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93 Cards in this Set

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An organized means to obtain information, to search the truth, to investigate human feelings, values, behaviors, activities, processes, elements, and relationships is called?
This is intended to measure and determine if change is a result of the intervention and is called?
This Type of Design Group
 Does not use a control group
 participants not randomly assigned
 data can be collected at the beginning or end but
 cannot determine if changes are result of the intervention because of decreased control is called?
Non-experimental / Single Group
This type of Design Group:
 Experimental group and control group formed by means other than random assignment
 Data collected from both before and after
 Lack of random assignment decreases control
 Changes in experimental group may support effectiveness of intervention and is called:
This type of Design Study has:
 Random assignment of participants into control and experimental groups
 Data collected before and after intervention
 Changes in experimental group is good evidence because of increased control and is called:
This is a suggested explanation of a phenomenon or reasoned proposal suggesting a possible correlation between multiple phenomena.
This refers to a provisional idea whose merit needs evaluation
True or False
Useful hypothesis will enable predictions, by reasoning
A _____ between or among two or more things, but without necessarily asserting a cause-and-effect relationship “when A changes, so does B” is:
A- Correlation or
A- Correlation
A _____asserts a causal relationship “A causes B” ex: If a particular independent variable is changed there is also a change in a certain dependent variable= “If and then” statement.
A- Correlation or
B- Proposition
b- Proposition
works from the more general to the more specific- “Top-down” approach.
Deductive Reasoning **D for Down"
Deductive Reasoning
This type of Reasoning works the other way, moving from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories- “bottom up” approach
Inductive Reasoning
oObservation-->pattern--tentative hypothesis---theory
inductive reasoning
This type of reasoning will Test the sum of the predictions against the sum of the data
Inductive Reasoning
This type of reasoning is the process of reasoning to the best explanations.
o Starts from a set of facts and derives their most likely explanations
o Use to generate a likely hypothesis in response to a phenomenon of interest
abductive reasoning
This type of study tries to reveal patterns associated with a SPECIFIC DISEASE without emphasis on pre-specified hypotheses. “hypothesis generating studies”; emphasis on estimation rather than testing; qualitative
This type of study asks -“why” ; 2 groups are studied; quantitative
Analytic Studies
This type of Analytical Study compares those diagnosed with the disease(case) with those who do not have the disease(control)
Case/Control Study
This type of Analytical Study identify factors after disease has occurred; looks backwards in time(ex: study of smoking and lung cancer)
Retrospective Study
This type of Analytical Study compares NON-DISEASED groups & whether exposed or unexposed to a factor & determines rates of disease
Cohort Study
This type of Analytical Study population begins DISEASE-FREE and is followed until disease develops; participants are followed over time for the effects of a health care treatment
Prospective Study
This is a measure of association between incidence of disease in unexposed & exposed group
Relative Risk
This determines knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behavior.
True or False-
A survey is:
o Well constructed
o Tests for validity & reliability
o High response rate
o Valid sample
This is the use of agency records and interviews to establish who is providing what services, and the comprehensiveness and continuity of those services. Allows for identification of gaps or needs in service delivery, type, etc.
Resource Inventories
This type of clinicial trial is where a clinical study that includes a comparison/control group. The control group receives a placebo, another treatment, or no treatment.
Controlled Clinical Trial
This type of design group is where the subjects get both treatments in sequence; no separate control group, each subject serves as his/her own control
Crossover Design
This type of design group is where the subjects are assessed at a single time in their lives.
Cross sectional Design
True or False:
In a Cross sectional Design, the results are-
Able to study a large number of patients at little cost or effort,
good at identifying association, but trouble deciding cause and effect.
In this type of Longitudinal Study, the subjects are assessed at several different times in their lives.
o Expensive
o Difficult to conduct/ dropouts
o But a lot of info that could not be obtained readily with other designs.
Longitudinal Design
In this type of Study, individuals are observed or certain outcomes are measured.
o No attempt made to affect the outcome- no treatment
o Groups are intact prior to the start
o Studies of exposure
Observational Study
This type of trial, participants are assigned by chance to separate groups that compare different treatments; neither researchers nor participants can choose the group.
Randomized Clinical Trial
This type of trial is best when at the time of trial, the best treatment to use is unknown.
Randomized Clinical Trial
When the researcher insures that each member of the population has an equal probability of being selected; foundation of statistics, this is called:
Random Sample
This is the subset of a population.
The probability that the test is positive when given to a group of patients with the disease.
The false negative rate is associated with?
In this, the denominator is the number of patients who HAVE THE DISEASE!
True or False-
A large sensitivity means a negative test can rule out the disease.
The probability that the test will be negative among patients who do not have the disease is called?
The false positive rate is associated with?
The denominator is the number of ____ patients in Specificity.
a research review in which data from a set of studies on a particular question or topic are collected, analyzed, and critically reviewed is called?
Systematic Review
The thing that is actively controlled
Independent Variable
True or False-
Conclusions are drawn from comparing the values of the DEPENDENT variable.
Degree to which a measure actually measures what it claims to measure IS CALLED?
This type of validity is concerned with the accuracy of the concept that an instrument is attempting to measure.
Construct Validity
This type of validity is concerned with the subjective determination of validity, utilizing some form of expert judgment.
Content validity
This type of validity is the degree to which an investigator’s conclusions correctly describe what actually happened in the study. Requires variables which are logically consistent and represent a testable “casual relationship”
Internal Validity
This type of validity refers to the generalizability of the findings; extent to which conclusions from the research can be applied to the other similar settings or populations outside the study.
External Validity
Extent to which a measure conforms to or agrees with the true value
quality of being sharply defined
Includes all sources of variation inherent in the test itself
An effect or inference that departs systematically from the true value.
differences in observations between different observers of the same phenomena(method)
when the same observer records the same observation differently due to changes within the observer.
an apparent but not genuine relationship
THIS is the extent to which the measurements of a test remain consistent over repeated tests of the same subject under identical conditions.
compares results from one administration of an instrument with the results of a second administration of the same instrument at a later time; A test is performed twice, e.g., the same test is given to a group of subjects at two different times
compares results of two forms of the same instrument
divides an instrument in half and compares the results of one half against the results of the other.
compares results obtained from one observer with the results of another observer using the exact same method
compares results obtained by the same observer on the same subjects but at different times
measures the extent to which the items in the instrument are similar or measure the same concept
This type of Error is where the wrong result due to chance
o Decrease by increasing sample size
Random Error
This type of error is wrong due to bias.
Systematic Error
What are the 5 characteristics of having a good question?
Hint: F,I,N,E,R
What type of validity is this an example of?
if measuring "locus of control" will need to find an instrument with proven accuracy in measuring this.
Construct Validity
literature reviews and evaluations from experts in the field are examples of what type of validity?
Content Validity
Research is important to science, because it will:
a. Verify what we already know.
b. Prove our position.
c. Objectively test our beliefs.
d. Uncover absolute truth
C- objectively test our beliefs.
Understanding research can help Lindsey:
a. Evaluate information.
b. Create information.
c. Detect misinformation.
d. All of the above.
d- all of the above
All of the following are qualities of scientific methodology except:
a. Testable.
b. Open minded.
c. Subjective.
d. Publishable.
e. None of the above
c- Subjective
Jonathon has been told for a class assignment he needs to develop a hypothesis. The three fundamental modes of reasoning that would play a role in his inquiry would include all of the following except:
A. Abduction.
B. Deduction.
C. Production.
D. Induction
A correlation between, or among, two or more things, but without necessarily asserting a cause-and-effect relationship, (for example: when “A changes so does B”) or a proposition which may take the form of asserting a a causal relationship (such as "A causes B") is known as a?
A. theory
B. model
C. hypothesis.
D. Abigail
Linda and Kristin are both measuring your percent of body fat using caliper measurements. Linda's results show that you are 18% body fat, and Kristin’s results show that you are 21% body fat. This would be an example of:
A. Individual observer variation.
B. Interobserver variation.
C. Spurious.
D. Kristin, not particularly caring for you
Deductive reasoning works from the more general to more specific. This is sometimes informally called a top-down approach.
True or False
When research accurately measures and manipulates the variables under study, it has:
A. Internal validity.
B. Construct validity.
C. External validity.
D. Operational validity
If you have an outcome when research accurately identifies cause - effect relationship, you have.
A. Internal validity
B. Construct validity
C. External validity
D. All of the above
Whether the results of animal research will apply to people is a question of
A. Internal validity
B. Construct validity
C. External validity
D. Operational validity
E. All of the above
According to the null hypothesis:
A. There is no relationship among the variables
B. An experiment will not have any results
C. No theory can be tested by an experiment
D. There is no test for a particular concept
The problem of observers seeing what they expect to see is called:
A. Subject bias
B. Random observer error
C. Observer bias
The Harvard Women Health Study would be an example of a:
a. cohort design
B. Cross over design
C. retrospective study
D. prospective study
E. A & D
A research design, where the subject did both treatment in sequence is a
A.case control design
B. a crossover design
C. cross-sectional design
D. pain in the neck
Descriptive studies are quite popular and prevalent because these types of studies are used to generate hypothesis.
When the same Observer records the same observation differently due to changes within the Observer, not the Observed, it is:
A- Interobserver variation
B- Individual Observer variation
C- Observer bias
Reliability that measures the extent to which the items in instrument are similar or measure the same concept is referred to as internal consistency
The type of reliability that compares the results obtained from one observer with results of another using the exact same method is referred to as interobserver reliability.
In a cohort study that found an association between alcohol consumption and bladder cancer, 20,000 middle aged men were asked about their drinking habits and then tracked for five years to watch for the development of cancer. Researchers did not ask the men about their diet and exercise habits or about smoking. What is the most likely source of error in this study?
a. The placebo effect
b. Reporting bias
c. Selection bias
d. Confounding variables
These types of studies include cross-sectional, case-control, and cohort designs.
Epidemiological studies
The Framingham Heart Study is an example of what type of design?
Longitudinal Design
The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT),which was a clinical study conducted from 1983 to 1993 by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) is an example of what type of study?
prospective study
____are intended to measure and determine if change is a result of the intervention.
Research Design