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34 Cards in this Set

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Produce sperm into the seminiferous tubules


What part of the brain produces FSH and LH?

The anterior pituitary by GnRH

Where’s does sperm mature?



Contain and nourish the ovum

One oocyte is produced every


When does meiosis II happen?

After fertilization

What does estrogen do?

Thicken endometrium

What produces progesterone and what phase is it secreted?

Corpus luteum and in the luteal phase

4 phases of menstrual cycle

Follicular phase


Luteal Phase


Low estrogen and progesterone results in a rise in GnRH and FSH. FSH stimulates follicles to make estrogen, which triggers ovulation.

Follicular phase

A surge of LH from high estrogen levels. LH causes follicles to burst and release the ovum.


As LH levels drop, it’s maintains the corpus luteum. Overtime it decreases LH.

Luteal phase

Corpus luteum atrophied due to low LH. This causes endometrium shedding.


Sex linked genes are also said to be


Seminiferous tubules produce ________ via ___________ cells

Sperm; sertloli

Cells of Leydig (interstitial cells) are know to secrete ___________.

Testosterone and other hormones

When do sperm gain their motility?

Once it passes through the epididymis.

Why is sperm slightly alkaline?

It has to survive the acidic environment of the vagina during fertilization

Cowper’s gland

Cleans remnants of urine and lubes the urethra

Spermatogenesis steps

Spermatogonia——> primary spermatocyte—> secondary-> spermatids—>spermatozoan

Progesterone and estrogen are produced in

The ovaries

Egg pathway

Peritoneal sac—> Fallopian tubes (movement)—> uterus (development) —> cervix

All women are born with primary oocytes. When is meiosis I complete?

1 time every month during ovulation

During ovation, where is the secondary oocyte arrested?

Metaphase II

During ovation, where is the secondary oocyte arrested?

Metaphase II

When is meiosis II completed?

After fertilization

What’re the two outer layers on the oocyte?

Sons pellicida

Corona radiata

Meiosis II begins:

Once the corona radiata is triggered by the acrosome.

What hormone is restricted before puberty?


The hypothalamus releases GnRH. What hormones does it trigger to be released and from where?

FSH and LH via the anterior pituitary gland

Androgens help promote:

Sexual differentiation

FSH is responsible for secreting which hormone?


Progesterone is secreted in response to which hormone?


What hormone spikes to induce ovulation?