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9 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of the Epiglottus

Covers the airway to stop food from entering the lungs

flap flap

What is the function of the Larynx

Its the voice box, produces sound & speech

Voice box

What is the function of the Trachea

Carrys air to the lungs, has C-shaped cartilage to make sure it stays open

Air carry boi

What is the function of Bronchus

Collects dirt using mucus & Cillia (tiny hairs)

Tree trunk boi

What is the function of Bronchioles

Takes oxygen to the alveoli & constricts/dialates to let more oxygen in

tree branch boi

What is the function of the Alveoli

Allows gaseous exchange to take place

Cloud bois (on the end of bronchioles)

What is diffusion

O2 moves from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

Alveoli gives O2 to Capillaries = present time

What is the plural membrane

creates surface tension between ribcage & lungs

What happens during Inspiration

1. Inspiration (breathing in)

2. Diaphram (contracts & flattens)

3. Intercostal muscles (contract, pulling ribcage up and out)