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77 Cards in this Set

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What is the nasal bot we should remember for NAVLE?
Oesterus ovis
T or F?
Oesteris ovis has a high mortality and low morbidity?
Morbidity 80% mortality 0%
What is the main upper airway neoplasia in sheep and goats?
Adenocarcinoma is usually found in what age range?
yearlings to adults
What is the virus that results in adenocarcinoma in sheep and goats? What type of virus is it?
Ovine and caprine nasal adenocarcinoma virus
Beta retrovirus
T or F?
Sheep Nasal Adenocarcinoma is always unilateral
false, can be unilateral or bilateral
Is Adenocarcinoma in sheep usually benign or malignant?
In sheep nasal adenocarcinoma death usually occurs within _____ of recognition from _____
90 days
Is sheep nasal adenocarcinoma treatable?
Can do a tracheostomy as temporary short term tx
How do you dx sheep nasal adenocarcinoma?
endocscopy (+/- biopsy)
Enzootic pneumonia of sheep and goats is similar to what disease complex in cattle?
What is the primary organism in enzootic pneumonia?
Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae
Besides mycoplasma ovipneuominae, what are the viruses involved in enzootic pneumonia?
BRSV, adenovirus-6, PI3
What two viruses play a bigger role in the sheep/goat disease complex than in the cattle complex?
Enzootic pneumonia is a problem in what age range of animals and in what conditions?
3-12 months
housed or densley stocked fattening or store lambs
Enzootic pneumonia is particularly common after what event?
mixing of lambs
What are the two most common and most important bacterial infectious diseases resulting in bacterial pneumonia in sheep and goats? According to Poulsens email which one is more common in our diagnostic lab?
M. haemolica
P. multocida (more common in our lab)
What are the predisposing infections that allow for secondary colonization and bacterial pneumoia?
Bordetella parapertussis
Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae
What are some ways to dx enzootic pneumonia?
environmental findings (stocking density, ventilation)
What are some control measures that can be taken to reduce the prevalence of enzootic pneumonia?
early detection (key)
improve ventilation
reduce stocking density
avoid mixing age groups
What are 3 abx that can be used to tx enzootic pneumonia? What is an abx that won't work?
Penicillin WILL NOT WORK
Does Poulsen think pasturella vax are good?
No, says management is better
What are some secondary problems that result from bacterial pneumonia?
a. Orchitis
b. speticemia
c. arthritis
d. conjunctivitis
b. septicemia
c. arthritis

Also: otitis media
Sheep and goats with bacterial pneumonia are often found dead. Name some DDX that result in sudden death
C. perfringens type D (aka pulpy kidney)
C. novyi type D (blacks disease)

I have perfringens type C written down in my notes but I thought he said this one didn't actually cause sudden death. Thoughts?
What is an emerging pathogen that is different from ovipneumonia?
Mycoplasma pneumonia of goats
What are some abx that can be used to tx bacterial pneumonia? (2)
Oxytetracyclin in feed
Sulfonamides in drinking water
What is one abx that is cardiotoxic to goats?
How can bacterial pneumonia be prevented?
avoid stress
vax for clostridial species C, D, and T
Can use bovine combination products for the PI3 and BRSV aspect
What is the target temp for therapy?
What is the minimum number of days needed when txing respiratory disease complex?
What are three species of parasitic pneumonia in sheep and goats that we care about?
Dictyocaulus filarial
Muellerius capillaris
Protostrongylus refescens
Parasitic pneumonia will have what distribution in the lung?
how do you dx Muellerius capillaris?
Baermann fecal
How do you prevent/tx dictyocaulus filaria?
Pasture management and strategic deworming
How do you dx dictyocaulus filaria?
Necropsy and Baermann
What is a cause of progressive viral pneumonia that apparently we don't really have in the US?
Sheep pulmonary Adenocarcinoma
Sheep pulmonary adenocarcinoma affects mature sheep ___ to ___ years
2 to 4
What is the cause of sheep pulmonary adenocarcinoma?
How do you dx sheep pulmonary adenocarcinoma?
wheelbarrow test...see lots of clear fluid from the nostrils when you do this
What is a cause of progressive viral pneumonia that is often confused with CAE?
Ovine progressive pneumonia
What is the cause of Ovine Progressive pneumonia?
Is the incubation for ovine progressive pneumonia long or short?
T or F?
There is a tx for ovine progressive pneumonia
What is the main route of transmission for ovine progressive pneumonia?
from dam to offspring via colostrum
How can you prevent ovine progressive pneumonia?
ID and remove positive animals
Can you do a PCR for ovine progressive pneumonia?
In regards to CAE, _____ is a young animal problem, while _______ is an old animal problem
neurologic disease
He said this quite a few times
What is the cause of CAE?
a lentivirus persistent infection
What cell line does CAE infect?
In what tissues does CAE particularly like to localize?
mammary gland
T or F?
Animals with CAE may be asymptomatic for years
How is CAE transmitted?
Via milk to nursing kids
horizontally in secretions
What is the major impact of CAE?
lifetime productivity of the goat

Heaven forbid we worry about its QOL
What are the clinical syndromes that CAE causes?
Chronic hyperplastic polysynovitis
What age range do you see Leukoencephalomyelitis in?
2 to 6 mo
What age range do you see chronic hyperplastic polysynovitis in?
What are the clinical signs associated with leukoencephalomyelitis?
rear leg paresis
milk interstitial pneumonia ( I'm guessing this is more associated with CAE itself)
Most animals with chronic hyperplastic synovitis will have involvement of what other structure? DDX for this?
The udder...will be hard and dry
DDX: mastitis
Is it more common to have leukoencephalomyelitis or chronic hyperplastic synovitis?
chronic hyperplastic synovitis
What are some ways CAE can be diagnosed?
Serologic tests (AGID, ELISA)
PCR of milk, blood and tissues
Do you tx CAE?
What is the px of CAE?
guarded to poor with neuro signs

Not sure without neuro signs
How do prevent CAE?
ID positive animals/cull
test and segregate/cull
monitor herd serology q 6 mo
Breed to CAE negative bucks
Since this is a colostrum issue, what can you do if you can't feed colostrum from the dam?
plasma transfusion (not commercially available)
Colostrum replacers
Colostrum bank
Bovine colostrum in a pinch
T or F?
Caseous lymphadenitis is zoonitc with direct contact?
Caseous lymphadenitis will cause abscessation of ____ and _____
internal organs
What are 5 consequences of caseous lymphadenitis that result in economic losses?
reduced weight gain
reduced repro efficiency
reduced wool and milk production
carcass condemnation at meat inspection
pelt devaluation
What bacteria causes caseous lymphadenitis?
corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
T or F?
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis cannot penetrate unbroken skin and intact mm?
false. It can.
What is the primary source of environmental contamination with cornybacterium pseudotuberculosis?
ruptured superficial and lung abscesses...so disgusting yet so amazing
What wil this cause in horses?
pigeon fever (REPORTABLE)
T or F? Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis can be transmitted via fomites?
How long can the bacteria survive in hay, shavings, and soil?
Does caseous lymphadenitis respond well to tx?
2 ways to dx caseous lymphadenitis?
If you want to attempt tx for caseous lymphadenitis, what are some tx options?
Penicillin + rifampin
Abscess drainage, cleaning + intra-lesional abx
Surgical resection
He gave an example of a control program that I don't care about. What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A gummy bear