thorax and thus accelerates air flow out of the lungs
regulation via gaseous concentrations
- of O2 and CO2 in blood and alveolar air
- duration of inspiration and tidal volume adjusted to maintain:
PO2 104, PCO2 40
- stretch receptors in inspiratory mm (not diaphragm) also contr
stretch receptors in inspiratory mm
- stretch receptors in inspiratory mm , except diaphragm, also control the depth of breathing
Hering- Breuer reflex
- regulation via gaseous concentrations doesn't prevent overstrecthing of lungs
- stretch receptors in smooth m of the wall of bronchi and bronchioli transmit a signal to the respiratory center, terminating inspiration
- receptors in larynx and bronchi
- irritation by dust, mucous, food particles, etc
- cause strong expiration
- receptors in mucous membranes of the nose
- irritation by dust, mucous, food particles, etc
- cause strong expiration
cough and sneeze reflex
- start of reflex: glottis close and P in lungs increases
- sudden opening of the glottis results in an explosion-like onset of air flow
= air expired at a high velocity
central receptors gen
- medulla oblongata
- measure CO2
peripheral receptors gen
- aorta, carotid a
- measure O2, H+, CO2
central receptors fx
- measure PCO2 vis CSF pH
- CO2 diffuses easily from blood into CSF
- CSF pH mirrors acute changes in pCO2 because of low [CSF buffer]
- adaptation after 24- 48 hrs
peripheral receptors fx
- measure PO2, PCO2, pH
- glomus caroticum, glomera aortica
- single cell type: Type I, measures the 3 parameters
function of Type I cells
(peripheral receptors)
1. low pH
2. low [O2]
3. high CO2
- block K channels and opens Ca channels, resulting in a release of transmitter