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28 Cards in this Set

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follows a step-by-step process of investigation that uses a standardized approach in answering or solving problems


An outline that guides the researcher in conceptualizing and conducting a research. Two important aspects: RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS & RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

Research Paradigm

describes the undesirable situations that needs knowledge or information in order to be solved

Research Problem

Describes how the study will fill this knowledge gap


outline or paradigm that presents the topics to be studied, the various variables and contexts, and how these relate or influence each other

Conceptual framework

systematic process that involves formulating hypotheses, testing predictions using relevant data, and coming up with a theory

scientific research

seeks to define the purpose of human existence by tapping into historical facts and future possibilities

research in humanities

generates new knowledge through artistic practices such as defining new concepts, creating new processes, and devising new methods

artistic research

A template for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data

Research design

Requires the researcher to directly relate with his or her subjects and the community

Action Research

Explores how a specific change impacts a certain situation

Casual design

Answers who, what, when, where, and how questionsUsed to obtain information about the present situation to gain an understanding of a certain phenomena

Descriptive design

The researcher controls the factors and variables related to a certain phenomena and tries to change or manipulate one or several factors to determine the possible effects.

Experimental design

Focuses on topics or problems which have had little to no studies done about themUsed to determine which method or approach to use for a certain topic or problem

exploratory design

Identifies a group of people sharing common characteristics who are then studied for a period of time

cohort design

Looks into a large group of people, composed of individuals with varied characteristics and gathers data at a specific period of time

cross sectional design

Explores casual relationships over time and determines how long these relationships last and the extent of their effects on the group being studied

longitudinal design

Carried out in stages to gather sufficient data to test the hypothesisIf there is insufficient data, the researcher then proceed to the next stage with a new group of subjects

sequential design

Combines aspect of various research designs and methods to gain a complete picture of the research problem and gather data to fully determine the validity of the hypotheses

mixed method design

Examines human experiences (lived experiences) through the descriptions provided by subjects or respondentsAreas of concerns are humanness, self-determination, uniqueness, wholeness, and individualism

Phenomenological study

Involves the collection of and analysis of data about cultural groups or minoritiesMain purpose is the development of cultural theories

Ethnographic study

Concerned with the identification, location, evaluation, and synthesis of data from past eventsSources of data are documents, relics and artifacts, oral reportsData sources are classified as primary or secondary

Historical Study

In-depth examination of an individual, groups of people, or an institutionProvides information on where to draw conclusions about the impact of a significant event in a person’s life

case study

Involves comparing collected units of data against one another until categories, properties, and hypotheses that state relations between these categories and properties emerge

grounded theory study

Life accounts of individuals based on their personal experiences

Narrative analysis

Seeks to bring about change and empower individuals by describing and critiquing the social, cultural, and psychological perspectives on present-day contexts

critical qualitative research

Seeks to analyze the facts that have been established as truths, the ability of research and science to discover truth, and all generalizations and typologies

post modern research

Identifying how individuals give meaning to a situation or phenomenonUses inductive strategy

basic interpretative qualitative