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35 Cards in this Set

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obstructive lung dz details
-dec airflow from inc resistance
-secondary to obstruction of airway
-anatomic narrowing of airway
-dec elastic recoil
PFT in obstructive lung dz
-dec FEV1
-nL of inc TLC
-dec FEV1/FVC ratio and TLC not dec
what is emphysema
permanent enlargement of airspaces with destrution of airspace walls
panacinar emphysema clinical features
distal acinus (resp bronchioles to terminal alveoli)
-wrose in lower lobes
-can cause clinical airflow obstruction
-alpha 1 - antitrypsin deficiency
centriacinar emphysema clinical features
-involves central/proximal acini (resp bronchioles) (spares distal alveoli)
-worse in UPPER lobes
-can cuase clinical airflow obstruction
-smokingdistal acinar
distal acinar emphysema clinical features
-involves distal airspaces (along pleura, along CT septa)
-worse in upper lobes
-no clinical airway obstruction
-spont pneumo in adults ??
emphysema pathogenesis
excess protease and/or elastase production unopposed by antiprotease regulation

-neutros release elastase, which destroys elastic tissue
-if antiprotease is insufficient, tissue destruction does unchecked
smoking and emphysema
-inc neutrophils/macs in alveoli
-elastase release from neutros
-inc elastase actibity in macs (not inhibited by alpha-PI)
-oxidants and free radicals in smoke and free radicals from neutros inhibit alpha-PI
nL alpha PI phenotype
most common alpha PI phenotype in alpha AT deficiency
clinical features of emphysema
-no sx until loss of 1/2 functioning parenchyma
-weight loss
-obstructive pattern on PFTs
-pink puffer/ blue bloater
-death (pulm failure, resp acidosis, hypoxia, coma, cor pulmonale, pneumo
weird usage of emphysema
-obstructive overinflation
what is chronic bronchitis
persistent, productive cough for at least 3 consecutive months in at least 2 consecutive years
types of chronic bronchitis
chronic asthmatic
obstructive chronic
pathogenesis of chronic bronchitis
-cig smoking + air pollutants inhaled (mucous gland hypersecretionhypertrophy + goblet cell metaplasia)
-inflammation + fibrosis -> obstruction
-frequent co-existent emphysema
-complicated by microbial infection
gross morphology of chronic bronchitis
-large airway edema + hyperemia
-mucosa (large and small airways) covered by mucinous/mucopurulent secretion
micro morphology of chronic bronchitis
-mucous gland hyperplasia (+ goblet cell hyperplasia +/- loss of cilia
-inflamm infiltrate
-chronic bronchiolitis (small airway dz)
clinical presentation of chronic bronchitis
-persistent productive cough
-inc CO2, dec O2, cyanosis
-recurrent infections
-heart failure (cor pulmonale)
what is asthma
episodic, reversible bronchospasm due to exaggerated broncoconstrictor response

-chronic inflamm dz of airways
extrinsic asthma information
-type 1 hypersensitivity to extrinsic Ag
-allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
instrinsic style of asthma
non-immune trigger
-psych stimuli
-inhaled irritants
sensitization in atopic asthma
-inhaled Ag by dendritic cell to TH2 cell
-TH2 secretes IL4 -> Bcell IgE production
-IL3, IL5, GM-CSF -> eosinophil recruitment
-IgE binds to Fc receptor on mast cell
atopic asthma early phase
-Ag crosslinks on surface mast cells
-surface mast cells secrete mediators - > open epithelial tight junctions
-Ag penetrates epithelium to cross-link IgE on deep mast cells
deep mast cells secretion of mediators results in
-inc vascular perm
-inc mucus production
-recruit more cells
late phase of asthma
-more mediator release from leukos, endos, epis
-accumulating eosinophil release: amplifying/sustaining inflamm response without additional Ag exposure
intrinsic asthma triggers also affect
extrinsic astham sufferers
nL people

-nonimmune mediated bronchospasm, mucus secretion, and edema
morphology of asthma
-more inflamm cells
-hyperplasia of smooth m
-more glands
status asthmaticus
prolonged attack, refractory to Tx
any complication with excess eosinophils
curschmann's spirals
injury to epi, slough off and in mucous

permanent dilatation of bronchi and bronchioles due to destruction of muscle and supporting elastic tissue

not primary dz

dx based on hx and CXR
forms of dilatation seen in bronchiectasis
fusiform (spindle shaped)
predisposing conditions to bronchiectasis
bronchial obstruction: tumor, foreign body, mucus impaction

necrotizing or suppurative pneumonia

congenital or hereditary condition: CF, immunodef, primary ciliary dyskinesia
morphology of bronchiectasis
bronchial dilatation
lower lobes

-acute and chronic inflamm with exudate
-epithelial ulceration
-abscess formation
clinical features of bronchiestasis
-severe, persistant cough with mucopurulent sputum +/- blood
-frank hemoptysis
-clubbing of fingers
-obstructive sequelae( dec O2, PHTN, cor pulm)
-mets brain abscess
-reactive amyloidosis