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111 Cards in this Set

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Three functions of Respiration
1) ventilation of the lungs/breathing
2) the exchange of gases b/w air and blood + b/w blood and tissue fluid
3) the use of oxygen in cellular metabolism
Respiration System
an organ system that rhythmically takes in air and expels if from the body thereby supplying the body with oxygen an expelling carbon dioxide
Principal Organs of the Respiration System
1) Nose
2) Pharynx
3) Larynx
4) Trachea
5) Bronchi
6) Lungs
Airflow in the lungs
Bronchi to Bronchioles to alveoli
Conducting Division
Only for Airflow
- nostrils through major bronchioles
Respiration Division
Alveoli and other distal gas exchange regions
Upper Respiratory Tract
Lower Respiratory Tract
3 Functions of the Nose
1) Warms, cleanses, and humidifies inhaled air
2) Detects ordors
3) Resonating chamber that ampifies the voice
Shaped by bone and Cartilage
Extends from the nostrils to the posterior nares
Ala Nasi
Flared portion at lower end of the nose; made of alar cartilage and dense connective tissue
The Hard Palate
separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity
Guard Hairs
Stiff hair that is located just inside the nose, its job is to keep bugs and debris from entering
Nasal Conchae
3 folds of tissue (superior, middles, and inferior) in the nose that enables the nose to warm, cleanse and humidify the air more effectively
narrow passageways located beneath each conchae that force the air to come in contact with the mucos, the mucus is what filters, and warms/humidifies the air passing through
Olfactory Epithelium
lines the roof of the nasal fossa and has immobile cilia to bind odor molecules
Respiratory Epithelium
lines the rest of the nasal fossa and has mobile cilia and goblet cells. The goblet cells secrete mucous that engulfs bacteria and then is either swallowed or pushed through the digest tract avoiding the lungs
Erectile Tissue
located in the inferior conchae, it swells in one side every 30 to 60 minutes to keep the fossa from drying out
muscular funnel extending from the choanae to the larynx, it includes the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and the laryngopharynx
-Pseudostratified Epithelium
-recieves the auditory tubes and houses the phayngeal tonsil
-passes only air
- air passing through here must make a 90 degree turn, large particles can not make this turn w/ the air and get stuck in the mucosa lining the tonsils
-stratified squamous epithelium
-pases air, food, and drink
-lies b/w soft palate and roof of tongue
-houses the palatine and lingual tonsils
-Stratified squamous epi
-passes, food, drink, and air
-this is where the esophagus begins
-hyoid bone and cricoid cartilage
-cartilaginous chamber mades up of 9 cartilages
-primary function to keep food and drink out of airway
-secondary function role in sound production
Flap of tissue at the superior end of the epiglottis that directs food and drink to the esophagus
- vertical at rest
- during swallowing epi is pulled up and pushed to close airway
Thyroid Cartilage
- the largest larynx cartilage
- the anterior peak is the laryngeal prominence and it forms the adams apple, testosterone stimulates this growth
The cartilages that make up the voice box
1) Thyroid cartilage
2) Cricoid cartilage
Cartilages that function in speech
1) arytenoid cartilage
2) corniculate cartilage
Extrinsic Muscles
connect the larynx to the hyoid bone and elevate the larynx during swallowing
Intrinsic Muscles
-operates the vocal cords
- rotates teh corniculate and the arytenoid cartilages
Adducted Vocal Cords
Produces a high pitched sound
Abducted Vocal Cords
loosens and produces a low pitched sound
Vestibule Folds
- superior folds
- close the glottis during swallowing
- play no role in speech
Vocal Cords
-inferior folds
- produce sound when air passes between them
-stratified squamous epithelium
The vocal cords and the opening between them
Difference between adult male vocal cords and female
they are
-vibrate more slowly
-lower pitched sounds
How are words formed?
They are not formed from the crude words of the larynx, but from the actions of the pharynx, oral cavity, tongue, and lips
also known as the wind pipe
- supported by 16 to 20 C shaped rings of hyaline cartilage
smooth muscle that spans opening in c ring
- adjusts to airflow by expanding and contracting
Mucociliary Escolator
Debris removal in the trechea
- muscos traps particles, cilia beats the mucus upwards to the pharynx where it is swallowed
located at the end of the trachea, directs airflow to the right and left bronchi
Differences between the left and right lung
Righ: 3 lobes, shorter bc the liver rises higher

Left: 2 lobes, narrower due to the heart
Bronchial Tree
Branching system of air tubes extending from the main bronchus to about 65,000 terminal bronchioles
Differences between teh right and left primary bronchus
Right: slightly wider, inhaled objects often lodge here
- has 3 lobar

Left: longer and narrower, and only has two lobar
Bronchopulmonary Segment
a functionally independent unit of lung tissue
The Right lung has 10 segmental bronchi
The left lunch has 8 segmental bronchi
Structural Differences b/w main bronchi, segmental, and lobar
The main bronchi has c shaped rings of hyaline cartilage and the lobar and segmental are overlapping cresent shaped cartilages
are continuations of the airway that lack supportive cartilage
-ciliated cuboidal epi
Pulmonary Lobe
the portion of the long that is ventilated by one bronchiole
Terminal Bronchioles
the final brances of the conducting division and each bronchiole divides into 50 to 80 terminal bronchioles, no mucous glands or goblet cells, however there are cilia
Respiratory Bronchioles
beginning of the respiratory division, each terminal bronchiole gives off to two or more and they have alveoli in their walls
alveolar ducts
each respiratory bronchiole divides into 2 to 10 elongated thin walled passages
they have alveoli in their walls
Alveolar sacs
the end of the ducts
- the grape like clusters of alveoli arrayed around an atrium
Conducting division
nasal cavity
main bronchus
lobar bronchus
segmental bronchus
terminal bronchiole
Respiratory Division
all have alveoli- gas exchange
respiratory bronchiole
alveolar duct
each human is composed of 150 million, they are for gas exchange
Great Alveolar Cells (type 2)
5% of alveolar cells
repair alveolar epi
secret pulmonary surfactant
mixture of phospholipids and proteins
coats the alveoli and bronchioles and prevents them from collapsing during expiration
Respiratory Membrane
b/w air and blood
consists of squamous epi alveolar cells and squamous epi cell and basement membrane
Pleural Cavity
space between visceral and parietal pleurae
continas thin film of parietal fluid and is a potential space
3 functions of pleurae and fluid
1) reduction of friction
2) creation of pressure gradient - pleural p lower than atmosphere
3) compartmentalization
Respiration Cycle
1 complete inspiration and expiration
quiet respiration
normal breathing, no conscious effort
Forced respiration
deep or rapid breathing during exercise or singing
prime mover of ventilation
holds ribs 1 and 2 stationary
External and internal intercostal muscles
stiffens thoracic cage during respiration and help to increase diameter in the thoracic cage
Muscles used for Forced inspiration
1) Pectoralis major
2) Sternocleidomastoid
3) erector spinae muscle
Muscles used in forced expiration
Used when singing, coughing, or sneezing
1) adominals
2) Latissimus dorsi
Cerebral Control
allows us to inhale and exhale at will
Reticular Formation of the Medulla and Pons
3 pairs of respiratory centers that control autonomic unconscious cycle of breathing
Primary generator of Respiratory Rhythm
- inspiration neurson fire during inspiration
-Expiration Neurons fire during forced expiration
Integration center
Central Chemoreceptors
monitor the ph of the CSF located in the medulla
Peripheral Chemorecepors
they monitor the ph, CO2, and O2 levels in the blood
- Aortic Bodies- vagus to medulla
- Carotid Bodies: gloss to vagus
Irritant Receptors
Located in the mucosa and results in bronchoconstriction and coughing
Stretch Receptors
located in the airway and inflation Reflex....excessive inflation triggers reflex and stops inspiration
controls how fast and how much
located in the pons, causes faster and shallower breathing
located in the pons- prolongs inspiration and breathing becomes shallower and deeper
Breaking Point
when the CO2 levels rise too high, such as when someone is holding their breath and the autonomic controls override
Boyles Law
increase in volume =
decrease in pressure

Therfore when intrapulmonary pressure is lower than atmospheric, air flows into lungs
Charles Law
when Temperaturer increases, Volume increases
the presence of air in the plural cavity (Bad) causes lungs to recoil and collapse
the collapse of all or part of the lung
What Governs Resistance
1) diameter of bronchioles
2) Pulmonary Compliance- ease with which lungs expand
3) Surface tension of the alveoli and distal bronchioles
increases airflow
- epinephrine and sympathetic nerves (norepinephrine)
Decreases airflow
- histamine and parasympathetic nerves
(acetylcholine), or cold air and chemical irritants
What disrupts H+ Bonds and Reduces Surface Tension
Anatomical dead space
air that enters the conducting division and never enters the respiratory division about 150 ml
Physiological dead space
the sum of anatomical and any pathological dead space
Alveolar ventilation Rate
ml/breath * breaths/min
350ml/breath * 12 breaths = 4,200 ml/min
Tidal Vol
500 Ml air inhaled and exhaled in one cycle
3,000 max air inhaled
1,200 exhauled with max
1,300 air remaining in lungs after max exhale
typically about 4,700
TV * Breaths/min
relaxed quiet breathing about 500 TV and 12 to 15 breaths/min
Daltons Law
total atmospheric pressure is the sum of the individual gases
Alveolar differs form atmosphere
1) it is humidified, PH2O is 10 times higher
2) Air is diluted, fresh mixes with residual
3) Exchanges 02 with CO2 in blood
Henrys Law
increase Temp = decrease in solubility
the colder the liquid the more gas that dissolves
98.5% is bound to hemoglobin
1.5% dissolved in blood
1 or more molecules of O2 bound to hemoglobin
hemoglobin with no oxygen
Co2 Transport
1) Carbonic Acid
CO2 + H2O -> H2CO3 + H+
2) Carbiminohemoglobin
Hb + CO3 -> HbCO2
3) the remaining is dissolved in
law of laplace
alveolar gas exchange
the smaller the diameter/radius = increase in chance of collapse, gas goes to bigger

Surfactant is why this does not happen
Bohr Effect
increase CO2 in tissues, more O2 is released from Hb
Haladane Effect
low HbO2 cause blood to transport more CO2
Minute Volume
total lung ventilation
vol of breath (500ml) * breaths/min(12) = 6000ml/min
dead space Vol
typically 150 ml
Dead space ventilation
dead space vol * respiratory rate
150ml * 12b/min = 1800ml/min
Alveolar Ventilation
Minute Vol - Dead space Ventilation