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45 Cards in this Set

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How does progesterone prevent pregnancy?
Suppresses ovulation and supports/atrophies the endometrium with long-term doses
How does progesterone support pregnancy?
When pregnant, progesterone is made on the corpus luteum and it supports the pregnancy
Estrogen makes the endometrium ready for the egg and then it is stabilized so that the women doesn't start her period
If someone has multiple miscarriages, it may be that they are not making enough progesterone to support their uterus.
What are all IUD's?
-Spermicidal, not abortifacient, no effect on ovulation
-All IUDs have 2 strings that come out of the cervix and into the vagina. The doctor and patient are able to monitor for appropriate IUD placement
What are the 3 types of IUD's?
1.ParaGuard(Copper T-380)
2.Progestasert-Progesterone released
3.Mirena-Lovongestrel released
What are 2 FDA approved IUDs in the US?
1.ParaGuard=Copper IUD
In the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System, where is the steroid reservoir?
On the shaft
In the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System, how is progesterone released?
Released at a slow and constant rate
In the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System, what does progesterone do?
Suppresses ovulation in some cycles
How is the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System inserted?
1.Small and soft, rubbery arms that fold during insertion
2.Insertion is generally quick and does not cause pain to the woman
What is the advantage of the progesterone released from the Mirena: Levonorgestrel IUD?
-It does all of the good things that progesterone does
-Does not give all the systemic effects of progesterone (i.e. acne, depression, decreased libido, etc.)
-Fertilization inhibition
Does the Mirena: Levonorgestrel IUD cause abortions?
What has lower failure rates, IUDs and shots or oral contraceptives?
IUDs and shots
What is the best time to insert the Mirena: Levonorgestrel IUD?
Best time to put it in is the 1st week of the period
-->Usually women are not pregnant at this time
-->Cervix is open so it is easier to insert the IUD
-->Allows for less discomfort and cramping
If expulsion of the Mirena-Levonorgestrel IUD occurs, when does it generally occur?
Generally happens soon after insertion
Do Paraguard or Mirena result in decreased fertility?
If a patient with an IUD wants to get pregnant, what can be done?
The IUD is removed easily without pain. Patient may get pregnant as soon as the next cycle.
What are the absolute contraindications for an IUD?
1.Active, recent, or current PID
3.Uterine anomalies for PID or STDs
What are the relative contraindications for IUD's?
1.Undiagnosed irregular bleeding
2.Risk factors for PID of STDs
3.Uterine anomalies (Fibroids)
What are the 3 types of infections that can occur with an IUD?
1.Immediate Infections
2.Later Infections
3.Bacterial Vaginosis
Standard of care-->if the patient becomes pregnant, what should be done with the IUD?
Remove the IUD
If the IUD is left in place in a pregnant patient, what happens?
-Strings/IUD gets pulled up
-Intrauterine infection can occur
-1st trimester-->spontaneous abortion=more common
-2nd trimester-->life-threatening
In a pregnant patient, removing the IUD can cause what?
1.What type of pregnancy does an IUD prevent?
2.What type of pregnancy does an IUD allow?
1.IUD prevents intrauterine pregnancies
2.IUD allows ectopic pregnancies
When can an IUD be inserted?
-8 weeks after delivery
-During menses
Early insertion of an IUD after delivery leads to what?
-Migration of the IUD from the uterus and into the belly
-This requires laparoscopy for removal
Can an IUD be put in at the time of a spontaneous abortion?
What are the 4 main contraindications to inserting an IUD?
1.STD history=CRITICAL
2.Wilson's Disease (Don't want to put copper into these patients)
3.Immunocomprimised (Problems with foreign body insertion)
4.Uterine anomalies
What is the only contraceptive patch on the market?
Ortho-Evra Patch
What does the ortho-evra patch contain?
Progesterone and estrogen
What is the main side effect of the patch?
-3Xs risk of thromboembolic events compared to OCs
-Higher systemic levels of estrogen result in increased risk of blood clots
What are the contraindications for the patch?
1.Do NOT give to anyone over 35 years old who smokes
2.Do NOT give to anyone with a family history concern
3.NOT recommended if > 198 pounds
If a woman is > 198 lbs, why should the patch not be used?
More tissue-->less diffusion and decreased efficacy
How does the compliance for the patch compare to that for OCs?
Better compliance-->b/c patch only involves once a week dose
What is the cycle for the patch?
-3 weeks on, 1 week off
Where is the Nuva Ring inserted?
How long is the Nuva Ring worn?
Worn for three out of four weeks
When the Nuva ring is removed during the 4th week, what happens?
Menstrual period should begin
If Nuva ring is removed or slips out of place for more than 3 hours, what happens?
Back-up contraception is necessary for 7 days
How many days of medication does the Nuva Ring have?
Has 34 days of medication so can be used as continuous birth control (off label use)
Does the Nuva Ring go through th hepatic first pass effect?
What does the Nuva Ring do to vaginal discharge and infections?
Increase in vaginal discharge
NO increase in infections
What is the most common form of contraception in the US?
For whom is a sterilization not recommended?
Young women
Can a vasectomy be reversed?
Yes, 50% successful reversal rate for vasectomy
Once a patient gets a vasectomy, what must they do?
Go back to the physician and have their sperm count measured