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108 Cards in this Set

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RE41 option:
"pulmonary and CNS toxicity MAY be seen at 100% O2 at 1 atm >48 hours"
RE63 NEW Q Anatomical dead space
A. measured by carbon monoxide inhalation
B. 2ml/kg in average adult.
C. ?
With regard to dead space:
A. Bohr equation can be used for anatomical dead space
B. Nitrogen washout can be used for alveolar dead space
C. Physiological dead space calculated from end-tidal CO2
D. Physiological dead space can be calculated from end-tidal CO2 and alveolar CO2.
RE66 A-a gradient is increased with (I think there were 2 very similar questions about a widened A-a gradient)
A. atelectasis
B. venous admixture
C. Hypoventilation
D. reduced cardiac output
E. increased diffusion distance for oxygen
RE66b A-a gradient of 50mmHg in a patient breathing room air is most likely due to (stem definitely correct):
RE With regard to physiological dead space
A. Increased with atelectasis
B. Dependent on anatomical dead space
C. ?
Regarding the work of lungs in breathing:
A. ?
B. Most work is to overcome airway resistance
C. Increased by increasing respiratory rate (i think)
D. ?
E. Work done is determined by integral of pressure volume loop
Addition of a resistance at end expiration of 10cmH2O in a healthy young man. After equlibration, which of the following is true:
A. FRC is unchanged
B. Expiratory effort required from intercostal muscles
C. Expiratory effort still derived from elastic forces from inspiration
D. ?No extra work is performed on inspiration
E. ?
Yes, they did get the units for resistance wrong, making the question ambiguous. i thought there was also a work of breathing option???
NEW ??? Physiological dead space is not decreased by:
A. obesity / body size??
B. ageing 
C. long smoking history
D. PE 
E. changing from erect to supine position.
— I thought the question was, physiological dead space is decreased by
I thought is was "decreased by" too.
What is the alveolar pO2 in mmHG at 5,500m or atmospheric pressure 380mmHg in man with a aterial pCO2 of 40mmHg
—Options were 20,30,40,50,60 I think.
Why would someone at 5,500m have a pCO2 of 40? It definately was in the question tho.
RE74 FEF 25-75%
B. ? the same in restrictive & obstructive lung disease
C. Is independent of expiratory effort
D. Measured in the first half of expiration
E. Relates(exact wording?) to FEV1
RE34 Oxygen toxicity may be seen: (similar to [RE41])
A. In CNS if breath 100% at 1 ATA for 24 hours 
B. In lungs if breath 30% at 1 ATA for 48 hours 
C. In CNS and lungs if breathe 100% oxygen for 48 hours
D. ? 
E. CNS toxicity seen with O2 concs far greater than 760mmHg 
I thought the question was CNS and Pulmonary toxicity are caused at:
Work of expiration:
A. From inspiratory work against surface tension only
B. From inspiratory work against surface tension + elastic recoil
CO2 carriage: (old mcq) 
A. 60% HCO3
B. 30% carbamino compounds
C. 15% dissolved
D. 90% HCO3
Pulmonary stretch receptors:
A. Located in chest wall muscles
B. Afferents via vagus
C. Show adaptation
D. Stimulation causes decrease in tidal volume
RE25 The partial pressure of oxygen in dry air (in mmHg) at atmospheric pressure.
A. 149
B. 153
C. 159
D. 163
RE70 The anatomical dead space is increased by:
A. Intubation
B. Chin tuck position
C. Moving from supine to erect
D. Moving from sitting to semi-recumbent
E. Bronchospasm
What gives with the phasic response question to 8 hours of hypoxia without any CO2 correction? (It refers to the Ventilatory Response to Isocapnoeic Hypoxia)
A. monophasic
B. biphasic
C. triphasic early>late
D. triphasic early<late
E. triphasic early=late
A. Aortic bodies are principally responsible for the changes in respiratory drive
B. Type 1 cells are in contact with the glossopharyngeal nerve
C. Type 2 cells are responsible for respiratory changes
E. ?
RE71The VO2 max for a sedentary 40 year old male is about?
A. 3ml/kg/min
B. 11ml/kg/min
C. 40ml/kg/min
D. 90ml/kg/min
E. 250ml/kg/min
With constant oxygen consumption and constant (I think it was) alveolar ventilation, mixed venous oxygen tension will increase with: *new* 
A. alkalaemia. 
B. hypothermia. 
C. decreased 2,3 DPG. 
D. hypercarbia. 
E. none of the above.
I thought it might have "Keeping CO, O2 carrying capacity and consumption constant a change/increase in mixed oxygen tension will occur with"...this may have been a repeat question)
answer: B see Clinical Anesthesia --- i think answer is D (hypercarbia). The above reference mentions hypothermia will increase oxygen tension only if oxygen consumption decreases but stem says constant consumption. ODC will right shift (increasing pO2) with increase PCO2 vs left shifting with options A,B and C. And of course Henry's Law, decrease temp, increases gas solubility decreasing partial pressure/tension. Anyone else agree/disagree?? - I'm not so sure... the question is referring to mixed venous oxygen tension. A hypercarbia would cause a decreased paO2 (can be estimated using the alveolar gas equation given that there is no great A-a gradient), and at a constant oxygen consumption, this would mean the pvO2 would be even lower. I'm going with "none of the above"
Answer D. This is covered in The Bohr Effect in P&K. R shift of OxyDis Curve from hypercarbia increases the PO2 enhancing the gradient for O2 delivery to tissues. This means the PO2 in venous blood rises.
For a normal oxygen-Hb dissociation curve (Temp 37, pH 7.4, pCO2 40), which of the following paired values are most accurate? *repeat*
A. SaO2 99%, PaO2 350 mmHg 
B. SaO2 98%, PaO2 150 mmHg 
C. SaO2 97%, PaO2 ? 
D. SaO2 94%, PaO2 65mmHg 
E. SaO2 91%, PaO2 60mmHg
answer E This is not a good question if you dont know the Kelman equation computation of the ODC (who would!) Calculator.
Increases in respiratory rate cause changes in lung compliance because of "*New*"
A. Gas trapping in apical alveoli
B. Alveoli with long time constants
C. ??somthing with airways resistance
D. ??something with hypercarbia
answer: ?C see:Cardiopulmonary anatomy & physiology
Answer: B see P&K p80. Long time constants overlap with increased respiratory rate and dynamic compliance decreases. This is frequency dependent compliance change.
RE Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction follows a biphasic response. The time taken to maximal vasoconstriction in the Initial phase of HPV is: -new*
A. 1-2 minutes
B. 5-10 minutes
C. 30-40 minutes
D. 1-2 hours
E. (hours?)
answer: A
Actually Nunn states is rapid in ONSET with maximal response after 5-10 mins, then rapid decrease to previous level- followed by slow sustained rise to plateau after 40 mins p101-102 Nunn 5th
RE In regards to CO₂ - new*
C. The exchange of Cl for the inwards movt of HCO3 results from the buffering of CO2 in the red blood cell.
E. CO2 uptake in the peripheries results in an increased haematocrit
answer: C Disagree: the exchange is HCO3 out for CL in. I think E is correct- Brandis page 6
RE If breathing air, what is PAO2 at 8,828m (atm pr = 248mmHg) when PACO2 is 20mmHg? - new*
a) 10
b) 17
c) 27
d) 32
e) 42
ANSWER:21%*(248-47)=44 PAO2= 44-20/0.8-2=17 answer: B
RE In normal patient, which has the highest PCO2 value?
a) dead space gas
b) ideal alveolar gas
c) end tidal
d) mixed expiratory
e) ?
CO₂ come from blood, the most CO2 close to blood level is the highest. Answer: C Hmmmm Doesn't the CO2 in the alveoli have a higher PO2 than the end tidal which is always going to be a bit less than the ideal? (the ideal gas is still mixed with some well ventilated but underperfused alveoli) (page 157 Nunn 5th ed) I think answer is B
I Agree the answer is B. See Nunn Ed 6 pg 156 Fig 10.7 for some useful numbers. See also Nunn page 128: "Ideal alveolar PCO2 is approximately equal to PaCO2". Pg 157: "End expiratory CO2 will be lower than than that of alveoli that are perfused".
RE Which of the following would occur within 30mins of ascent to extremely high altitude - new*
A.Increased respiratory rate to completely restore PaO2 to normal
B. Decreased cardiac output
C. Respiratory acidosis
D. increased levels of 2,3 DPG
E. pulmonary edema
answer: E can try it yourself, take some Dex with you.And a oxygen bottle. How fast does 2,3 DPG rise??
RE73 During normal tidal ventilation
A. Intrapleural pressures between -5 & -8mmHg
B. Alveolar pressures between -2 & +2 cmH2O
C. Tracheal flow is sinusoidal
D. Peak flow is 5L/s
E. ?intrapleural pressure curve is sinusoidal
Respiratory rate affects compliance due to:
c)alveoli having different time constants
d)Compression of airways
answer: c
Resp01 Functional residual capacity
a. decreases with age
b. increases in pregnancy
c. decreases in obesity
d. ?
e. ?
Resp02 New* Rate of PaCO2 rise in breath-holding
A. 1 mmHg/min
B. 2 mmHg/min
C. 4 mmHg/min
D. 8 mmHg/min
E. 16 mmHg/min
Nunn’s Ed 6 pg 160 ....pC02 rises at 3-6 mmHg/min. Hence C best answer
In asthmatics (? poorly remembered? something about dead space)
... anatomical deadspace is reduced
Transmural pressure
a. is greater at the apex
b. ?
c. ?
d. ?
e. ?
Nunn’s Ed 6 pg 29 .... A is correct
Rate of PaCO2 rise in breath-holding - New*
A. 1 mmHg/min
B. 2 mmHg/min
C. 4 mmHg/min
D. 8 mmHg/min
E. 16 mmHg/min
Reynold's number is not affected by
a. velocity
b. diameter
c. density
d. length
e. viscosity
Carbon dioxide tension is highest in which gas sample?
A. Alveolar dead space
B. End tidal
C. Ideal alveolar
D. Mixed expiratory
E. Anatomical dead space
Carbon dioxide is carried most in the body in the form of
A. Dissolved in blood
B. Carbamino compounds in RBC
C. Carbamino compounds in plasma
D Bicarbonate in RBC
E. Bicarbonate in plasma
answer E. West Ed 7 pg 81
Most likely physiological cause of hypoxaemia after intra-abdominal surgery:
B. Diffusion hypoxia
C. Metabolic acidosis
D. Increased physiological dead space
E. Increased shunt
Most likely changes in a previously healthy 60 year old male who has morphine overdose in room air
A. pO2 pCO2 60 pH 7.51 HCO3 25 BE -1
B. pO2 60 pCO2 50 pH 7.26 HCO3 26 BE-1
C. pO2 pCO2 25 pH HCO3 BE-1
D. pO2 pCO2 25 pH HCO3 BE+8
E. pO2 pCO2 15 pH 7.35 HCO3 BE -12
RE61Static lung compliance
A. Is change in pressure per unit volume
B. Affected by airway resistance
C. Is equal to pulmonary elastance
D. Depends upon surface tension forces
E. Combination of lung and chest wall compliance
Application of 10cmH20 of pressure at the upper airway of a spontaneously breathing person will cause
A. Decreased airway resistance
B. Increased V/Q mismatch
C. ?
D. ?
answer A. Nunn's Ed 6 pg 44
When breathing 100% oxygen, the mixed venous oxygen saturation is
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 85%
E. 100%
Nunn’s Ed 6 table 26.1 ... 100% O2 causes a rise in venous O2 content from 14.3 to 16.3 ml/dL. No figure for sats but would expect a small rise from 75% to maybe 85%. Hence I feel D is the best answer
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
A. Is due to decreased oxygen saturation in arterial blood
B. Is due to decreased oxygen tension in bronchial circulation
C. Inhibited by metabolic alkalosis
D. Inhibited by respiratory alkalosis
E. Is associated with increased V/Q mismatch
answer D. Nunn's Ed 6 pg 102..... Alkalosis, whether respiratory or metabolic in origin, causes pulmonary vasodilatation and reduces or even abolishes HPV Which is why I thought C and D are correct or one of them should read Acidosis
The following is true for true for mixed venous carbon dioxide
A. CO2 content is 42mls/100ml blood
B. Most carried in dissolve form
C. Most carried in carbamino form.
E. Causes increased haematocrit
CO₂ content = ~54ml/dL in mixed venous blood (Nunns 5th Ed pg 227) B and C obviously wrong E is correct albeit poorly worded
Intra-alveolar pressure at mid-inspiration in normal healthy person (I don't remember this question being asked)
A. -1 cmH2O
B. 0 cm H2O
I don't remember this question either!
Answer A - J.B.West 7th Edition page 109
Differences between the apex and the base of the lung
a Transmural pressure is greater
b less negative intrathoracic pressure at the apex
c V/Q ratio is lower at apex
d alveoli are smaller at apex
answer (A)
A-a gradient of 50mmHg in person breathing room air could be
a normal
b due to venous admixture
c Due to hypoventilation
d Low cardiac output
e None of above
answer (B)
CO (Carbon Monoxide) is diffusion limited because
a.CO rapidly equilibrates
b.CO is so small that only a defect in diffusion could hinder it
c.CO is so soluble that only a defect in diffusion could hinder it
d. is a large molecule and has ?trouble crossing membrane
e PaCO can be assumed as zero
answer (C)
RE16 Arterial-venous difference in CO2 content
a. 2ml/100ml
b. 4ml/100ml
c. 8ml/100ml or 16ml/100ml
d. 48ml/100ml
e. 52ml/100ml
answer (C) - PaCO2 = 35-45mmHg, PvCO2 - 42-52mmHg (typical A-V difference = 6-8mmHg)
I think its B = referring to CO2 content not pCO2 - CO2 content arterial blood = 48 ml CO2/100 ml blood - CO2 content venous blood = 52 ml CO2/100 ml blood
Partial pressure of oxygen in mixed venous blood of a person breathing 100% oxygen
a 50 mmHg
b 80 mmHg
c number higher than 80
d number higher than c
e number higher than d
answer a, nunn's 6th edition p349
RE17 Vasoactive substance inactivated through passage in lung:
a. Angiotensin 1
c. bradykinin
d. adrenaline
RE34 Oxygen toxicity:
a. CNS effects if 100% O2 for 24 hrs
b. Resp effects if FiO2>30% O2 for 24 hrs
c. both pulmonary and CNS toxicity at 760 mmHg
e. CNS effects only if PO2 significantly higher than 760 mmHg
nunn's 6th edition p357
RE34b Oxygen toxicity:
a. due to lung absorption atelectasis
b. CNS effects
d. lipid peroxidation
Increased parasympathetic stimulation of the respiratory tract causes
a. change in the static compliance
RE61 Static compliance is affected by (i think this was roughly the wording):
b. airway resistance
c. surface tension
ANATOMICAL dead space is increased with
A) supine to erect
B) erect to sitting
C) intubating the patient
D) flexing the patient's head and putting their chin down
E) ? breathing out from TLC to RV
NB: I remember option B as going from "erect to semi-recumbent position" Probably best answer A. Reference Nunn's Ed 6 pg 119
A) may contribute to the etCO2 being lower than the ideal alveolar gas
B) can be measured using the Bohr equation with end-TIDAL CO2
C) isn't influenced by alveolar dead space
D) ?
E) ?
At altitude of 8,800m the atmospheric pressuere is 248mmHg. What is the alveolar pO2 assuming PaCO2 is 20mmHg?
A. 0mmHg
B. 17mmHg
C. 27mmHg
D. 30mmHg
E. ?
Which is true (repeat regarding dissolved O2 in plasma)?
A) 6mL/100mL with 3atm of air
B) 6mL/100mL with 3atm of 100% O2
C) ?
D) ?
E) ?
When would the pulmonary capillary (didn't say end-capillary) pO2 be substantially different to the alveolar pO2?
A) increased alveolar wall thickness
B) perfusion limitation
C) increased venous admixture
D) ?
E) ?
RE72 The respiratory exchange ratio:
A. is the same as the respiratory quotient
B. is always measured at rest
C. decreases during severe exercise
D. increases when repaying an oxygen debt
E. ?
▪ (A) - Incorrect => "Not to be confused"
▪ (B) - Incorrect - This is metabolic rate - R can be measured at any instant in time and does not require equilibrium to have been reached
▪ (C) - Incorrect - Increases during severe exercise as CO2 increases - can rise to 2
▪ (D) - Increases - Decreases whilst repaying oxygen debt - can fall to 0.5
Hence E must have been something correct or others remembered differently
A normal person breathing room air has a A-a gradient of 50mmHg (repeat), what could this be due to?
A. hypoventilation
B. venous admixture
C. ?
D. ?
E. ?
RE41 Oxygen toxicity
A. CNS affected only if significantly above 760mmHg of PiO2
B. CNS and RS affected at 760mmHg PiO2 for 24 hours
C. RS affected at FiO2 30% and 1atm for 48hours
D. mediated by superoxide dismutase
E. involves lipid peroxidation
CO2 is highest in which sample (repeat):
A. alveolar dead space
B. mixed expired gas
C. ideal alveolar gas
D. pulmonary end-capillary blood
E. mixed venous blood
Which would increase carbamino-Hb formation?
A) decreased pH
B) increased carbonic anhydrase
C) decreased carbonic anhydrase
D) decreased pO2
E) ?
RE67 What percentage of total blood volume is found in the pulmonary capillaries?
A. 1%
B. 3%
C. 9%
D. 11%
E. 15%
A. Production by Type 1 alveolar cells
B. Synthesis is slow
C. Acts like detergent in water
D Decreases pulmonary interstitial hydrostatic pressure
Hypoxaemia during anaesthesia is best fixed by
A. Increased pressure between breaths
B. Increased respiratory rate
C. Increased tidal volume
D. V/Q matcing
Altitude question (repeat) What would PAO2 be with PC02 40 when atmospheric pressure 248mmHg
A. 17 mmHg
B. 20 mmHg
C. 40 mmHg
not possible: pAO2 = 0.21(248-47) - 40/0.8 = -7!!
RE66 A-a gradient of 50 mmHg due to
A. Hypoventilation
B. Venous admixture
RE70Anatomical dead space:
A. Increased with moving supine to erect
Can't remember other options
FRC reduced in anaesthesia by
A. Cephalad displacement of diapragm
B. Muscle relaxants
C. Age
With cardiac output and oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve unchanged, venous partial pressure of oxygen will be decreased with.
A. cyanide poisoning
B. ?
C. Anaemia
D. Hypothermia
E. Carbon monoxide poisoning
(* repeat*) At altitude, breathing air: Atmospheric pressure = 248 mmHg, pCO2 = 20. pAO2 is
A. 0 mmHg
B. 17 mmHg
C. 27 mmHg
D. 30 mmHg
E. Something higher
Low Spo2( or increased A-a gradient) during abdominal surgery under GA is due to
A. increased shunt
B. increased dead space
C. alveolar hypoventilation
D. ?
E. ?
Which of the following muscles are NOT used in active EXPiration
A. external intercostals
B. diaphragm
C. pectoralis minor
D. Anterior scalene
E. abdominal muscles
Dissolved o2 concentration
A. 6mls/100mL when breathing 100%O2 at 3 atm
B. 6mls/100mL when breathing 100% o2 at 1 atm
C. 0.003/100ml when breathing 100% at 1 atm
D. 0.003/100ml when breathing 100% at 1 atm
E. ?
answer = B (comment: incorrect, at 1 atm it will only give 2ml/100ml of O2, so the answer should be a.)
Answer = B (see below)
Or, rather, Answer A (see below)
Ganong 23rd ed: "When blood is equilibrated with 100% O2 (PO2 = 760 mm Hg), the normal hemoglobin becomes 100% saturated. When fully saturated, each gram of normal hemoglobin contains 1.39 mL of O2. However, blood normally contains small amounts of inactive hemoglobin derivatives, and the measured value in vivo is lower. The traditional figure is 1.34 mL of O2. The hemoglobin concentration in normal blood is about 15 g/dL (14 g/dL in women and 16 g/dL in men). Therefore, 1 dL of blood contains 20.1 mL (1.34 mL × 15) of O2 bound to hemoglobin when the hemoglobin is 100% saturated. The amount of dissolved O2 is a linear function of the PO2 (0.003 mL/dL blood/mm Hg PO2)."
Therefore dissolved O2 in ml/100ml blood = 0.003 x (760-[CO2]-[H20]) = 0.003 x (760 - 47 - 40) = 2.019 at 1atm = ~6ml at 3atm.
Dead space is increased with (repeat)
A. moving from supine to erect position
B. intubation
C. moving from erect to semirecumbent
D. tucking chin in
E. ?
RE68 Blood draining from an unventilated part of lung will have an O2 composition identical to
A. coronary sinus
B. pulmonary artery
C. Bronchial artery
D. Alveolar gas
E. ?
Following is true ( cant remember correct wording)
A. apical alveoli have higher po2 than basal alveoli
B. ventilation increase from base to apex.
C. basal alveoli have lower pco2 than apical alveoli
D. apical Co2 levels are low (28mmHg)
E. V/Q ratio at apex/base is low/high with a value 0.3/3 in brackets
During the increased intra-thoracic pressure phase of valsalva manouvre
A. decreased diastolic filling right ventricle
B. no change in SVR
C. ?lasting bradycardia
D. increased pressure augments cardiac output
E. ?
CO2 highest in which sample: (repeat)
A. ideal alveolar gas
B. mixed expired gas
C. end-expiratory gas
D. ?
E. ?
RE03 Which has the greatest effect (?increase) on pulmonary vascular resistance
A. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
B. Hypocarbia
C. Alkalosis
D. Head down tilt
RE06 Apex compared to base of lung
A. Lower ventilation to perfusion ratio
B. Higher perfusion than at the base
C. Higher transmural pressures
D. Intrapleural pressure is less negative
RE57 Regarding lung compliance:
A. Requires a respiratory laboratory to measure
B. dynamic compliance greater than static
C. In healthy individuals main difference between static and dynamic is due to airway resistance
D. units cmH2O/ml
RE69 Most likely cause of hypoxaemia post abdominal surgery?
A. Increased shunt
B. Increased dead space
C. Hypoventilation
D. ?
E. ?
RE70 Anatomic dead space increases
A. supine to erect
B. erect to semi-reclining
C. on intubating the patient
D. when neck is flexed and chin is pushed down
RE71 VO2 max of a sedentary 40 year old male: *repeat*
A. 3 ml/kg/min
B. 11 ml/kg/min
C. 40 ml/kg/min
D. 90 ml/kg/min
E. 250 ml/kg/min
RE73 In a normal healthy 75kg person:
A. Tidal volume is 400ml
B. Intrapleural pressure during tidal breathing is between -5cmH2O to -8cmH2O
C. Alveolar pressure during tidal breathing is between +5cmH2O to -5cmH2O
D. inspiration last 1 second, expiration last 4 secs
RE74 FEF 25-75%
A. Includes the effort dependent part
B. Measured during first half of expiration
C. always related to FEV1
D. fastest / steepest in 1 sec?
E. Increased in COPD
MCQ-feb12-22 Decreased static lung compliance
A. emphysema
C. normal ageing
D. ?
E. decreased elastin fibres
RE75 With regards to blood sampled from the distal lumen of a pulmonary artery catheter (when it is wedged)
A. PO2 will be the equal to mixed venous PO2
B. PO2 will be less than mixed venous PO2
C. PCO2 will be equal to mixed venous PCO2
D. PCO2 will be less than mixed venous PCO2
E. PCO2 will be more than mixed venous pCO₂
Causes of reduced static compliance
A. ageing / elderly
B. pulmonary venous congestion
C. acute asthma
D. emphysema
E. reduced elasticity of tissues
Normal lung volumes of 70kg man
A. TV 350mL
B. RV ....
C. IC 2,000mL - 3,000mL
Pulmonary vascular resistance, increased by
A. alkalosis
B. ?
C. ?
A pCO2 of 200mmHg would lead to what electrolyte abnormality?
A. hyperkalemia
B. ?
C. ?
RE47 [Mar03] [Jul03] [Feb04] [Jul04] [Mar05] The amount of oxygen dissolved in plasma is
A. 0.03ml O2/100ml at PaO2 100mmHg
B. 6ml O2/100ml breathing 100% O2 at 3 atmospheres
C. 6ml O2/100ml breathing room air at 3 atmospheres
D. 0.3ml O2/l breathing room air at 1 atmosphere
E. 6 mlO2/100mls breathing 100% O2
Something about carbamino compounds..
A. Something about carbonic anhydrase..
RE47 How much oxygen is dissolved in blood (repeat):
A. 6ml at 3atm 100%
B. ?
C. ?
(repeat) How much 02 is dissolved in blood?
A. 6ml breathing 100% O2 at 3 atm
B. 3ml per litre breathing room air at 1 atm
C. ?
(?repeat) Laminar flow is more likely with
A. Increasing viscosity of gas (it did say viscosity)
B. Increasing temperature of gas
C. Reynolds number > 2000 (definitely said more than)
D. Increasing length of tube
E. Increasing radius of tube
▪ Comment: I remember this as being about turbulent flow
MCQ-Aug11-06 Following moderate exercise:
A. Arterial lactate increase
B. Decreased pO2
C. Raised pCO2
D. Increased O2 extraction/ (or was it decreased SvO2?)//decreased O2 extraction i think it said
E. decreased arterial pH
RE05 (compare also RE06) In the upright lung (or something like that):
A. The apical alveolar PCO2 is low (28mmHg)
B. The basal alveolar V/Q is high (approx 3)
C. The apical alveolar V/Q is low (approx 0.6)
D. ?
E. ?
MCQ-Aug11-07 During respiratory cycle:
A. Intrapleural Pressure between -8 and -5 mmHg
B. Tracheal flow sinusoidal
C. Alvelar pressure between -2 to +2 cmH20
D. Intrapleural Pressure is sinusoidal
E. Flow is 5 L/s
RE03 Which of the following increase pulmonary vascular resistance:
A. Hypocarbia
B. Alkalosis
C. Raised pulmonary artery pressure
D. Raised left atrial pressure
E. None of the above
RE71 VO2 Max in a sedentary male (repeat)
A. 4
B. 11
C. 40
Mixed venous oxygen tension when breathing 100% oxygen
A) 50mmHg
B) 70mmHg
C) 85mmHg
D) 100mmHg
E) 650mmHg
answer A. Reference Nunn's Ed 6 p349