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78 Cards in this Set

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Elevation of adipose tissue covered by skin and pubic hair which cushions the symphysis pubis

Mons Pubis

Covered by pubic hair, contains adipose tissue, sebaceous, and apocrine glands

Labia major

Skin fold devoid (free of) of pubic hair or fat, has sebaceous glands

Labia minora

Cylindrical mass of erectile tissue localized in the anterior junction of the labia minora


Region between labia minor within the hymen and contain the opening ducts of several glands


Occupies the greater portion of the vestibule and is bordered by the hymen

Vaginal orifice

Diamond shape area medial to thighs and buttocks in both sexes containing the external genitalia and anus.


Localized posterior to the clitoris and anterior to the vagina orifice.

- On both side are the opening of the Paraurethral (Skene) glands which secretes mucus.

External urethral orifice

Ducts open between hymen and labia minora producing mucus during sexual intercourse for lubrication.

Greater vestibular glands (Bartholin's)

Paired intra pelvic organ, supported inside the pelvic cavity


Ovaries are supported by (3)

- Broad ligament

- Mesovarium

- Suspensory ligament

Layer of simple epithelium which covers the surface of the ovary

- its a misnomer since lacks germinal cells **

Germinal epithelium

Capsule of dense fibrous tissue below the germinal epithelium

Tunica albuginea

Dense connective tissue which contains the ovarian follicles

Ovarian cortex

Deep region in the ovarian cortex with loose CT which harbors the blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves

Ovation medulla

Lie within the ovarian cortex and consists of oocytes and the surrounding cells

Ovarian follicles

If arranged as a single layer around oocyte termed _____ cells

In later stages, when several layers are formed its referred to as ____ cells

- Follicular, granulosa

Nourish the developing oocytes and begin production of estrogen as the follicle develops

Granulosa cells

Large fluid filled follicle that is prepared for the release of the secondary oocyte (ovulation)

Mature follicle (Graffian)

Corpus luteum (yellow body) are remnants of ovulated mature follicle which produces (4) until its turned into fibrous tissue called corpus albicans.

progesterone, estrogen, relaxin and inhibin

Before birth, most primordial cells will die through ____ and the remaining will develop into the primary oocyte but developing process is halted until ____

atresia, puberty

At birth 200,000 - 2,000,000 oogenia remains of which only ___ will mature and ovulate duringthe reproductive time


As the primary oocyte matures, a _____ accumulates between them and the granulose cells space called zone pellucida


The innermost layer of granulose cells form the ____ ___

corona radiata

The outermost layer of the granulose cells separates from surrounding stroma by the ___ ____

Theca folliculi

Theca follicle produces:

- theca interna = layer of ____ cells

- theca externa = outer layer of ___ tissue

- Secretory cells

- Connective tissue

Extend laterally on both poles of the uterine funds.

- The channel through which the secondary oocyte travels into the uterus. **

Fallopian tubes

Posses the fimbria which is in close relation with the ovary

- closest to ovary


Narrow middle segment


Proximal segment attached to the uterus


Pear shaped organ


Uterine body is composed of (3)

- Perimetrio

- Myometrio

- Endometrium

Vulvar inflammatory disorders are all manifested by (3)

- Pruritus (itching)

- Suppuration

- Epithelial changes

What are the 4 sexually transmitted disease talked about in class?

- Condyloma (HPV)

- Vesicular lesions (Herpes Simplex II)

- Gonococci infection

- Syphilis

Flat, moist, and minimally elevated lesion seen in association with secondary syphilis

Condyloma latum

Papillary, rugose, and elevated lesion in anogenital region. Microscopically has koilocytosis (HPV)

Condyloma Acuminata

All non-neoplastic epithelial disorders share the presence of _____

leukoplakia (areas of whitish discolouration)

Vulvar dystrophies (non-neoplastic epithelial disorders) include (2)

- Lichen sclerosus

- Squamous hyperplasia

Manifested by hyperkeratosis, thinning of epidermis and dermal sclerosis with adnexal atrophy

Lichen sclerosus

Manifested as epithelial thickening andhyperkeratosis.

- There is NO predisposition for cancer developmental though is usually present around themargins of vulvar cancer.

Squamous hyperplasia

Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) ranges from mild dysplasia to carcinoma in situ. Includes what 3 carcinomas

- Squamous cell carcinoma (90%)

- Extramammary paget's

- Melanoma (<5%)

Vagina is usually secondarily affected from lesions of the ___ or __

vulva or cervix

Vaginitis is a relatively common and accompanied by transient problems as vaginal discharged related to infectious organisms such as (2)

Candida sp. and trichomonas

Neoplasms in the vagina usually occur in ____ women

postmenopausal (>60)

Lesion seen in late teen girls from mothers who received diethystillbestrol during pregnancy

Clear cell adenocarcinoma

Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma produces a soft polypoid mass

- Commonly occur < 5y/o.

Sarcoma botryoides

Cervicitis can be caused by (5)

- Chlamydia

- Candida

- Ureaplasma

- Trichomonas


Acute nonspecific cervicitis is a term limited to post partum or for ___/___ infections
Staph, strep

Erosive cervicitis is anything secondary to physical agents such as (3)

Coitus, birth trauma, age

Endocervical polyp is inflammatory in origin and is lined by mucos producing endocervical gland cells.

- complication is ____


Important test which screens a cervical sample for the identification of pre malignant disorders

PAP Smear

HPV is present in __-__% of pre malignant lesions


__-__% of carcinomas lack the presence of HPV.

- Cigarette smoking is involved in unknown manner.


85 -90% squamous in nature evolving from CIN.

Invasive carcinoma

Invasive carcinoma has what 3 macroscopic characteristics?

- Fungating

- Ulcerative

- Infiltrative (least frequent)

__-__% of invasive carcinoma are adenocarcinoma or combination


Presence of endometrial tissue within the myometrium


Presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity or myometrium


Clinical significance of “ectopic” endometrialtissue undergoes cyclic changes.

- May be associated with (3)

- Infertility

- Dysmenorrhea

- Dyspreunia

Etiologies of endometriosis (3)

- Regurgitation

- Metaplastic tissue

- Vascular or lymphatic spread

Sessile round pedunculated lesion of which the stromal cells are neoplasitic.

- more common at menopause accompanied with abnormal uterine bleeding

Endometrial polyp

Endometrial polyp may precede ____


____ is the most common benign tumor infemales.

- It is found in up to 50% on reproductive years

- tumor of smooth muscle also referred as "____"

Leiomyoma, fibroids

Malignant tumor derived from mesenchymal cells.


Leiomyosarcoma is NOT preceded nor derived from precasting ____


_______ are the most frequent endometrial carcinoma andrelated with anovulatory cycle and/ordysfunctional (irregular) uterine bleeding.

Endometrial adenocarcinoma more commonly develop in menopausal age associated with endometrial ____


Risk factors for endometrial adenocarcinoma (4)

- Obesity (inc. synthesis of estrogen)

- DM


- Infertility (nulliparous)

Fallopian tube disorders are mainly caused by (5)

- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

- Inflammatory (infectious) disease

- Endometriosis

- Ectopic pregnancy

- Uterine adenocarcinoma extending into tubes

What two genes are involved in ovarian neoplasm?

BRCA 1 and BRCA 2

Most frequent of the ovarian tumors usuallyoccur between 30 – 40y/o.

Serous tumors

Serous tumors can be solid or cystic

- __% benign

- __% low malignant potential

- __% malignant




Analogous to serous tumors in all respectsbut are considered less likely to bemalignant.

Mucinous tumors

Mucinous tumors are __% benign and __% low malignant potential

80%, 10%

- Account for 10% of all ovarian neoplasms

- Germ cell tumor being 15-20% of all ovarian neoplasms

- Mucinous tumor

- Teratomas

Teratomas usually arise in pts <__y/o, the younger the patient the greater the risk of malignancy

20 y/o

Bengin cystic mature teratomas make up >__%


____ malignant teratoma are often bulky predominately solid tumors in younger age groups
