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7 Cards in this Set

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What are Larson and LaFasto's 8 characteristics of Effective Teams?
1. Clear, Elevating goal
2. Results-driven structure
3. Competent team members
4. Unified commitment
5. collaborative climate
6. Standards of excellence
7. External support and recognition
8. Principled leadership
Define McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
Theory X: subordinates are passive and lazy, have little ambition, prefer to be led and resist change. "hard versions" rely on tight controls, coercion, threats, and punishments.
"Soft versions" avoid conflict and try to please everyone.
Theory X is self-fulfilling. People will conform to expectations. Top-down approach.
Theory Y: Management's main task is to "arrange conditions so that people can achieve their own goals best by directing efforts toward organizational rewards."
Includes working as a team, developing strategies together that will benefit the whole rather than the individual.
Describe Bolman and Deal's 4 frames
Structural Frame: emphasizes clear, well-understood goals, roles and relationships and adequate coordination for organizational performance.
Human-Resources Frame: focuses on the fit between individuals and organizations.
Political Frame: describes organizations as coalitions of individual and interest groups. Members have differences in values, beliefs, interests, and perceptions.
Symbolic frame: Emphasizes culture and the impact on the organization.
"An effective leader is able to reframe when needed and see the organization through all the frames."
Describe Mintzberg's 5
1. Simple Structure: Beginning businesses.
2. Machine Bureaucracy: McDonalds
3. Professional Bureaucracy: large operating core. Ex: Harvard
4. Divisionalized Form: bulk of work is done in quasi-autonomous units; Ex: Hewlitt-Packard
5. Ad-hocracy: Loose, flexible, tied together thru lateral means.
What are 2 ways to coordinate work?
1. Vertically: formal chain of command; rules and policies limit individual discretion; Standard Operative Procedures (SOPS)
2. Laterally: meetings, committees, networks often
Why should organizations restructure?
1. Environmental shifts
2. Technology changes
3. Organizations grow
4. Leadership changes
Describe different team configurations.
1. One boss: info flows from top.
2. Dual Authority: creates management level below boss.
3. Simple Hierarchy: middle management.
4. Circle Network: decisions flow sequentially.
5. All-channel: information flows freely.