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34 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Critical thinking
Statically evaluate information to reach reasonable conclusions
Amiable skepticism
Opened to new ideas, but wary of new findings is not supported by a scientific evidence and sound reasoning
What makes a source credible
Based on fact not opinion
what counts as evidence
Solely based on scientific observation

Not personal stories gut feelings or statements of authority

Commented development occurs in six stages(testable)
Dreams represent the fulfillment of an unconscious wish (not testable)
Scientific method
A systematic procedure for observing and measuring phenomena to answer empirical questions
three critical elements
Thoery, hypothesis, research
Something in the world that can vary and that a researcher can Measure, testable
Operational definition
Identifying and quantifying verbal so they can be measured
extremely specific
Explain precisely how everything will be manipulated and or measured
Everyone in the group the experimenter is interested in
A subset of the population
Random sampling
Everyone population has equal chance of being chosen to participate
convenient sampling
Using participants who are available to you
naturalistic observation

passive observation, don't interact in that situation

participant observation
Active involvement; involved in situations
observed bias
Two semantic errors in observation that occur because of an observer's expectations
correlation studies
Examine how variables are naturally related in the world without any attempt by the researcher to alter them.

1. can be positively or negatively related

2. researchers cannot draw casual conclusions from correlation studies

3. correlation does not equal causation

correlation studies; Summary
Explains how variables are related with no intervention by the Observer.
Study data test casual hypotheses by measuring and manipulating variables
independent variable
The Variable that is manipulated by the experimenter
dependent variable
Verbal that is affected by or related to measured
third variable
When two variables appear to be related to each other but there is another unknown variable (the third variable) that is the real source of the link between the first two variables.
Random assignment
Involves the assigning participants to conditions
Random sampling
Involve selecting participants to be an experiment
Experimental studies; summary
Examine how variables are related when they're manipulated by researchers


Extent to which study actually measures what it attends to measure
Extent to which a measure is stable and constant overtime

1. Can be reliable without being valid

internal validity
The Degree to which the facts observed and experiment are due to the manipulation (independent)
external validity
The degree to which the findings of the study generalize to the real world ( do we see them)
Standard deviation
How far away each value is, on average, from the mean
positive correlation
Both variables either increased or decreased together
negative correlation
As one of variable increases the other decreases